4 VT Civil War soldier related letters
Civil War Button Bundle, WaterburyMar 21, 2024ANTIQUE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR ETCHINGS BY EDWIN FORBESFeb 24, 2024[CIVIL WAR]. Group of Three Signed Documents, Three Soldier...Mar 07, 2024[CIVIL WAR]. A Trio of a Union Soldier’s Letters Home, Incl...Mar 07, 2024[CIVIL WAR]. Group of Early American CDVs and Tint...Mar 07, 2024[CIVIL WAR]. A Photo Album of CDVs, Including 14 P...Mar 07, 2024[CIVIL WAR]. A group of engravings presenting scenes and subjects mostly related to enslavement andFeb 27, 2024[CIVIL WAR]. Letter from Maurice Lamprey, 10th New Hampshire Infantry, in which he rejectsFeb 27, 2024[ENSLAVEMENT & ABOLITION]. A northern preacher's letters concerning teaching soldiers from the 15thFeb 27, 2024[CIVIL WAR]. Archive identified to African American soldier William H. Wade, 20th US Colored Troops,Feb 27, 2024[CIVIL WAR]. Correspondence with African American soldier William Jefferson, 8th US Colored Troops,Feb 27, 2024[CIVIL WAR]. Partly-printed document regarding the "final statements" for Private James Jones, Co.Feb 27, 2024[CIVIL WAR - UNITED STATES COLORED TROOPS]. A group of 4 documents related to officers of USCT andFeb 27, 2024[BUFFALO SOLDIERS]. A large collection of photographs and documents related to 19th-20th centuryFeb 27, 20242 Photos Of Civil War Soldiers (1) Tin TypeFeb 25, 20241864 LIFE & LETTERS of WASHINGTON IRVINGS 4 VOLUMES SET antique CIVIL WAR ERAFeb 27, 2024Antique Civil War Cabinet CardMar 09, 2024Antique Albumen Print: Two SoldiersMar 09, 2024Antique Photographs: Civil War Tintypes (3)Mar 09, 2024Antique Civil War Photographs (6)Mar 09, 2024Antique Civil War Portrait Photographs (4)Mar 09, 2024Antique Photograph: Civil War Cabinet CardMar 09, 2024Antique Photographs: Cartes de Visite (9)Mar 09, 2024Antique Britains LTD Lead Hand Painted Civil War 2" Soldiers Queens Royal GuardsFeb 28, 2024