VERY EARLY GREINER PAPER MACHE DOLL IN ORIGINAL DRESS.VERY EARLY GREINER PAPER MACHE DOLL IN ORIGINAL DRESS. Marks: Patent Head (stamp on back). 28”. Paper mache shoulderhead with sculpted and painted black hair, centerparted with vertical curls behindSee Sold Price
SoldGreiner type paper mache doll, overpainted blackGreiner type paper mache doll, overpainted black some time ago, wear and chips, 19th c clothes, fingers missing from one hand, repair at bottom of plate, 27"See Sold Price
SoldGREINER-TYPE PAPER MACHE' LADY DOLLGREINER-TYPE PAPER MACHE' LADY DOLL, shoulder head, painted facial features including blue eyes, eyebrows and closed mouth, molded and painted black hair, cloth stuffed body with leather hands, body hSee Sold Price
SoldGREINER-TYPE PAPER MACHE'-HEAD GIRL DOLLGREINER-TYPE PAPER MACHE'-HEAD GIRL DOLL, shoulder plate head, painted facial features including blue eyes, eyebrows and pink closed mouth; molded black wagon-wheel style hair; cloth body with originaSee Sold Price
SoldAntique Paper Mache Greiner Type Doll w Orig LabelAntique Paper Mache Greiner Type Doll w Orig Label. Antique 19th century doll, paper mache head, leather arms / hands, cloth body, handmade clothes. Label on back of shoulder plate reads MS Superior.See Sold Price
Antique Paper Mache Greiner Type Doll w Orig LabelAntique Paper Mache Greiner Type Doll w Orig Label. Antique 19th century doll, paper mache head, leather arms / hands, cloth body, handmade clothes. Label on back of shoulder plate reads MS Superior.See Sold Price
SoldTwo paper mache Greiner type doll heads, surfaceTwo paper mache Greiner type doll heads, surface crazing, repainting on dark haired head?See Sold Price
SoldPaper mache Greiner type shoulder head doll, 26"Paper mache Greiner type shoulder head doll, 26" long, kid arms may be replacementsSee Sold Price
SoldTwo early paper mache dolls with kid bodiesTwo early paper mache dolls with kid bodies, paper mache shoulder heads, one in period costume that is sewn on, 22"; and one 23", both with brown glass eyes.See Sold Price
Sold4 Antique DollsFour 19th to early 20th century dolls and a doll head. Includes a Greiner's paper mache doll head and doll on a jointed cloth body, a Bisque socket head doll on a jointed cloth body with porcelain lowSee Sold Price
SoldCobleskill Est.-Jenny Lynn Mache Doll + Leather ChildCobleskill Estate - (1)1840-60s?? Jenny Lynn Early paper molded Mache doll with leather boots + cloth hand in a Victoria white doll dress(dents to head 38"L) 23"L x 9"W; (1) 9 pairs of 1890s-1940s earSee Sold Price
SoldEARLY PAPER MACHE LADYEARLY PAPER MACHE LADY. 20”. Marks: C.B. Indestructible Doll Heads. Sonneberg-type paper mache shoulderhead, sculpted black wavy hair behind fully-modelled ears, painted features, outlined blueSee Sold Price
SoldEARLY PAPER MACHE BOY DOLL BY LUDWIG GREINEREARLY PAPER MACHE BOY DOLL BY LUDWIG GREINER. 19”. Paper mache shoulderhead, sculpted short black hair in side part and waved behind fully-modeled ears, painted ark blue eyes, upper eyeliner andSee Sold Price
SoldEarly Greiner 1858 Label Doll with ChairLudwig Greiner 38 in. w/1858 patent label, paper mache shoulder head on cloth body, made of fabric bag, stamped from Louis Herwig, 259 Center St, Pottstown, PA, leather arms, dressed in antique clothiSee Sold Price
SoldLOT OF PAPIER MACHE, WAX DOLLS.Pair of Papier mache "Milliner's Model" type dolls. Both have black hair, leather bodies, wooden lower limbs. 9 1/4" Doll with Greiner type center part hair style, black eyes. Blue paper garters. OranSee Sold Price
