Sold3 radiator mascots; 1x FORD, c. 1950, (29 cm), ca3 radiator mascots; 1x FORD, c. 1950, (29 cm), casting, plastic wing; 1x lion head, (26 cm); 1x eagle with close-fitting wings, (49 cm); condition: 2 to 4 German Description: 3 Kühlerfiguren; 1x FORDSee Sold Price
SoldDODGE radiator mascot, mixed lot of 3 pieces, c.DODGE radiator mascot, mixed lot of 3 pieces, c. 1950; 41, 42 and 47 cm, chromium-plated casting, installed on awood base German Description: DODGE Kühlerfigur, Konv. 3-teilig, ca. 1950; 41, 42 u. 47See Sold Price
SoldPACKARD radiator mascot, swan, chromium-plated caPACKARD radiator mascot, swan, chromium-plated casting, (19 cm tall, 15 cm wide), partially with flaws at the chrome, c. 1950 German Description: PACKARD Kühlerfigur, Schwan, Guss verchromt, (19 cm hSee Sold Price
SoldPACKARD radiator mascot, swan, chromium-plated caPACKARD radiator mascot, swan, chromium-plated casting, (18.5 cm long, 22 cm tall), installed on awood base, chrome is slightly steamed up, c. 1950 German Description: PACKARD Kühlerfigur, Schwan, GuSee Sold Price
Sold3 radiator mascots, 1x woman sculpture, (23.5 cm)3 radiator mascots, 1x woman sculpture, (23.5 cm), ball is missing; 1x lying woman, (26.5 cm), chrome with damages; 1x standing woman, (18.5 cm); condition: 2-3 German Description: 3 Kühlerfiguren, 1See Sold Price
Sold3 radiator mascots, 1x BUICK, '50s, (56 cm); 1x B3 radiator mascots, 1x BUICK, '50s, (56 cm); 1x BUICK, 1957, (30.5 cm); 1x BUICK, 1951-52, (54 cm); condition: 2 German Description: 3 Kühlerfiguren, 1x BUICK, 50er Jahre, (56 cm); 1x BUICK, 1957, (3See Sold Price
Sold3 radiator mascots, portrayal of women, 1x 36 cm,3 radiator mascots, portrayal of women, 1x 36 cm, lying; 1x woman, 23,5 cm; 1x portrayal of woman, 19 cm; chromium-platedcasting , installed on a wood base German Description: 3 Kühlerfiguren, FrauenSee Sold Price
Sold3 radiator mascots, 1x ranger with American flag,3 radiator mascots, 1x ranger with American flag, (18 cm), iron casting; 1x English flag; 1x jumping buck, chromium-plated casting, (17 cm), flaws at the chrome German Description: 3 Kühlefiguren, 1xSee Sold Price
Sold3 radiator mascots, 1x Herkules carrying a globe,3 radiator mascots, 1x Herkules carrying a globe, (20,5 cm); 1x female bowman, (17 cm); 1x man (16.5 cm); chromium-plated casting, chrome partially with damages, installed on a wood base German DescriSee Sold Price
SoldAUSTIN radiator mascots, 1x 46.5 cm long, 1x 40 cAUSTIN radiator mascots, 1x 46.5 cm long, 1x 40 cm wide, chromium-plated casting, with small flaws at the chrome German Description: AUSTIN Kühlerfiguren, 1x 46,5 cm lang, 1x 40 cm breit, Guss verchrSee Sold Price
mixed lot of 3 radiator mascots, Singer Motor U.K.,mixed lot of 3 radiator mascots, Singer Motor U.K., cock, chromium-plated bronze, c. 1930, measurements always 8 cm, rare, all good condition German Description Konv. 3 Kühlerfiguren, Singer Motor U.See Sold Price
SoldSTEYR, radiator mascot c. 1925, praying maharajahSTEYR, radiator mascot c. 1925, praying maharajah, bronze, partly nickel-plated, solidly, manufacturer Weber and Rühl, height 15 cm German Description STEYR Kühlerfigur ca. 1925, betender MaharadschSee Sold Price
SoldCarl-Harry Stalhane, collection of four vasesCarl-Harry Stalhane collection of four vases RorstrandSweden, c. 1950glazed stoneware3.75 dia x 11.5 h in (10 x 29 cm) Signed with incised manufacturer's mark to underside of each example:See Sold Price
SoldAksel Bender Madsen and Ejner Larsen, jewelry boxAksel Bender Madsen and Ejner Larsen jewelry box Willy Beck CabinetmakerDenmark, c. 1950teak, mirrored glass3.75 h × 12.25 w × 11.5 d in (10 × 31 × 29 cm) Box features mirrored flip-top lidSee Sold Price
