Sold2 Titles (6 Vols) incl: TURNER'S RIVERS OF FRANCE[Turner Engravings]. 2 Titles (6 Vols). ++ TURNER’S RIVERS OF FRANCE. 5 Divisions. Introduction by John Ruskin, text by Leitch Ritchie, biography by Alaric A. Watts. Lon: J. S. Virtue & Co., (nd). 4See Sold Price
SoldTurner's Rivers of FranceTurner (J.M.W.).- Ritchie (Leitch) Turner's Rivers of France, with an Introduction by John Ruskin,2 vol. in 1, lacks vol 1 title, plates, some spotting, contemporary half morocco, rubbed, joinSee Sold Price
Sold9 Vols incl: LES GRANDES CHRONIQUES... 1836-1838.[French History]. 2 Titles (9 Vols). 8vo. Sold with all faults. ++ LES GRANDES CHRONIQUES DE FRANCE Selon que Elles sont Conservees en l’Eglise de Saint-Denis en France. 6 Vols. Paris: Techener, 183See Sold Price
Sold3 Titles (6 Vols) incl Ernest Weil (2 vols, 1/300[Books about Books]. 3 Titles (6 Vols). ++ Catalogue Of Books, Manuscripts, Photographs And Scientific Instruments Fully Described and Offered for Sale by Ernst Weil 1943-1965: Original Thirty Three CSee Sold Price
Sold6 Vols incl: THE COUNT OF MONTE-CRISTO. 5 Vols.[Dumas/Poetry] 2 Titles (6 Vols). Sold with all faults. ++ Alexandre Dumas. THE COUNT OF MONTE-CRISTO. 5 Vols. Lon/NY: George Routledge and Sons, 1888. Hundreds of text illustrations after G. Staal, JSee Sold Price
Sold6 Vols incl: OEUVRES DE MAITRE FRANCOIS RABELAIS.[French Literature] 2 Titles (6 Vols). ++ OEUVRES DE MAITRE FRANCOIS RABELAIS, Publiees sous le Titre de Faits et Dits Du Geant Gargantua et de Son Fils Pantagruel… Nouvelle Edition… 6 Vols in 5 (See Sold Price
Sold6 Vols incl: Scharf HISTORY OF PHILADELPHIA. 1884.[Philadelphia]. 2 Titles (6 Vols). ++ Thomas Scharf and Thompson Westcott. HISTORY OF PHILADELPHIA. 1609-1884. 3 Vols. Phila: L. H. Everts & Co., 1884. Thick 4to. Light brown cloth lettered in gilt. LSee Sold Price
Sold6 Vols incl: THE LIFE AND EXPLOITS OF DON QUIXOTE.[Cervantes/Arabian Nights] 2 Titles (6 Vols) 12mo/8vo. Sold with all faults. ++ Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. THE LIFE AND EXPLOITS OF DON QUIXOTE DE LA MANCHA. 4 Vols. Charles Jarvis translator. ExetSee Sold Price
Sold6 vols. Incl: Irving. Life of George Washington.[George Washington] 6 volumes, 2 titles. All volumes 8vo. (1) 5 volume set. Irving, Washington. Life of George Washington. G.P. Putnam, New York, 1857-1864. Bound in modern brown calf. Gilt ruled. GreSee Sold Price
Sold6 Vols incl: SCENES OF WONDER AND CURIOSITY...[Washington/West]. 2 Titles (6 Vols). ++ [James M. Hutchings]. SCENES OF WONDER AND CURIOSITY IN CALIFORNIA. San Francisco: Hutchings & Rosenfield, 1861. 8vo. [3], 4-236 pp. Contemp dark brown leatherSee Sold Price
Sold6 Vols incl: THE ROMAN HISTORY... 5 Vols. 1713.[Rome/Language Reference]. 2 Titles (6 Vols). 8vo. Sold with all faults. ++ Laurence Echard. THE ROMAN HISTORY... 5 Vols. Lon: R. Bonwick, J. Tonson, W. Freeman, et. al., 1713. Recent black leather wiSee Sold Price
Sold6 Vols incl: Scharf. HISTORY OF MARYLAND. 1879.[Maryland]. 2 Titles (6 Vols). 8vo/4to. Sold with all faults. ++ J. Thomas Scharf. HISTORY OF MARYLAND From the Earliest Period to the Present Day. 3 Vols. Balt: John B. Piet, 1879. Orig brown cloth.See Sold Price
Sold5 Titles (6 Vols), incl 1 inscribed by Thurber.[Thurber, James]. 5 Titles (6 Editions). 8vo. Cloth, 5 in dj, 1 in slipcase. ++ The Thurber Carnival. NY: Harper & Brothers, (1945). Text in 2 columns. Very good in price clipped dj with darkening toSee Sold Price