SoldEARLY 19TH CENTURY PAPER MACHE LADY IN ORIGINAL COSTUMEEARLY 19TH CENTURY PAPER MACHE LADY IN ORIGINAL COSTUME. 23". Paper Mache shoulderhead, sculpted short hair with deeply-modeled waves and curls behind the fully-sculpted ears, brush-marked curls framiSee Sold Price
SoldEarly Greiner dollEarly Grenier doll, papier mache shoulder head, cloth body, leather lower arms, black molded hair, painted features, wearing original dress and under clothes, with leather shoes, paper label on shouldSee Sold Price
SoldPapier Mache Glass Eye Pre Greiner DollGlass eye 24in. papier mache Greiner type, molded black hair, exposed ears, early pre-Greiner on a cloth body, later w/leather lower arms, appropriately dressed in period clothingSee Sold Price
SoldEarly Patent Head Ludwig Greiner DollAmerican paper mache, early stencil mark, circa 1850, in remarkable original condition, molded painted black center part hair, dark painted eyes, deep shoulder plate on original cloth body with brownSee Sold Price
23" GREINER PAPIER MACHE SHOULDER HEADPapier mache shoulder head with paper label Greiner's//Patent Doll Heads.//No. 7//Pat. Mar. 30, '58, Ext. '72. Molded painted features and black hair in modified flat top style. Antique cloth body witSee Sold Price
SoldEARLY GRENIER PAPIER MACHE DOLLAntique 19th c. Papier Mache Head Greiner Doll, No. 3. Still retains part of the original paper label to back pat. 58. Cloth Body, kid arms and shoes. 15". Weight 12 oz. Ludwig Greiner was an AmericanSee Sold Price
SoldLARGE SIZE EARLY PAPER MACHE DOLL WITH RARELY FOUNDLARGE SIZE EARLY PAPER MACHE DOLL WITH RARELY FOUND ELABORATE COIFFURE. 24”. Paper mache shouldhead of lady with sculpted hair in poufs of curls at each side of face with hair draw up at the bacSee Sold Price
Sold244. GREINER PAPER MACHE DOLL WITH 1872 PATENT DATE244. GREINER PAPER MACHE DOLL WITH 1872 PATENT DATE LABEL, METAL HEAD DOLL, COMPOSITION DOLLS & SCHOENHUT POODLE. (1) Marks: Greiner label on back. 14”. Paper mache shoulderhead, molded and paintedSee Sold Price
QUEEN ANNE DOLL & HEAD and SHOULDER PLATEJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Persian Painting Depicting Nader Shah Slaying DeveTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Lot 12 Assorted Dolls Kewpie Troll Clown Paper Mache etcLodestar Auctions4.6(396)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
"The Society of Goffers at Blackheath" Mezzotint Engraving, 19th Century, After Lemuel FrancisHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Three Vintage FBI G-Man Board Games in Original Boxes, Milton Bradley, Whitman PublishingHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
EDWARD S. CURTIS, PLATE 23 SUN BREADMAKER, CA, 1903White Knight Auction, Inc4.7(250)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Gurhan Hourglass Necklace in 24K Yellow Gold & Sterling SilverMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Group of Black Dolls and a Paper Mache Doll - Googly LulieAmanda Auction Gallery, LLC4.3(16)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
EDWARD S. CURTIS, FIG. 23 BUFFALO DANCE COSTUME MANDAN, 1908White Knight Auction, Inc4.7(250)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
All Original Antique Doll 250 21/0 Germany 6.5 cabinet size Factory costumeJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
In the Manner of Olaf Carl Seltzer (Danish-American, 1877-1957) Pencil Sketches on Paper, Ca. EarlyDuMouchelles4.6(829)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024