THE FITZGERALD FAMILY TEA and DINNER SERVICEJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A CHINESE PORCELAIN GREEN ENAMELED DRAGON MOON FLASK BIANHUBerkeley Auction Gallery4.4(16)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
RARE COVENTRY GLASS WORKS MASONIC FLASKJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
100 Pieces Of Ginori Italian Fruit 1735 ChinaRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A Fine 19th C. English 183pc Dinnerware Set by CAULDONPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
HEREND PORCELAIN "FRUITS & FLOWER" DISH SETThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Andy Warhol (1928-1987) Space Fruit Cantaloupes IHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
ARTISTIC CARVING CO "CHESAPEAKE" AMERICAN EAGLEJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
(5) FINE JAPANESE KONOIKE SILVER DRAGON & IRISES TEA & COFFEE SERVICEAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
WEDGWOOD Florentine Green Border Dinner PlatesPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Immense 229pc GORHAM Floretine Sterling FlatwarePremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Tiffany & Co Sterling Silver Crystal Ewer Pitcher Figural Pair AntiqueHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Sold2 Clear Pressed Glass Open Salts.Two clear pressed glass Patent open salts. On marked: Magic, Pat'd. Sept. 25, 1917. The other marked: Combination Pat'd Feb. 27, 1872. Both in excellent condition. Keywords: Salt Cellar, Salt Dip, EAPSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Champleve French Open SaltsPair of champleve frame, set on ball feet, with clear pressed diamond point glass bowl open salts. 2" diameter. Unmarked. Enamel loss, bending to frames. Keywords: Salt Cellar, Salt Dip, Cloisonne, FrSee Sold Price
Sold13 Pcs. 19th C Pattern Glass14 pieces of 19th C Glass, Stemware in the Clear Circle Pattern Glass or Pressed Glass including 4 open compotes 5.5" diameter, 2 large tumblers 5" high, 2 goblets, Cruit, Spooner, open compote 7" diaSee Sold Price
SoldFour Glass Items: 2 Toothpicks, Fireglow Creamer & OpenFour glass items: figural toothpick holder, seated dog holding top hat, 3.5" high, 3.5" across; pressed green glass salt dip, 1.25" high, 3" x 2.5"; clear molded glass toothpick holder with high relieSee Sold Price
Sold75+ pressed glass open saltsA large group of clear pressed glass open salts. Age and condition vary, 19th and 20th century Keywords: Early, contemporary, round, square, star.See Sold Price
Sold10 Pattern Glass Pedestal Open SaltsTen clear pressed pattern glass pedestal open salts. Various patterns. Late 19th century. All appear to be in good condition, some rim nicks, contact marks etc. Keywords: Salt Cellar, Salt Dip, EAPG,See Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN GLASS SALTS, TUREEN, DISH & DOORKNOB,AMERICAN GLASS SALTS, TUREEN, DISH & DOORKNOB, EARLY 19TH C., SIX PIECES, DIA 2"-3":Clear glass includes 1 pedestal open salt, Dia.2 3/4" (chipped), 1 pedestal open salt, Dia.2 1/4", 1 compote-form opSee Sold Price
SoldA Miscellaneous Collection of Pressed Clear and CoA Miscellaneous Collection of Pressed Clear and Colored Glass Open Salts.See Sold Price
SoldASSORTED PRESSED GLASS OPEN SALTS, LOT OF FOURASSORTED PRESSED GLASS OPEN SALTS, LOT OF FOUR, purple slag/mosaic, three with English markings. Fourth quarter 19th century. 1 1/2" to 2 1/8" HOA. Provenance: From a North Carolina private collectionSee Sold Price
