Sold3 Greene County, TN Pottery Jars by HarmonGroup of three (3) East TN (Greene County) stoneware pottery jars by Moses Perry Harmon (1855 - 1915) including two (2) smaller jars with impressed M P HARMON MOHAWK coggle around the circumference ofSee Sold Price
Sold3 East TN Pottery Jars, Harmon & WeaverThree (3) East Tennessee pottery jars, including Harmon and Weaver. 1st & 2nd items: Two (2) Greene County, East Tennessee stoneware pottery preserving jars with the impressed M P HARMON MOHAWK coggleSee Sold Price
Sold2 East TN Pottery Items, incl. Harmon1st item - East Tennessee stoneware salt jar, possibly Harmon, from Wallace Estate of Morristown. The Harmon Pottery operated in Greene County, TN from 1885-1905. 3 1/4" H x 4 1/2" dia. Late 19th centSee Sold Price
Sold3 East TN Stoneware Pottery JarsGrouping of three (3) East Tennessee stoneware pottery jars, possibly Greene County. 1st item: Stoneware pottery jar, unsigned but attributed to the Harmon pottery, with two applied lug handles, two lSee Sold Price
Sold2 Greene County, TN Pottery Jars, incl. Exhibited1st item: Exhibited Greene County, Tennessee stoneware pottery jar with incised signature "J. B. Harmon" for John Benjamin Harmon (1882-1932), son of Greene County potter Moses P. Harmon (1885 - 1915)See Sold Price
SoldGreene County, TN pottery grouping including markedEast Tennessee redware and stoneware grouping from Greene Co. 1st item - MP Harmon jar. Marked "MP HARMON MOHAWK" three times around outside of rim. Slight firing & glazing imperfections. 6 5/8" HeighSee Sold Price
SoldEast TN Pottery Jar, stamped HarmonEast Tennessee stoneware pottery jar, with impressed "M P Harmon, Mohawk" mark around the circumferance of the shoulder. Harmon Pottery, Mohawk, TN (Greene County). 8 1/4" H. Late 19th century.See Sold Price
SoldTN Harmon Pottery Jar & Southern Pottery Jug1st item: East Tennessee stoneware pottery jar, with impressed "M P Harmon, Mohawk" mark around the circumferance of the shoulder. Harmon Pottery, Mohawk, TN (Greene County). 8" H. Late 19th century.See Sold Price
Sold2 East TN Stoneware Pottery Jars, 1 exhibitedTwo (2) East Tennessee stoneware pottery jars. 1st item: East TN transitional redware/stoneware pottery jar with extruded handles, possibly Greene County. 13 3/4" H. 19th century. Exhibited 1996-1997See Sold Price
SoldTennessee pottery jar, M P Harmon, Greene CountyEast Tennessee Harmon pottery jar, marked, "M P Harmon Mohawk", Harmon Pottery, Mohawk, TN (Greene County). Condition - rim chip, spider crack to base extending in four directions. Unglazed bottom. 8"See Sold Price
Tennessee pottery jar marked, MP HarmonHarmon stoneware jar, marked, "M P H Harmon Mohawk" in circular band below rim. Harmon Pottery, Mohawk, TN (Greene County). Condition - Old chip to rim and hairline extending through the old rim chipSee Sold Price
SoldTennessee pottery jar, marked "M P Harmon", GreeneRare small Harmon jar, marked, "M P Harmon Mohawk", Harmon Pottery, Mohawk, TN (Greene County). Condition - old chip to rim and hairline extending through the old rim chip to the base. Another tight hSee Sold Price
Sold2 East TN M.P. Harmon Stoneware JarsTwo East Tennessee M. P. Harmon stoneware pottery jars, both with impressed "M P Harmon, Mohawk" coggle around the circumference of the shoulder. Harmon Pottery, Mohawk, TN (Greene County). 8 1/4"H anSee Sold Price
SoldEast TN Pottery Jar & Virginia S. Bell Pottery VaseEast TN Pottery Jar and Virginia S. Bell Pottery Vase, 2 items. 1st item: East Tennessee, Hawkins or Greene County, three gallon stoneware jar with cobalt floral tree decoration, cobalt "3" denoting cSee Sold Price
SoldGreene County, TN Jar, E.W. MortGreene County, Tennessee alkaline glaze and cobalt decorated stoneware pottery jar by E.W. Mort. Stamped under the handle "E. W. MORT MOHAWK". 13 3/4"H x 8" dia . E.W. Mort (1853-1923) was born in theSee Sold Price
SoldEast TN M. P. Harmon Stoneware Jar, Cobalt Decor.Greene County, Tennessee stoneware pottery jar, impressed "Harmon" coggle band around the circumference of the shoulder (M. P. Harmon Pottery, Mohawk, TN). Cobalt "H" on one side and small "h" on oppoSee Sold Price
Sold2 East TN Pottery Items, Greene Co.Two Greene County, Tennessee stoneware pottery jars including a Harmon pottery creampot marked "M P Harmon Mohawk", 6 1/2" H, and a stoneware cream pot signed in script "GM" below the rim (attributedSee Sold Price
SoldTennessee sine wave incised jar, Greene CountyStoneware jar with sine wave incising around rim, old green paint overcoat, Greene County, TN. Attributed to the Harmon pottery. Condition - crack extending from rim to base, bottom drilled out for aSee Sold Price
SoldGreene Co. TN stoneware creampot sine wavesGreene County, Tennessee stoneware pottery jar with multiple sine wave lines around the sides and sine wave decoration on the top of the rim of the body. Attributed to Harmon Pottery, Mohawk, TennesseSee Sold Price
SoldC A Haun Redware Pottery Jar, Greene County, TNEast Tennessee, Greene County, earthenware pottery cream pot by Christopher Alexander Haun (1821-1861), Greene County, Tennessee. Coggled band on upper shoulder with stylized lettering "C A Haun No. 1See Sold Price
SoldEast TN Pottery Creampot, stamped HarmonEast Tennessee stoneware pottery creampot. Shoulder impressed "HARMON" (with backwards N) four times. The Harmon Pottery operated in Greene County, TN from 1885-1905. 7 1/8" H. Late 19th century. ProvSee Sold Price
SoldC A Haun Earthenware Pottery Jar, Greene Co., TNChristopher Alexander Haun (Greene County, TN, 1821-1861) lead and copper oxide decorated earthenware jar. Ovoid form with tapered rim edge, symmetrical extruded lug handles, bulbous midsection taperiSee Sold Price
SoldGreene County, TN redware jar attrib. C.A. HaunEast Tennessee redware pottery jar, copper oxide slip over lead glaze, attributed to Christopher Alexander Haun. Condition - hairline emanating from neck to shoulder, does not appear to extend throughSee Sold Price
SoldGreene County, TN Redware Jar attrib. C.A. HaunLarge Greene County, Tennessee earthenware pottery jar with copper oxide band designs over a lead glazed body and a coggled band of geometric designs below a squared flaring rim, unglazed bottom. 12 3See Sold Price
E&V Tsosu Handmade Navajo Pottery JarThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
2 Cache Blades. 4 3/8" and 5 1/2". Greene Co, Indiana.Tony Putty Artifacts4.7(404)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Vintage Dr Brophys Word Jar Brain StormsRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Chimu Pottery Vessel w/ Supernatural Jaguar DeityArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Two Jemez Pueblo redware pottery vesselsJohn Moran Auctioneers, Inc.4.7(459)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024