Sold2nd Intermediate Period, 1630 – 1523 BC. A large s2nd Intermediate Period, 1630 – 1523 BC. A large steatite scarab of tabular form and detailed head and scrollwork on the base. 27 x 18mm, some chipping. Also included a faience New Kingdom scarab wiSee Sold Price
Sold2nd Intermediate Period, 1630 – 1523 BC, or a bit2nd Intermediate Period, 1630 – 1523 BC, or a bit later. A green faience scarab of nice style with four uraeii on the base. 29x20.5mm. Cf. Matouk II, 1183; Cf. Jonathan Rosen collection, New York.See Sold Price
Sold2nd Intermediate Period, 1630 – 1523 BC. A steatit2nd Intermediate Period, 1630 – 1523 BC. A steatite scarab of tabular form with stylized glyphs on the base in three columns. 15 x 9mm.See Sold Price
Sold2nd Intermediate Period, 1630 – 1523 BC, or a bit2nd Intermediate Period, 1630 – 1523 BC, or a bit later. A well modeled steatite square plaque, glaze now white. On the back, a Kheper flanked by feathers within a framed border; on base, a privateSee Sold Price
Sold2nd Intermediate Period, 1630 – 1523 BC. A small w2nd Intermediate Period, 1630 – 1523 BC. A small well-carved steatite scarab set in a silver stickpin. Intact and very attractive with linear designs on the base. L: (Scarab) 12 x 7mm; L: (Pin) 55mmSee Sold Price
SoldEgypt, 2nd Int Period, Green Faience ScarabEgypt, 2nd Intermediate Period, 1630 – 1523 BC, or a bit later. A green faience scarab of nice style with four uraeii on the base. 29x20.5mm. Cf. Matouk II, 1183; Cf. Jonathan Rosen collection, NewSee Sold Price
SoldNice Faience 2nd Intermediate Scarab. 2nd IntermeNice Faience 2nd Intermediate Scarab. 2nd Intermediate Period, 1630 – 1523 BC, or a bit later. 2nd Intermediate Period, 1630 – 1523 BC, or a bit later. A green faience scarab of nice style with foSee Sold Price
Sold2nd Intermediate Period, 1630 - 1570 BC. A large s2nd Intermediate Period, 1630 - 1570 BC. A large steatite scarab, most likely from the Thebes area with well defined legs. On base are various stylized arranged symmetrically. Intact and a nice examplSee Sold Price
SoldA large 2nd Intermediate scarab with Horus and croc2nd Intermediate Period, 1630 – 1539 BC. A large faience scarab with more naturalistic style. On base Horus in falcon-form stands above a crocodile and between a pair of uraeii. Some wear and glazeSee Sold Price
SoldAn attractive 2nd Intermediate steatite scarab2nd Intermediate Period, 1630 – 1539 BC. A large steatite scarab of typical style for the period. On the base is a king standing between two uraeii, holding stylized symbols of royalty. Intact withSee Sold Price
Sold2nd Intermediate Period, Hyksos of the Delta, 16302nd Intermediate Period, Hyksos of the Delta, 1630 – 1523 BC. Steatite scarab with a stylized female on base. 16x11.5mm.See Sold Price
Sold2nd Intermediate Period, c. Dynasty XVII, 1630 - 12nd Intermediate Period, c. Dynasty XVII, 1630 - 1539 BC. A large and nearly complete sarcophagus lid which is a precursor to the familiar anthropoid coffins of later periods and shows the evolution fSee Sold Price
2nd Intermediate Period, 1630 - 1539 BC.2nd Intermediate Period, 1630 - 1539 BC. A 'Tel-el Yehudia' type terracotta jar lid having a face in the typical style, with pursed lips, aquiline nose, pinched eyes, large brow and jutting ears. SmalSee Sold Price
Sold2nd Intermediate Period, 2 STEATITE SCARABS2nd Intermediate Period, c. 1630 - 1539 BC. A lot o 2 steatite scarabs from the R. H. Blanchard collection, though without the tag. Each concisely modeled, one with a large gold sign and a few stylizeSee Sold Price
SoldEgypt, 2nd Intermediate Period, 1630 – 1539 BC. A sEgypt, 2nd Intermediate Period, 1630 – 1539 BC. A steatite scarab of the delta region with various stylized hieroglyphic characters. Intact, glaze gone. 17x11mm. Petrie, "Scarabs", 16A, 1-3.See Sold Price
