SoldMortar and Pestle : an unusual 19th/20thC bronzeMortar and Pestle : an unusual 19th/20thC bronze mortar and pestle , the Mortar with 4 equally spaced pouring lips , pestle measuring 3 7/8'' long and mortar 2 1/8'' high x 4'' wide.See Sold Price
SoldGilt Bronze Buddhist Guardian, 20th C.A gilt bronze Buddhist elaborately dressed guardian figure squatting upon a lotus base and holding a mortar and pestle. The piece is believed to have been made in the 20th century. Dimensions are: 11See Sold Price
Sold(2) CHINESE CANTON ENAMEL CUPS(pair) Chinese Canton enameled cups, 20th c., of tapered shape raised on foot with flared gilt bronze rim and wide opening, (1) cup with framed scenes of carp on a vibrant yellow ground; (1) cup withSee Sold Price
SoldMedium-Sized European Bronze Mortar & Pestal - 18th C.**Originally Listed At $300** Western Europe, ca. 18th century CE. A bronze mortar and pestle - the mortar with twin squared handles, a tall cylindrical body with a dramatically flared rim, fine-lineSee Sold Price
Sold(2) MORTAR & PESTLE SETS(2) 19th c. Mortars with Pestles, including: Bronze two-handled set with flared rim, 4 3/8" high, 5 1/4" wide, pestle: 7 1/4" long, good condition; Wooden set, carved banded decoration, 8" high, 6 3/4See Sold Price
Sold19TH C BRONZE MORTAR & PESTLE & BRASS CANDLESTICKS(lot of 3) A pair of 19th c. brass candlesticks, 6"h; together with an early 19th c. bronze mortar and pestle, a shell motif on the bowl, 2"h, 4.25"diam; 4.25lbs total Start Price: $100.00See Sold Price
Sold15th C. European Bronze Mortar + PestleEurope, ca. 15th to 16th c. CE. This is a heavy cast bronze mortar and pestle set with prominent ribs around the outside of the mortar and a simple scored dots decoration. The name "mortar" comes fromSee Sold Price
Sold19th c. Bronze Mortar and Pestle19th c. bronze mortar and pestle, 4 3/4" x 3 1/2" mortar with relief maiden busts, tower, pillars and star, 8 1/2" pestle. CONDITION: Inside of mortar has wear from usage, outer portion of mortar hasSee Sold Price
Sold17th c. Bronze Mortar and Pestle17th c. bronze mortar and pestle. Mortar H: 13.5" D: 14" Pestle: 27"See Sold Price
17th C. Spanish Bronze Mortar & PestleWestern Europe, Spain, ca. late 16th to early 17th century CE. A large cast-bronze mortar and accompanying pestle in a lovely golden color. The mortar has a globular form, consistent with the Gothic sSee Sold Price
Sold16th C. English Bronze Mortar and Pestle, Rose / CrownEngland, ca. 15th to 16th century CE. This is a bronze mortar and pestle decorated with a very special symbol for those of us who love English history. On two sides, it has the rose and crown symbol,See Sold Price
Sold(3) GRADUATED PORCELAIN MORTAR & PESTLE AND (1) IN WOODLate 19th to early 20th c. Porcelain Mortar and Pestle, 6 1/4" x 11 3/4 diam. with wood and porcelain pestle; 4 3/4" x 8 1/4" diam. with same type of pestle; 3" x 6" diam. with (2) glass pestles; goodSee Sold Price
SoldEarly 20th Century Bronze Japanese Floor VaseEarly 20th.C. large Bronze Japanese flared shape flower vase with lines of floral stems embracing shape of the Lilly pads, on footed base and having a great green patina. H.15 1/2'' W. 15 1/2'' D.See Sold Price
SoldLarge Japanese Bronze Flower/Floor VaseEarly 20th.C. large Bronze Japanese flared shape flower vase with lines of floral stems embracing shape of the Lilly pads, on footed base and having a great green patina. H.15 1/2'' W. 15 1/2'' D. 12See Sold Price
Sold(on 3) EARLY BRONZE MORTARS15th c., French, bronze mortar with pestle, 4"h; along (2) mortars with black finish and lobe decoration, 4" and 3"hSee Sold Price
Sold(15th c) CAST BRONZE SPANISH MORTAR and PESTLECast with trangular fins and ringed handles. 7 inches and 4 1/2 x 7 inchesSee Sold Price
