John James Audubon (Haitian/American, 1785-1851), "Carolina Parrot," H.- 36 1/2 in., W.- 25 3/4 in.,Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
John James Audubon (American, 1785-1851), "Song Sparrow," Pl. 25, 1827-1838, Plate- H.- 19 1/2 in.,Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
ORIGINAL JOHN J. AUDUBON (1785-1851) NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART EXHIBITION POSTER, 35IN x 43IN (89cm xThe Rug Life4.3(12)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
LIMITED EDITION BOOK, JOHN JAMES AUDUBON BIRDS OF AMERICA 1937.Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(116)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
JOHN J. AUDUBON (1785-1851) LITHOGRAPH TITLED RED SHOULDERED HAWK, 19IN x 25IN (48cm x 64cm)The Rug Life4.3(12)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Books: The Original Watercolour Paintings by John James Audubon for The Birds of America, Volumes 1Claydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
ORIGINAL JOHN J. AUDUBON (1785-1851) NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART EXHIBITION POSTER, 33IN x 39IN (84cm xThe Rug Life4.3(12)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Sold2 John James Audubon Amsterdam PrintsDESCRIPTION: Two John James Audubon (French/American, 1785-1851) bird prints. Includes: 1) Booby Gannet. No. 42. Plate 207. Marked in the margins "Drawn from Nature by J.J. Audubon" and "Engraved, PriSee Sold Price
SoldJohn James Audubon (1785-1851), "Wood Thrush," 20tJohn James Audubon (1785-1851), "Wood Thrush," 20th c., Amsterdam Edition, colored print, No. 15, Plate 43, framed, H.- 20 1/2 in., W.- 27 in.See Sold Price
SoldAfter John James Audubon "Pin-Tailed Duck"After John James Audubon (American, 1785-1851) "Pin-Tailed Duck", offset color print from the Amsterdam Edition, 1976, from the elephant folio edition of The Birds of America (1824-1838), 21-1/2" x 27See Sold Price
SoldAFTER JOHN JAMES AUDUBON (AMERICAN, 1785-1851) LITAFTER JOHN JAMES AUDUBON (AMERICAN, 1785-1851) LITHOGRAPH Amsterdam edition, "Baltimore Oriole", Plate XII, No. 3. Nicely framed and matted. 20th century. 44" x 35 1/2" overall. Provenance & CatalogueSee Sold Price
SoldAUDUBON GANNET 326 AMSTERDAMGANNET. Plate # 326. (**I will be away until 2/24/12 and will not be able to ship until 2/27. Thank you!!**) Author/Artist John James Audubon: The Birds Of America. Date of Publication Published AmsteSee Sold Price
SoldAudubon Amsterdam, Great Blue HeronGreat Blue Heron, Plate 211. after John James Audubon (1785-1851). Offset color lithograph. Amsterdam: G. Schut & Zonen, 1971-73. 39 1/2 inches x 26 1/2 inches sheet, 44 x 31 inches framed. Property oSee Sold Price
SoldAudubon Amsterdam, White PelicanWhite Pelican, Plate 311. after John James Audubon (1785-1851). Offset color lithograph. Amsterdam: G. Schut & Zonen, 1971-73. 39 1/2 x 26 1/2 inches sheet. Property of the New York City Audubon SocieSee Sold Price
SoldJohn James Audubon (American, 1785-1851)John James Audubon (American, 1785-1851), "Wild Turkey", Plate I, 1971, lithograph, from Birds of America, Amsterdam edition, "G. Schut & Zonin" watermark visible, sheet 39 7/8 in. x 26 1/2 in., frameSee Sold Price
SoldJohn James Audubon, "Summer or Wood Duck"John James Audubon (American, 1785-1851), "Summer or Wood Duck", offset lithograph on paper, 37 1/2" x 24 1/2" (sight size), artist identified within matrix. Pub. Johnson Reprint Co., Amsterdam editioSee Sold Price
SoldJohn James Audubon (American, 1785-1851)John James Audubon (American, 1785-1851), "Great Blue Heron", color offset lithograph, from The Birds of America, Amsterdam edition, sight 37 1/2 in. x 24 1/2 in., matted and framed. Provenance: D. BeSee Sold Price
