Sold24" DEPOSE TETE JUMEAU VOICE BOX DOLLwith voice box mechanism originally operated by strings to say Mama and Papa (needs restringing, works but only to squeak), doll is separated from its attachment point at bust area, bisque socket headSee Sold Price
Sold18" DEPOSE TETE JUMEAU "MAMA PAPA" DOLLBisque swivel head with paperweight eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, cork plate under a wig; on early Emil Jumeau composition body with straight wrists and a working voice box operated by strings (onSee Sold Price
Sold22" DEPOSE TETE JUMEAU Doll, box bottom22" DEPOSE TETE JUMEAU, box bottom. Red stamp on head DEPOSE TETE JUMEAU Bte.SGDG 10. Brown paper weight eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, original cork pate and blonde HH wig. Hair is set in leatherSee Sold Price
Soldlovely antique Depose TETE JUMEAU 24" doll, she halovely antique Depose TETE JUMEAU 24" doll, she has a firing flaw at the side above one ear and a small crack that is also very old on the other side at top of her head, she is otherwise perfect. estaSee Sold Price
SoldFRENCH BISQUE HEAD DOLL.24" (Red stamp) DEPOSE TETE JUMEAU (Incised) 11 Doll. Stationary blue eyes, open mouth, pierced ears, brown synthetic wig. Papier mache body with jointed arms, 1 pc. straight legs. Dressed in newer drSee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE FRENCH BISQUE HEAD DOLL.24" (Red stamp) DEPOSE TETE JUMEAU BTE S.G.D.G. 11 doll with blue paper weight eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, black human hair wig. Papier mache jointed body marked (blue stamp) JUMEAU Medaille D'oSee Sold Price
SoldARTIST DOLL LOT.24" DEPOSE TETE JUMEAU Bte. S.G.D.G. 13 French bisque head doll. No artist mark. Blue paper weight eyes, closed mouth with white space between lips. Curly auburn human hair wig. Reproduction French stSee Sold Price
SoldJUMEAU FRENCH BISQUE BEBE IN ORIGINAL BOXJUMEAU FRENCH BISQUE BEBE IN ORIGINAL BOX. Marks: Depose Tete Jumeau Bte. SGDG 10. 21”. Bisque socket head, deep amber paperweight eyes, painted lashes, rose-blushed eyelids, feathered and brushstroSee Sold Price
SoldBEAUTIFUL BLUE-EYED FRENCH BISQUE BEBE BY JUMEAUBEAUTIFUL BLUE-EYED FRENCH BISQUE BEBE BY JUMEAU. Marks: Depose Tete Jumeau 11. 24”. Bisque socket head, blue paperweight eyes, painted long thick eye lashes, feathered and brushstroked brows, piercSee Sold Price
SoldGORGEOUS BLUE-EYED FRENCH BISQUE BEBE BY JUMEAUGORGEOUS BLUE-EYED FRENCH BISQUE BEBE BY JUMEAU. Marks: Tete Jumeau Depose, 11. 24”. Bisque socket head, blue paperweight eyes, painted lashes, feathered and brushstroked brows, closed mouth, shadedSee Sold Price
SoldAntique (304) Tete Jumeau Porcelain Depose ~ Open MouthAntique (304) Tete Jumeau Porcelain Depose ~ Open Mouth ~ Teeth ~ 23" Tall ~ Voice or Mama Box (unsure if working)See Sold Price
Sold53. FRENCH BISQUE BEBE BY JUMEAU IN FACTORY DRESS AND53. FRENCH BISQUE BEBE BY JUMEAU IN FACTORY DRESS AND ORIGINAL JUMEAU SHOES. Marks: Tete Jumeau Depose Bte. SGDG.11. 24”. Bisque socket head, brown paperweight eyes, painted lashes, feathered anSee Sold Price
Sold11. BEAUTIFUL FRENCH BISQUE BEBE JUMEAU WITH ORIGINAL11. BEAUTIFUL FRENCH BISQUE BEBE JUMEAU WITH ORIGINAL COSTUME AND BOX. Marks: Tete Jumeau Depose 10. 23”. Bisque socket head, brown paperweight eyes, painted lashes, eyeliner, feathered and brushstrSee Sold Price
SoldA FRENCH TETE JUMEAU CLOSE MOUTH DOLL early 20thA FRENCH TETE JUMEAU CLOSE MOUTH DOLL early 20th century, with pierced ear. Minor rubs on forehead above left eye, depose marked shoes. Height 24". Estimate $1,000-$1,500See Sold Price
SoldBEAUTIFUL FRENCH BISQUE BEBE BY JUMEAUBEAUTIFUL FRENCH BISQUE BEBE BY JUMEAU. Marks: Depose Tete Jumeau 11 Bte SGDG. 24”. Bisque socket head, large blue paperweight eyes, painted lashes, mauve-blushed eyelids, feathered and brushstrokedSee Sold Price
Sold61. BEAUTIFUL FRENCH BISQUE BEBE BY JUMEAU. Marks:61. BEAUTIFUL FRENCH BISQUE BEBE BY JUMEAU. Marks: Depose Tete Jumeau Bte SGDG 11. 24". Bisque socket head, blue paperweight eyes, painted lashes, eyeliner, closed mouth, shaded and accented lips, pieSee Sold Price
