Sold33 vols. Religious works.33 volumes. In various bindings of leather and cloth. (1) C.A. Sainte-Beuve. Port-Royal. Hachette, Paris, 1901. 6 volumes. 8vo. Bound in contemporary leather, gilt spines. (2) Godescard, Abbe. Vies deSee Sold Price
Sold67 Vols. Religious Works.67 volumes. In various bindings of leather and cloth. Collection of various 19th-20th century books on religious practice and famous catholic fathers. (1) Pierre-Rene Auguis. Oeuvres de Clement Marot.See Sold Price
Sold37 vols. Religious Works.37 volumes. In various bindings of leather and cloth. 17-19th century volumes of works of saints and religious topics.Condition: Minor to moderate rubbing. Some volumes with library markings. ScattereSee Sold Price
Sold59 Vols. Religious works.59 vols. In various bindings of leather and cloth. Collection of various 19th-20th century books on religious practice and famous catholic fathers.Condition: Minor to moderate rubbing. Some volumes wiSee Sold Price
Sold64 Vols. Religious works.64 volumes. In various bindings of leather and cloth. (1) Cursus scripturae sacrae. P. Lethielleux, Paris. volumes. 8vo. Blue cloth, page ends washed red. (2) Henri Didon. Jesus Christ: Heri et hodie,See Sold Price
Sold51 Vols. Religious works.2 sets in 51 volumes. La Somme Theologique de Saint Thomas. Belin, Paris, 1854-1856. 16 volumes. Bound in quarter leather over maroon boards. [with] Cursus Scripturae Sacre. Lethielleux, Paris, 1885.See Sold Price
Sold51 Vols. Religious Works.51 volumes. In various bindings of leather and cloth. (1) Pratique Journaliere de L'Oraison et de La Contemplation Divine. De Brouwer, Paris. 6 volumes. Quarter leather over gray cloth. (2) DirectionsSee Sold Price
Sold34 Vols. Religious Works.34 volumes. Bound in various styles of leather bindings. With Bergier, Nicolas-Sylvestre. Dictionnaire de Theologie. Liege, 1789-92. 8 volumes. 8vo. Bound in full tree calf leather, gilt spine. (2) RoSee Sold Price
Sold45 Vols. Religious Works.45 volumes. Bound in both leather and cloth. With 12 volumes of Oeuvres Completes de F. De La Mennais, Paris 1836 and 18 volumes of Oeuvres Complete Di Liguori. Tourani, 1854.Condition: Minor to moderSee Sold Price
Sold55 Vols. Religious Works.55 volumes. In various bindings of leather and cloth. (1) Exposition du Dogme Catholique. Carme 1877- Baltenweck, Paris, 1869-80. 20 volumes. Quarter brown leather over marbled boards. (2) Barbier, AbSee Sold Price
Sold27 Vols. Religious Works.27 volumes. Various leather and cloth bindings. Explication Suivie des Quatre Evangiles par le docteur angelique Saint Thomas D'Aquin de composee d'extraits des interprets grecs et latins, et surtoutSee Sold Price
Sold26 Vols. Religious Works.Scaramelli. Methode de Direction Spirituelle. 1854; Gagey. Catechisme du Concile de Trente. 1911; Glaire. 26 volumes. Various leather and cloth bindings. Works are: Introduction a L'Ecriture Sainte. 1See Sold Price
Sold27 Vols. Religious Works.27 volumes of leather and cloth bindings. Paul Allard; Longueval, Fontenay, Brumoy, Berthier. Histoire de L'Eglise Gallicane. Paris, 1828. 8vo. 19 volumes. (2) Paul Allard. La Persecution de DiocletieSee Sold Price
(33) Vols., Works of Charles Dickens, LeatherThirty-three (33) volumes of "Edition Deluxe of Works of Charles Dickens", #661 of 1000, 1881 and 1882, leather-bound books. (Set incomplete, missing vols. 7, 17, 28, and 29).See Sold Price
Sold61 Vols. Religious works.61 volumes. In various bindings of leather and cloth. Collection of various 19th-20th century books on religious practice and famous catholic fathers. Vigouroux. Les Livres Saints et la Critique RatioSee Sold Price
Sold62 Vols. Religious Works.62 volumes. In various bindings of leather and cloth. (1) M. Charles Barthelemy. Rational ou Manuel Des Divins de Guillaume Durand. Louis Vives, Paris, 1854. (2) Collegii Salmanticensis...Corsus TheolSee Sold Price