SoldAfter John James Audubon (American, 1785-1851)After John James Audubon (American, 1785-1851), "American White Pelican", offset color lithograph, from The Birds of America, Amsterdam edition, sheet 26 1/2 in. x 39 1/2 in., framedSee Sold Price
SoldAfter John James Audubon (American, 17After John James Audubon (American, 1780-1851) , "Black-throated Diver", Plate 346 and No. 70, offset color lithograph, Amsterdam edition, 1971, sheet 26 1/2 in. x 39 3/4 in., unframed* NO RETURNS ARESee Sold Price
SoldJohn James Audubon (American, 1785-1851)John James Audubon (American, 1785-1851), "Iceland or Jer Falcon", Plate 366, color lithograph, from The Birds of America, Amsterdam edition, sight 38 in. x 24 1/2 in., framedSee Sold Price
SoldJohn James Audubon (American, 1785-1851)John James Audubon (American, 1785-1851), "Snowy Owl", Plate 121, color lithograph, from The Birds of America, Amsterdam edition, sight 37 1/2 in. x 24 1/2 in., framedSee Sold Price
SoldAfter John James Audubon (American, 17After John James Audubon (American, 1780-1851) , "Great White Heron", Plate 281 and No. 57, offset color lithograph, Amsterdam edition, 1971, sheet 26 1/2 in. x 29 3/4 in., unframedSee Sold Price
SoldAfter John James Audubon (American, 1785-1851)After John James Audubon (American, 1785-1851), "Black-Bellied Darter", color offset lithograph from the Amsterdam edition of The Birds of America, sight 36-1/2" x 26-3/4". Glazed, matted and framed.See Sold Price
SoldAfter John James Audubon (American, 1780-1851)After John James Audubon (American, 1780-1851) , "American Robin", Plate 131 and No. 27, offset color lithograph, Amsterdam edition, 1971, sheet 39 1/2 in. x 27 in., unframed * NO RETURNS ARE ACCEPTEDSee Sold Price
SoldAfter John James Audubon (American, 1780-1851)After John James Audubon (American, 1780-1851) , "Ruby-Throated Hummingbird", Plate 47 and No. 10, offset color lithograph, Amsterdam edition, 1971, sheet 40 in. x 26 1/2 in., unframed * NO RETURNS ARSee Sold Price
SoldJohn James Audubon (American, 1785-1851)John James Audubon (American, 1785-1851), "Virginia Partridge", Plate 76, color lithograph, from The Birds of America, Amsterdam edition, sight 25 1/2 in. x 36 in., framedSee Sold Price
SoldAfter John James Audubon (American, 1780-1851)After John James Audubon (American, 1780-1851) , "Common American Swan" Plate 411 and No. 83, offset color lithograph, Amsterdam edition, 1971, sheet 27 in. x 39 1/2 in., unframed * NO RETURNS ARE ACCSee Sold Price
SoldAfter John James Audubon (American, 17After John James Audubon (American, 1780-1851) , "Spotted Grouse", Plate 176 and No. 36, offset color lithograph, Amsterdam edition, 1971, sheet 26 1/2 in.x 40 in., unframed* NO RETURNS ARE ACCEPTED OSee Sold Price
SoldAfter John James Audubon (American, 1785-1851)After John James Audubon (American, 1785-1851), "Louisiana Heron", offset color lithograph, from The Birds of America, Amsterdam edition, sheet 26 1/2 in. x 39 1/2 in., framedSee Sold Price
SoldAfter John James Audubon (American, 1785-1851)After John James Audubon (American, 1785-1851), "Brown Pelican", offset color lithograph, from The Birds of America, Amsterdam edition, sheet 26 1/2 in. x 39 1/2 in., framedSee Sold Price
SoldJohn James Audubon (American, 1785-1851)John James Audubon (American, 1785-1851), "Mallard Duck", color offset lithograph, from The Birds of America, Amsterdam edition, sight 25 1/2 in. x 37 1/2 in., matted and framed. Provenance: D. BenjamSee Sold Price
John James Audubon, book plate print, #8 White-throated SparrowConnoisseur Auctions3.9(335)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
c1946 Audubon Print, #236 Black-Crowned Night HeronConnoisseur Auctions3.9(335)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
c1946 Audubon Print, #59 Chestnut-Sided WarblerConnoisseur Auctions3.9(335)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024