Sold2nd Intermediate Period, 1630 - 1570 BC. A carved2nd Intermediate Period, 1630 - 1570 BC. A carved steatite scarab of tabular form with lines around the sides typical of the period. On the base a very nicely rendered set of symmetric signs in 3 regiSee Sold Price
SoldEgypt, 2nd Intermediate Period, 1630 – 1539 BC. A sEgypt, 2nd Intermediate Period, 1630 – 1539 BC. A steatite scarab of the delta region with stylized hieroglyphic characters on the base. Intact and an interesting example. 20x13mm.See Sold Price
2nd Intermediate Period, 1630 - 1539 BC.2nd Intermediate Period, 1630 - 1539 BC. A 'Tel-el Yehudia' type terracotta burial jar lid with a well modeled face and detailed hands crossed over the breast. An attractive example of the type. SomeSee Sold Price
SoldA Rare 2nd Intermediate Bronze Axe HeadEgypt, 2nd Intermediate Period, 1630 – 1539 BC. A bronze axe blade of Asiatic manufacture, probably brought in with the Hyksos invaders. This example is from Lower Egypt. Intact and a rare form fromSee Sold Price
SoldA Nice 2nd Intermediate Steatite Scarab.2nd Intermediate Period, 1630 – 1539 BC. A nice steatite scarab with high domed back and well defined legs. On the base a very detailed and precisely cut series of signs advertising the qualities ofSee Sold Price
SoldNice Faience 2nd Intermediate Scarab. 2nd IntermeNice Faience 2nd Intermediate Scarab. 2nd Intermediate Period, 1630 – 1539 BC. A steatite scarab of the delta region with stylized hieroglyphic characters on the base. Intact and an interesting examSee Sold Price
SoldA 2nd Intermediate Scarab with nice style and symme2nd Intermediate Period, 1630 – 1539 BC. A steatite scarab with more naturalistic style. On base are A 2nd Intermediate Scarab with including wedjats, ankhs and uas. A cartouche in the upper portionSee Sold Price
SoldA 2nd Intermediate Scarab with Horus on the base2nd Intermediate Period, 1630 – 1539 BC. A steatite scarab with typical style of the Delta and Levantine areas. On base Horus stands on a 'neb' symbol, uraeus before. Some chipping and no glaze. 17See Sold Price
Sold90. 2nd Intermediate Period, c. 1630 - 1539 BC. SCARAB90. 2nd Intermediate Period, c. 1630 - 1539 BC. A carved steatite scarab, glaze now brown. On base a 'kheper' flanked by 'ankhs'. Intact. 15 x 11mm. Ex Collection of Jonathan Rosen, New York, no. 744;See Sold Price
Egyptian Blue-Glazed Faience White Lotus ChaliceTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Very Large South East Asian Painted Pottery JugTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Tiffany Studios New York Pine Needle Bronze and Slag Glass Large Picture Frame, Circa 1910Liberty & 33rd Furniture Co.4.4(12)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A Bactrian Steatite Schist Animal Figurine, 2nd Millennium B.C.ThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Athena Depicted On Ancient Greek Black Figure VaseWeatherham Estate Treasures3.9(157)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Hellenistic Sculpture "The Winged Victory Samothrace" - (2lbs)Weatherham Estate Treasures3.9(157)See Sold PriceMar 21, 2024
Large Republic Period Chinese Famille Verte VaseChurchill Galleries3.7(216)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Large Republic Period Chinese Famille Verte Vase w/ CoverChurchill Galleries3.7(216)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Wearable Egyptian Faience Bead Necklace w/ Eye of HorusArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Egyptian Steatite Scaraboid + Glazed Bead LenticularArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Due to uncertainty concerning the date and provenance, this lot has been withdrawn.Oakridge Auction Gallery4.5(192)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024