40's 9-Patch Antique Crib Quilt ~GREAT NOVELTY PRINTS!This CHEERY cotton 30's/40's 9-patch crib quilt is hand pieced and hand quilted, with wonderful novelty prints used throughout. It measures 45" X 56" and is in EXCELLENT condition, with no spots or weSee Sold Price
40's 9-Patch Antique Crib Quilt40's 9-Patch Antique Crib Quilt ~GREAT NOVELTY PRINTS! This CHEERY cotton 30's/40's 9-patch crib quilt is hand pieced and hand quilted, with wonderful novelty prints used throughout. It measures 45" XSee Sold Price
40's 9-Patch Antique Crib Quilt40's 9-Patch Antique Crib Quilt This 30's/40's cotton 9-patch crib quilt is hand pieced and hand quilted, with wonderful novelty prints used throughout. It measures 45" X 56" and is in EXCELLENT condiSee Sold Price
SoldAntique c1870 9 Patch Crib QuiltAntique c1870 9 Patch Crib Quilt measuring 30x40". Comprised of 88 9 patch blocks, 2.5x2.5", set on point, 8x11, with a madder print alternating squares and setting triangles. Great variety of printsSee Sold Price
CHEERY Vintage 30's Overall Sam Antique Crib QuiltCHEERY Vintage 30's Overall Sam Antique Crib Quilt ~A+ QUILTING & NOVELTY PRINTS! This BEAUTIFUL cotton overall Sam quilt is hand appliqued and hand quilted, with a cheery yellow dog novelty print useSee Sold Price
1890's 9-Patch / Flying Geese QuiltLg. VIBRANT 1870's 9-Patch Variation Antique Quilt, Nice Copper Madder Prints! Lg. VIBRANT 1870's 9-Patch Variation Antique Quilt, Nice Copper Madder Prints! Description This elegant 1870's cotton ninSee Sold Price
SoldAntique c1900 9 Patch Crib QuiltAntique c1900 On Point 9 Patch Crib Quilt with a flying geese border measuring 35x49". Comprised of 35 red and white 9 patches set on point, 5x7, with alternating white squares and setting triangles.See Sold Price
SoldVintage 30's Overall Sam Antique Crib QuiltVintage 30's Overall Sam Antique Crib Quilt This cotton overall Sam quilt is hand appliqued and hand quilted, with a cheery yellow dog novelty print used on Sam's shirt and hat. It measures 42" X 56"See Sold Price
CHEERY Vintage 30's Overall Sam Antique Crib Quilt ~A+This BEAUTIFUL cotton overall Sam quilt is hand appliqued and hand quilted, with a cheery yellow dog novelty print used on Sam's shirt and hat. It measures 42" X 56" and is in excellent condition, witSee Sold Price
Vintage AUTHENTIC AMISH Improved Nine Patch AntiqueELEGANT Vintage AUTHENTIC AMISH Improved Nine Patch Antique Quilt ~Great Colors! This gorgeous cotton 1910's/1920's Amish improved 9-patch quilt is precisely machine pieced and hand quilted, with dramSee Sold Price
40's Snowball Antique Quilt TopThis cotton 30's/40's snowball quilt top is hand pieced, with a rich variety of cheerful fabrics, including some novelty prints (see photos). It measures 84" X 88" and is in excellent condition, withSee Sold Price
9-patch 19th c. crib quilt, blue groundAMAZING Vintage 1870's Nine Patch Antique Miniature Crib Quilt ~NICE INDIGO! This ELEGANT cotton 1870's nine patch crib quilt is hand pieced and hand quilted, with solid red accents, inner double pinkSee Sold Price
1870's 9-Patch Crib Quilt, Indigo Blue GroundAMAZING Vintage 1870's Nine Patch Antique Miniature Crib Quilt ~NICE INDIGO! This ELEGANT cotton 1870's nine patch crib quilt is hand pieced and hand quilted, with solid red accents, inner double pinkSee Sold Price
30's 9-Patch Bars Quilt TopThis wonderful cotton 20's/30's nine patch/postage stamp/bars quilt top is hand pieced, with a classic solid medium green frame and whimsical novelty prints in places. It measures 66" X 90" and is inSee Sold Price
Vintage 40's Wagon Wheel Antique QuiltVintage 40's Wagon Wheel Antique Quilt This cotton 40's wagon wheels quilt is hand pieced and hand quilted, with a variety of cheery novelty prints and light blue solid accents and border. It measuresSee Sold Price
SoldVintage 40s Grandmother's Fan Antique QuiltThis BEAUTIFUL cotton 40's grandmother's fan quilt is precisely machine pieced and hand quilted, with solid red accents and whimsical novelty prints in places. It measures 74" X 90" and is in excellenSee Sold Price
Vintage 1880's 9 Patch Log Cabin Antique QuiltThis cotton 1870's/1880's nine patch quilt is hand pieced and hand quilted, with additional blocks with log cabin and diamond-in-square pattern. The backgroud is an a maroon/burgundy print.It measuresSee Sold Price
SoldHansome 4-Patch Quilt, Early BrownsELEGANT Vintage Four Patch Variation Patchwork Antique Quilt ~GREAT COLORS! This HANDSOME cotton four patch variation quilt is hand pieced and hand quilted, with a beautiful brown print background andSee Sold Price
Nine Patch Antique QuiltVintage Nine Patch Antique Quilt ~VIBRANT ZIGZAG FABRICS & MINT CONDITION! This VIBRANT cotton 40's/50's 9-patch quilt top is precisely machine pieced, with dark pink and purple fabrics. It measures 5See Sold Price
Vintage Nine Patch Antique Quilt ~Vintage Nine Patch Antique Quilt ~VIBRANT ZIGZAG FABRICS & MINT CONDITION! This VIBRANT cotton 40's/50's 9-patch quilt top is precisely machine pieced, with dark pink and purple fabrics. It measures 5See Sold Price
SoldAntique c1880 Single Irish Chain Crib QuiltAntique c1880 Single Irish Chain Crib Quilt measuring 35x39". Comprised 20 9 patch blocks in double pink and indigo with indigo alternating squares and triangles. There is a 1" double pink inner bordeSee Sold Price
SoldAntique Quilt - Uneven 9 PatchAntique Quilt - Uneven 9 Patch, c1880s with earlier Turkey Red fabric, measures 72 inches by 87 inches. Hand pieced and hand quilted. Thin cotton batting and a print on the back. Edge are finished simSee Sold Price
SoldAntique Nine Patch Pattern Patchwork Crib Quilt.Antique Nine Patch Pattern Patchwork Crib Quilt. 38" x 40". Condition: Good with some stains and wear.See Sold Price
SoldAntique c1880 25 Patch Crib QuiltAntique c1880 25 Patch Crib Quilt measuring 31x41". Comprised 12 blocks, 6x6", set on point, 3x4, with a shirting print alternating squares and triangles. There is a 1.5" indigo inner border and a 1.2See Sold Price