SoldJumeau automaton doll,head marked “Depose Tete Jumeau”, earrings, wearing Brittany peasant style clothing with ornate lace apron over red velvet dress, wind-up mechanism, music box, arm moves holding birdcage with birdSee Sold Price
Sold093020: JUMEAU, BISQUE HEAD COMPOSITION BODY GIRL DOLLJUMEAU, FRENCH BISQUE SOCKET HEAD COMPOSITION BALL JOINTED BODY GIRL DOLL #11, H 24":Having blue paperweight eyes, painted mouth, and marked "Déposé Tete Jumeau 11". Wearing a lavender tiered dressSee Sold Price
SoldA French Tete Jumeau Bisque and Painted Wood Doll,A French Tete Jumeau Bisque and Painted Wood Doll, Early 20th Century, Marked on head France S.F.B.J. with Tete Jumeau in red. Labeled on back 'Bebe Vrai Modele' with opening for voice box. Together wSee Sold Price
SoldFRENCH BISQUE BEBE JUMEAU WITH EARLY TETE FACE.Marks:FRENCH BISQUE BEBE JUMEAU WITH EARLY TETE FACE.Marks: Depose Tete Jumeau Bte.SGDG Paris 11.24”.Bisque socket head, blue paperweight eyes, painted lashes, eyeliner, feathered and brushstroked brows,See Sold Price
SoldFRENCH PHONOGRAPHE BEBE BY JUMEAU WITH ORIGINALFRENCH PHONOGRAPHE BEBE BY JUMEAU WITH ORIGINAL COSTUME, SHOES, AND BOX. 24”. Marks: 1907 Tete Jumeau 11 Bisque socket head, blue paperweight eyes, painted lashes, brushstroked and feathered brows,See Sold Price
FRENCH BISQUE BEBE JUMEAU WITH EARLY TETE FACE.16. FRENCH BISQUE BEBE JUMEAU WITH EARLY TETE FACE. Marks: Depose Tete Jumeau Bte.SGDG Paris 11. 24”. Bisque socket head, blue paperweight eyes, painted lashes, eyeliner, feathered brows, pierced eaSee Sold Price
Sold19. FRENCH BISQUE BEBE BY JUMEAU. Marks: Depose Tete19. FRENCH BISQUE BEBE BY JUMEAU. Marks: Depose Tete Jumeu Bte SGSF 11. 24”. Bisque socket head, blue paperweight eyes, painted lashes, feathered and brushstroked brows, pierced ears, closed mouSee Sold Price
SoldAntique Depose Tete Jumeau DollAntique Depose Tete Jumeau Doll: Lovely Tete Jumeau S.G.D.G. with original clothes, hair and hat. Doll is in fair condition measuring 14" tall. Chipping on composite hands, clothes also worn from age.See Sold Price
Timeless Indian Collections Porcelain Doll, Indian PrincessLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Estate Doll Grouping: Raggedy Ann and Andy Toy Box, 6 Assorted DollsDonny Malone Auctions4.4(1.8k)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
Vintage Chatty Cathy doll by Mattel Toys C.1959/1960Baker's Antiques and Auctions3.2(468)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
PRINCESS HOUSE "JENNIFER" PORCELAIN DOLL IN BOXDejaVu Estate Sales & Auctions, LLC4.6(1.3k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
SEYMOUR MANN "SYLVIA" PORCELAIN COLLECTION DOLLDejaVu Estate Sales & Auctions, LLC4.6(1.3k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Porcelain Doll Petticoats and Lace Gorham CollectionRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Two Vintage Unopened Sunshine Kids DollsRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Porcelain doll by Crown Heritage in original boxBaker's Antiques and Auctions3.2(468)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Porcelain Mary had a Little Lamb doll and lambBaker's Antiques and Auctions3.2(468)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Original Cabbage Patch doll in partial boxBaker's Antiques and Auctions3.2(468)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Original Coleco Cabbage Patch doll in original boxBaker's Antiques and Auctions3.2(468)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Original Mattel Cabbage Patch doll in original box dated 1985Baker's Antiques and Auctions3.2(468)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
The world of Ginny Sweet Shop play setBaker's Antiques and Auctions3.2(468)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Lori preety in patterns doll outfit set with original boxBaker's Antiques and Auctions3.2(468)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Nice box full of handmade holiday doll outfitsBaker's Antiques and Auctions3.2(468)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Nice box full of handmade holiday doll outfitsBaker's Antiques and Auctions3.2(468)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024