BMW mixed lot of 3 brooches (?), with a diameter of c.BMW mixed lot of 3 brooches (?), with a diameter of c. 3 cm, 1x without pin, good condition German Description BMW Konv. 3 Ansteckbroschen (?), Durchmesser ca. 3 cm, 1x ohne Nadel, guter Zust.See Sold Price
Soldradiator mascot, Bulldog, c. 1930, bronze, 10.5 cradiator mascot, Bulldog, c. 1930, bronze, 10.5 cm long, installed on a wood base German Description: Kühlerfigur, Bulldogge, ca. 1930, Bronze, 10,5 cm lang, auf Holzsockel montiert Italian DescriptiSee Sold Price
SoldFORD ITALMECCANICA c. 1950, original B/W photo FordFORD ITALMECCANICA c. 1950, original B/W photo Ford Italmeccanica IT 160, 18 x 24 cm, rare German Description FORD ITALMECCANICA Ca. 1950, original schwarz/weiß Aufnahme Ford Italmeccanica IT 160, 18See Sold Price
SoldM.G. MIDGE radiator mascot, c. 1935, dragonfly, cM.G. MIDGE radiator mascot, c. 1935, dragonfly, chromium-plated casting, one wing with flaws at the chrome, installed on a wood base, (8.5 cm tall) German Description: M.G. MIDGE Kühlerfigur, ca. 193See Sold Price
SoldHWN truck-bus trailer, c. 1950, Made in US-zoneHWN truck-bus trailer, c. 1950, Made in US-zone Germany, clock mechanism drive, 29 cm,roof of the pendant with ascratch, otherwise good condition German Description HWN LKW-Busanhänger, ca. 1950,See Sold Price
SoldGerman Theodolite "Carl Zeiss Jena", c. 1950Theodolit "Carl Zeiss Jena", um 1950 Nr. 74669 Th40". 29 cm, Eisen, lackiert. Alles funktioniert, Gebrauchsspuren. 3 Libellen, aufsteckbarer Röhrenkompaß. Justage mit Koinzidenzlibelle. Teilung 360�See Sold Price
SoldCROSSLEY radiator mascot, c. 1929, Woman on wheelCROSSLEY radiator mascot, c. 1929, Woman on wheel, chromium-plated casting, (14 cm), installed on a wood base German Description: CROSSLEY Kühlerfigur, ca. 1929, Woman on wheel, Guss verchromt, (14 cSee Sold Price
SoldOLDSMOBILE radiator mascot, chromium-plated castiOLDSMOBILE radiator mascot, chromium-plated casting, (42 cm), chrome is partially a little bit steamed up, installed on a wood base, c. 1950 German Description: OLDSMOBILE Kühlerfigur, Guss verchromtSee Sold Price
SoldARNOLD Jimmy, 3-part, lithographed, 2x plastic, 1xARNOLD Jimmy, 3-part, lithographed, 2x plastic, 1x mass, c. 36/37 cm, small articles, missing, used, good German Description ARNOLD Jimmy, 3-tlg., lithogr., 2x Kunststoff, 1x Masse, ca. 36/37 cm, KleiSee Sold Price
Resht Prayer Niche Embroidery, Persia, Mid 19th C., 3'4'' x 5'2''Material Culture4.6(769)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Framed Oil on Canvas signed Cundo Bermudez and dated 1975Basel Auction House4.5(46)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Framed Ceramic on wood signed Jose Mijares (CUBAN) lower Right.Basel Auction House4.5(46)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Framed Watercolor on Paper signed Hector MOLNE, Cuban artist, lower left with C O A from the artistBasel Auction House4.5(46)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Framed drawing on Cardboard signed and titled possibly french.Basel Auction House4.5(46)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Jose Maria Mijares (1921-2004) Cuban, Framed watercolor on Cardboard with COA signed lower left.Basel Auction House4.5(46)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Framed Mixed Media and pastel on paper signed Pedro Alvarez (1967-2004) and dated 51Basel Auction House4.5(46)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
After Frank Lloyd Wright, Dana-Thomas House lampToomey & Co. Auctioneers4.7(391)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024