SoldSLEIGH-FORM PRESSED GLASS OPEN SALTS, LOT OF TWOSLEIGH-FORM PRESSED GLASS OPEN SALTS, LOT OF TWO, comprising a blue Rose Sprig with 1886 patent date, and a colorless Basketweave. Fourth quarter 19th century. 2 1/8" H, 3 1/8" and 3 1/2" L. ProvenancSee Sold Price
Sold80+ pressed glass open saltsA large group of clear open salts. Assorted shapes, sizes and designs. Age and condition varies, 19th, 20th century, American, Etc. Keywords: Early, contemporary, round, square, star.See Sold Price
SoldASSORTED PRESSED GLASS OPEN SALTS, LOT OF THREEASSORTED PRESSED GLASS OPEN SALTS, LOT OF THREE, various colors, including a cobalt blue OP-6 and a colorless EE1-A example. Various makers. 1828-1835. 1 3/4" to 2 1/4" HOA.Each with minor to significSee Sold Price
Sold2 Venetian Glass Open SaltsTwo round Murano or Venetian Glass open salts. 1 - Pale pink swirl glass bowl resting on gilt / clear dolphin, set on circular swirl base. 2 5/8" diameter x 1 5/8" high. 2 - Clear with thin cobalt rimSee Sold Price
SoldCollection of seven pressed glass open salts, earlCollection of seven pressed glass open salts early 19th century Oblong shapes, all variant decoration, one in cobalt to match a clear piece.See Sold Price
SoldGLASS OPEN SALTS, TUMBLERS, CREAMER & SUGAR, &GLASS OPEN SALTS, TUMBLERS, CREAMER & SUGAR, & MINIATURES, 20 PIECES:Including 8 open salts, 2 cobalt mugs, 2 clear cups, 1 Heisey creamer and 1 sugar bowl, 1 1870 Liberty Bell miniature spooner, H.2See Sold Price
CUT & PRESSED GLASS OPEN SALTS & DISHES,CUT & PRESSED GLASS OPEN SALTS & DISHES, 19TH C., ELEVEN PIECES, L 2"-4", INCLUDING SANDWICH:Including a set of 6 open salts, Dia.2"; 1 oval master salt, H.1 1/2", L.3 1/2"; and a set of 4 Sandwich flSee Sold Price
Sold70+ pressed glass open saltsA large group of clear open press glass salts. Assorted shapes, sizes and designs. age and condition vary, 19th and 20th century, American etc. Keywords: Early, contemporary, round, square, star.See Sold Price
Sold50+ pressed glass open saltsA large group of clear glass open salts. Mostly square. Pressed glass, age and condition vary, 19th and 20th century. Keywords: Antique, contemporary, rectangle oval.See Sold Price
SoldPRESSED GLASS OPEN SALTS & MASTER SALTPRESSED GLASS OPEN SALTS & MASTER SALT 17 H 1"-2" W 1.5"-2.5" A set of sixteen matched open salts with one master salt.See Sold Price
Sold70+ pressed glass open saltsA large group of clear open salts. Assorted shapes, sizes and designs. Age and Condition varies, 19th and 20th century, American, Etc. Kaywords: Early, contemporary, round, square, star.See Sold Price
CUT & PRESSED GLASS OPEN SALTS & DISHES,CUT & PRESSED GLASS OPEN SALTS & DISHES, 19TH C., ELEVEN PIECES, L 2"-4", INCLUDING SANDWICH:Including a set of 6 open salts, Dia.2"; 1 oval master salt, H.1 1/2", L.3 1/2"; and a set of 4 Sandwich flSee Sold Price
Vintage Pressed Glass Open Salts, Pairpoint Lafayet,Pair nice pressed glass open salts, Pairpoint Boston Sandwich, Lafayet glass boat, approx 3 1/2" long, amber Hobbs Brockunier boat, approx 4 1/2" long. Purchased from the Pat and Christensen collectioSee Sold Price
SoldPRESSED GLASS OPEN SALT SETPRESSED GLASS OPEN SALT SET, colorless, with two octagonal open salts, raised on a silver-plated stand. Maker unverified. Second half 19th century. 8" HOA, 3 1/4" H to top of salts, 2 3/4" x 6 3/4".UnSee Sold Price