Sold4 AC WILLIAMS & HUBLEY TOY AUTOSpainted cast iron, AC Williams Coupe, 4" long, Bus 5" long, Sedan, 4" long, Hubley Model T, 4" long, C1-3.See Sold Price
Sold5-CAST IRON TOY AUTOS, HUBLEY and MORELargest is a 4 3/4" A.C. Williams silver race car with 2 replaced wheels. Also included is a A,C, Williams orange sedan and blue take a part car. The Hubley green town car is all original but is missiSee Sold Price
Sold4 TOY AUTOSpainted cast iron, Hubley Sedan, 4" long, AC Williams Bus, 5" long, Hubley Coupe, 4" long, AC Williams Sedan, 4" long, repainted, C2-5.See Sold Price
SoldCast Iron Steam Shovel Crane Truck TransporterA.C. Williams Truck cab auto transporter with 2 Steam Shovel construction cranes. Cranes may be Hubley or Dent, very nice shape 4 1/4 inches. Trailer is Eccles more contemporary. Very good looking disSee Sold Price
SoldToy vehicles (4), A.C. Williams, Kenton & Hubley castToy vehicles (4), A.C. Williams, Kenton & Hubley cast iron cars & delivery vehicles, all VG cond (red is repainted w/newer tires), 3.75"-5"L.See Sold Price
Sold3-CAST IRON A.C. WILLIAMS TOY AUTOSLargest is 4", nice original condition. Very Good-ExcellentSee Sold Price
SoldCAST IRON & DIECAST TOY LOT, HUBLEY, DINKY & MORELot includes Hubley 4 3/4" cast iron Fire Pumper, a 4 1/2" Hubley cast iron Chrysler airflow, a A, C,Williams UX99 Monoplane missing prop, a 4" A.C. Williams cast iron Sedan, a Dinky diecast Bus and aSee Sold Price
SoldCAST IRON TOY LOT, HUBLEY, KENTON & MORELot includes 14" Kenton horse and Wagon in original condition with replaced wheel under horse, a 4 1/2" Hubley dump truck missing one wheel, a 3 3/4" A.C. Williams tractor with screw instead of rivet,See Sold Price
SoldLot of White Rubber Tires for Cast Iron ToysLot of white rubber tires for Arcade, AC Williams, Hubley, and other toys. Diameters include 3/4" to 1 1/2"See Sold Price
Sold4 TOY AUTOSpainted cast iron, Arcade Model T, 5” long, Arcade Model A, repainted, 6 1/2” long, AC Williams Sedan, 4” long, Kilgore Artic Ice Cream Truck, 6 1/2” long, repainted, 1 eyelet on chassis brokeSee Sold Price
Sold2 TOY AUTOSpainted cast iron, 4 1/2 in long, AC Williams Packard Roadster, Champion Mack Dump Truck, C5.See Sold Price
SoldCAST IRON TOY PARTS, AUTOS, TOOLS and MORENice lot with original Hubley and A.C. Williams auto parts, along with a large lot of cast iron and other toy tools. Good-Very GoodSee Sold Price
Sold5-CAST IRON TOYS, ARCADE, HUBLEY & MORELot includes A.C. Williams 4 1/2" bus and 5 1/2" ladder truck, and Arcade 6 3/4" NY World's Fair bus and 4 1/4" fire pumper, along with a 5" Hubley roadster wrecker. Some damage and missing parts. GooSee Sold Price
Sold4-CAST IRON TOY TRUCKS and AUTOLargest is about 6", lot includes 3 A.C. Williams vehicles and a Hubley take a part Woody Wagon. Condition varies. Good-Very GoodSee Sold Price
SoldFOUR SMALL CAST IRON AUTOS463. FOUR SMALL CAST IRON AUTOS | Made by AC Williams, Hubley, & Kilgore. From the Paul Cole Collection. | 4.5" l. | One blue car with figure has crack at peen, other blue car re-peened, (Very Good CoSee Sold Price
Sold6 CAST IRON TOYSpainted cast iron, AC Williams Moving & Storage Van, 4 1/2" long, Champion Police Motorcycle, 4 3/4" long, AC Williams Elephant Still Bank, 4" tall, Hubley Tow Truck, 4 1/2" long, Hubley Airflow, 4 1/See Sold Price
SoldCast Iron Toy Tank, Bank, Auto & Wagon Medley.A.C. Williams Green Tank, 4" long, unknown maker "Tank Bank" dated 1918, Log Cabin Bank, unknown Roadster (missing driver) circa 1930, with REPRODUCTION "Express Wagon" with goat & horsedrawn Ice WagoSee Sold Price
Sold4 CAST IRON AUTOS4 CAST IRON AUTOS painted cast iron, Hubley Sedan, 4 in long, Arcade Sedan, 5 in long, Hubley Austin, 3 3/4 in long, AC Williams Sedan, 4 1/4 in long, all are restored, C7-8.See Sold Price
Sold4 CAST IRON AUTOSpainted cast iron, Kilgore Roadster w/driver, 3" long, Hubley Take-Apart Convertible Sedan, 5" long, paint chips on roof, Hubley Model T, 4" long, AC Williams Sedan, 4" long, C4-5.See Sold Price
Sold3-CAST IRON TOY AUTOS, & TRUCK, KILGORE and MORELargest is the A.C. Williams take a part green stake truck at 4 1/2". The 2 multi colored autos are made by Kilgore. Light wear. Very Good-ExcellentSee Sold Price
Sold3-CAST IRON TOY AUTOS and TRUCKLargest is Hubley Roadster at 5", it is a nice original. Also included is a A.C. Williams race car and Mack truck, both with touchup. Good-Very GoodSee Sold Price
Sold4-CAST IRON TOY AUTOS and TRUCK, KILGORE & MORE3 3/4", nice grouping with a Kilgore roadster, 2 A.C. Williams coupes, and a Williams fire pumper. Condition varies. Overall Very GoodSee Sold Price
SoldHUBLEY and A.C. WILLIAMS cast iron TOYSLot includes a 3 3/4" Hubley Wonder cement mixer, 2 A.C. Williams 4 1/2" road graders, and the frame for a Williams dump cart. Very GoodSee Sold Price
SoldGROUPING OF SIX AUTOSAssorted styles and Mfgrs., all done in cast iron, includes A.C. Williams Lincoln Touring car, Hubley Zephyr, and four small scale Arcade & Hubley autos in red or green body. 4" to 7" l.See Sold Price
1978 Toy Car Made in Czechoslovakia, Dedecek Auto MobilCain Modern Auctions4.4(44)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Rare Hubley Antique Cast Iron A.C. Williams UX 166 AirplaneIroquois Auctions4.2(130)See Sold PriceApr 20, 2024
Vintage Cast Iron Mack Gasoline Tanker TruckMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024