Sold61 Vols. Religious Works.61 volumes. In various bindings of leather and cloth. (1) Guillaume Francois Berthier. Reflexions Spirituelles du P. G. F. Berthier. Chez Simon Sacarau. Toulouse. 1811. 5 volumes. 8vo. Contemporary leSee Sold Price
Sold62 Vols. Religious Works.62 volumes. In various bindings of leather and cloth. (1) J. Cretineau-Joly. Histoire Religieuse, Politique, et Litteraire de la Compagnie de Jesus Composee sur les Documents Inedits et Authentiques.See Sold Price
Sold52 Vols. Religious Works.52 volumes. Bound in both leather and cloth. With 13 volumes of the Works of Di Lugouri and 11 volumes of the works of Ozanam (extra volume 2).Condition: Minor to moderate rubbing. Library markings toSee Sold Price
Sold49 Vols. Religious Works.49 volumes. In various bindings of leather and cloth. (1) Poire, R. P. Francois. La Triple Couronne de la Bienheurese Vierge Mere de Dieu. Julien, Lanier, Le Mans; Jacques Lecoffre, Paris, 1849. (2) MSee Sold Price
Sold62 Vols. Religious Works.62 volumes. In various bindings of leather and cloth. (1) Oeuvres Episcopales du Cardinal Pie. Oudin, Paris. 9 volumes. 8vo. Quarter red leather over marbled boards. (2) Espirit des Saints Illustrees.See Sold Price
Sold27 Vols. Religious Works.2 sets in 27 volumes. (1) J.-P. Migne, Frederic-Edouard Chassay. Demonstrations Evangeliques de Tertullien [and others]. Chez l'editeur, Paris, 1843-52. 19 volumes (of 20). 4to. Bound in quarter red lSee Sold Price
Sold35 Vols. Religious Works.35 volumes. 5 separate sets, with 15 volumes of Dassance's Nouvelle Bibliotheque des Predicateurs. Paris, 1836 and 10 volumes of Opere Aschetiche di S. Alfonso Maria de Liguori. Torino, 1845.ConditionSee Sold Price
Sold37 Vols. Religious Works.37 volumes. In various bindings of leather and cloth. (1) Oeuvres de Bourdaloue. Cattier, Tour, 1872. 12mo. Bound in quarter leather over marbled boards. (2) Oeuvres Completes de Sainte Terese de JesuSee Sold Price
Spanish school of the 17th century. "San Francisco". Oil on panel. With Dutch frame of the 18thSetdart Auction House4(23)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Pierre Puvis de Chavannes (French, 1824-1898) - Sainte Radegonde Prenant le Voile et Saint LoupFreeman's | Hindman4.5(158)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Cuzco School Style Madonna & Holy Infant PaintingHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Wolff (Christian) [Works], 6 vol., Frankfurt & Leipzig, Renger, 1737-1744Forum Auctions4.3(53)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Foulis.- Dryden (John, translator).- Virgilius Maro (Publius) The Works, 3 vol., Robert & AndrewForum Auctions4.3(53)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Eliot (George) The Works, 10 vol., "Library edition", Edinburgh, 1901; and the works of JohnForum Auctions4.3(53)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Kipling (Rudyard) The Works, 31 vol., "Bombay edition", 1913-33; and Disraeli's Novels (43)Forum Auctions4.3(53)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Shaw (Bernard) The Works, 33 vol., from an edition limited to 1025 copies, 1930-38; and other setsForum Auctions4.3(53)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Archaeology.- Redford (Scott) Landscape and the State in Medieval Anatolia, Oxford, 2000; and othersForum Auctions4.3(53)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A group of mostly leather bound books in EnglishAndrew Jones Auctions4.7(206)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
In the manner of Jacques Adnet, Stools, set of fourLos Angeles Modern Auctions4.4(24)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
FRIDA KAHLO, 'SELF-PORTRAIT WITH THE BLACK CAT, LIMITED EDITION LITHOGRAPH, 1979White Knight Auction, Inc4.7(250)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Richard Prince, It's a Free Concert from Now onLos Angeles Modern Auctions4.4(24)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024