Sold6 Vols incl: THE BRADLEY BIBLIOGRAPHY.[Book Reference] 2 Titles (6 Vols) by Alfred Rehder. 4to. Binder’s buckram, some rubbing and scuffing. Ex-library. ++ THE BRADLEY BIBLIOGRAPHY: Guide to the literature of the Woody Plants of the WorSee Sold Price
Sold4 Items incl: TURNER’S RIVERS OF FRANCE. No. 1.[Turner, J. M. W./Other Plates]. 4 Titles. ++ John Young. A CATALOGUE OF PICTURES BY BRITISH ARTISTS, IN THE POSSESSION OF SIR JOHN FLEMING LEICESTER, BART. With Etchings from the Whiole Collection. ISee Sold Price
SoldBOOKS: (6) Vols signed, incl. Tuchman, BuckleyBOOKS: (6) Vols signed, incl. Tuchman, Buckley, Includes: 1) Barbara Tuchman. The Guns of August. Macmillan, 1962 4th printing, inscribed and signed on the half title page. 2) Quotations from ChairmanSee Sold Price
SoldAllom (Thomas) and R. Walsh. ConstantinopleAllom (Thomas) and R. Walsh. Constantinople, 2 vol. in 1, cloth, n.d. ? Turner (J.M.W.) Liber Fluviorum, or River Scenery of France, contemporary morocco, rubbed, 1853 ? Tyrrell (H.) The HistoSee Sold Price
Sold7 Vols incl NEWSPAPER DAYS signed by H. L. MenckenMencken, H. L. 6 Titles (7 Vols), 2 signed. 8vo. Hardcover, 5 vols in dj. ++ NEWSPAPER DAYS 1899-1906. Signed “Mencken/1941” on ffep. Alfred A Knopf, 1941. 1st edition. Adler & Wilhelm p17. CoversSee Sold Price
Sold2 vols. Illustrated Travel & C: (Turner, J.M.W.,2 vols. Illustrated Travel & C: (Turner, J.M.W., illustrator). Ritchie, Leitch; Watts, Alaric A. Liber Fluviorum; or, River Scenery of France. London: H.G. Bohn, 1857. lg. 8vo, orig. full richly gilt-See Sold Price
Sold6 Vols incl: THE LITERARY CAREER OF JAMES BOSWELL.[Book Reference] 5 Titles (6 Vols). 8vo/to. Hardcover (2 in dj). ++ Charles Sawyer and Harvey Darton. ENGLISH BOOKS 1475-1900: A Signpost for Collectors. 2 Vols. Westminster, 1927. One of 2000. Foxed,See Sold Price
Sold6 Vols incl: Joly, W. L. BEHRENS COLLECTION.[Asia/Decorative Arts]. 3 Titles (6 Vols). ++ Henry L. Joly. W. L. BEHRENS COLLECTION. 4 Parts: [1] Netsuke; [2] Lacquer and Inro; [3] Sword-Fittings, Tsuba, Metal; [4] Buddhistic Section, Chinese AntSee Sold Price
Sold6 Vols incl: Fremont. REPORT OF THE EXPLORING...[West]. 5 Titles (6 Vols). 8vo. Hardcover (3 vols contemp leather, 2 recased w/ covers laid down, 1 modern half leather). Fair to very good. Sold as is. ++ J. [John] C. Fremont. REPORT OF THE EXPLORINSee Sold Price
Sold5 Vols incl: THE POEMS OF JOHN KEATS. #110 of 250.[Poetry]. 5 Titles (6 Vols). 12mo/8vo. 4 hardcover, 2 volume Keats in limp vellum w/ ties. Fair to very good. From the estate of Armida B. Colt. ++ THE POEMS OF JOHN KEATS Arranged in Chronological OrSee Sold Price
Sold6 Vols incl: THE HISTORY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 1797.[Pennsylvania/American Imprints]. 4 Titles (6 Vols). Robert Proud, et. al. THE HISTORY OF PENNSYLVANIA, In North America… 2 Vols. Phila: Zachariah Poulson, 1797. 8vo. Vol I: [3], 4-508pp. Vol II: [3See Sold Price
A group of mostly leather-bound books in SpanishAndrew Jones Auctions4.7(208)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Alfred Sisley - River Landscape at Moret-Sur-LoingFederal Assets Auctioneers4.4(412)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024