SoldMortar & Pestle. 20th c.A Mortar and pestle. Wood. 20th century. Mortar: 37" x 11 1/2". Pestle: 27 1/4" x 3". Very heavy. Condition: Accretions inside. Wear and abrasions on the outside. Crack in pestle. Very heavy.See Sold Price
SoldEarly 20th Century Greek Bronze Mortar and PestleGreece1900'sBeautiful Greek Mortar and Pestle made of solid bronze with the original pestle which is very rare.The piece is over 100 years old and it shows, the lines on the pestle are completely goneSee Sold Price
Sold12th C. Seljuk Bronze Mortar & Leaded Brass PestleWestern / Central Asia, Persia, Islamic Seljuk culture, ca. 12th century CE. An attractive and nicely preserved mortar cast from leaded bronze and pestle cast from leaded brass via the lost wax techniSee Sold Price
15TH C GERMAN LATE GOTHIC BRONZE MORTAR & PESTLE15TH C GERMAN LATE GOTHIC BRONZE MORTAR & PESTLE A 15th Century German Gothic bronze Mortar and pestle. Second half of the 15th century. Golden brown patina. Tall cylindrical body with flaring lip andSee Sold Price
15TH C GERMAN LATE GOTHIC BRONZE MORTAR & PESTLE15TH C GERMAN LATE GOTHIC BRONZE MORTAR & PESTLE A 15th Century German Gothic bronze Mortar and pestle. Second half of the 15th century. Golden brown patina. Tall cylindrical body with flaring lip andSee Sold Price
Sold(6) GROUP OF METALWARE TABLE & BOOKCASE ITEMS(lot of 6) Group of metalware for table and bookcase, comprising: (1) Apothecary/ pharmacy patinated bronze mortar and pestle, having a flared rim, over bracket handles, mortar: approx 5"h, 5.5"d, pesSee Sold Price
Sold15th c French Gothic bronze mortar15th c French Gothic cast bronze mortar, flared rim, old patina, ht 3", dia 4 1/2"See Sold Price
SoldAncient Bronze Mortar and PestleAn ancient (c. 14th century) bronze mortar and pestle, Mortar with 2 handles/holes for rings (one of the rings is missing), and four "ears". Height: 11.5 cm.See Sold Price
EARLY 20TH C. GERMAN BRONZE OF A MARINER, ON MARBLE PLINTHThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Nigerian Edo Bronze Arm Cuff African Benin Tribal BraceletArarity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Contemporary Sculpture of a Tower of Thorns and Jesus, 20th c., H.- 19 1/4 in., Dia.- 7 in.Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
After Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux (French, 1827-1875), "Seated Lady with Rose," 20th c., H.- 17 1/2 in.,Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Pair Late 19th Early 20th C Chinese Geisha Bronze StatuesRivich Auction4.5(231)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Quality 20th C. Bronze "Scales of Justice" Art Nouveau Woman Statute 2-tone Patina 23 inches heightDonny Malone Auctions4.4(1.8k)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
Edward Zolyome (American/New York, 1928-2020), "Jumping Dolphin," 20th c., H.- 14 in., W.- 9 1/2Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Large 20th C. Liberian Wood Mortar - ex-Arte PrimitivoArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
English Campaign Style Brass Mounted Mahogany Lap Desk, 20th c., H.- 6 in., W.- 16 in., D.- 9 3/4Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Giuseppe Macri (American, 20th C.) Bronze Sculpture, Ca. 1962, "Moses And the Ten Commandments", HDuMouchelles4.6(829)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024
Dr. Robert Taylor (American, 20th C.) Bronze Sculpture, Ca. 1991, "Vigilance", H 15.25" W 9" DepthDuMouchelles4.6(829)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024
Cloyd Barnes (American, 20th C.) Bronze Sculpture, Ca. 1981, "Mustang Challenge", H 21.5" W 12"DuMouchelles4.6(829)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024