4V Incunabula BOOK PRINTING HISTORY Journals
A Group of Six Books: The Art of Paisely, Ed Rossbach; Journal of Indian Textile History, CalicoFeb 26, 20245 MAD Magazine Softback Books 1970's to 1990'sApr 20, 2024The First World War A Photographic History by Laurence Stallings 1933Apr 20, 20241898 History and Government of Washington 1st EdApr 20, 20241915 The MENTOR The Story of the American Railroad (6 plates)Apr 20, 2024A Pictoral History of the Confederacy 1959 Excellent condition.Apr 20, 20241953 Divided We Fought A Pictoral History of the War 1861-1865Apr 20, 20245 Hardback Books about the Old West - The Journals of Lewis and Clark 1953Apr 20, 20241661 ELZEVIR PRESS History of favorites by Pierre DUPUY antiqueFeb 27, 2024Book trade history.- Battaglini (Angelo) Dissertazione accademica sul commercio degli antichi eFeb 29, 2024Early 1900's Handwritten Journal/ Scrapbook Helen Goodwin CollinsFeb 27, 2024The Goodyear Story, O’Reilly (sgd 1st ptg)Feb 27, 2024Early cycling ephemera & periodicalsMar 07, 2024Book Club of California 135 and 165Mar 07, 2024Little Fur Family w/ rabbit fur binding and boxMar 07, 2024Yeager autobiography signed twiceMar 07, 2024Commemorative volume for A. Lincoln 1867Mar 07, 2024BY LUCIUS ANNAEUS FLORUS ANCIENT L. FLORI DE GESTIS ROMANORUM, 1542 ROMAN HISTORYMar 03, 2024TWO VOLUMES OF ANTIQUE LETTERS FROM PLINY THE YOUNGER TO CHARLES LORD BOYLE, 1751Mar 03, 2024THE WHOLE CHRONICLE OF POLYBIUS ANCIENT IN ENGLISH, 1756Mar 03, 20241895 ANTIQUE FIRST EDITION SKETCHES OF PRINTS AND PRINTING OF COLONIAL NEW YORKMar 03, 20243PC Virginia Police History BooksMar 18, 20248PC Massachusetts Police History BooksMar 18, 2024BOOK HISTORY OF THE JEWS IN RUSSIA VOLUME 1 1914.Jun 15, 2024