Sold1971 SATURN V FLIGHT MANUAL SA510 APOLLO 15Revised 1969 flight manual for booster used for Apollo 15. Softbound, 224 page book with many diagrams and details on Saturn V booster. Some aging and signs of use.See Sold Price
SoldApollo 15 Saturn V Flight ManualAn uncommon Apollo 15 SA-510 Saturn V Flight Manual from Marshall dated 15 Aug 1969 with about 230 pages of photos, illustrations and information on the Saturn V systems. Used at the time with some weSee Sold Price
SoldApollo 15 Saturn V Flight Vehicle Launch EvaluationAn uncommon Apollo 15 Saturn V Launch Vehicle Flight Evaluation Report from Marshall dated Oct 28, 1971 with about 250 pages of illustrations and charts describing the performance of the Saturn V rockSee Sold Price
SoldApollo 15 Saturn V Launch Vehicle Flight, 1971Apollo 15 Saturn V Launch Vehicle Flight, 1971 Evaluation Report. (AS 510) (George C. Marshall Space Flight Center MPR-SAST-FE-71-2, approx. 240 pp., soft cover). This report contains the performanceSee Sold Price
SoldKRANTZ, GENE - Colour 10 x 8" photograph of a Saturn VColour 10 x 8" photograph of a Saturn V rocket tacking off at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida with Apollo 15 spacecraft in 1971, signed by NASA famous flight director Eugene Francis KrSee Sold Price
SoldApollo 10 & Apollo 11: Saturn V Flight Manual SAApollo 10 & Apollo 11: Saturn V Flight Manual SA 505 (Apollo 10)See Sold Price
SoldApollo 12 Saturn V Flight ManualAn original Saturn V Flight Manual for SA-507 (Apollo 12) dated 20 May 1969 from Marshall containing about 225 pages of photos, illustrations and information. The covers are toned with age, but greatSee Sold Price
Sold368: Apollo "Saturn V Flight Manual"(approx. 250pp., soft cover, bound) "This manual was prepared to provide the astronaut with a single source reference as to the characteristics and functions of the SA-510 launch vehicle and AS-510 flSee Sold Price
Apollo 11 AS-506 Saturn V Flight ManualAn Apollo 11 NASA issued and original "Saturn V Flight Manual SA-506" book. This is a soft backed book, MSFC-MAN-506, measures 8.5" x 11" x 0.75" thick with 200+ pages. It is dated February 25, 1969 oSee Sold Price
SoldApollo 8 1968, "Saturn V Flight Manual SA 503"(NASA MSFC-MAN-503, 255pp., soft) This manual "Was prepared to provide the astronaut with a single source reference as to the characteristics and functions of the SA-503 launch vehicle and the AS-503See Sold Price
SoldApollo 9 1968, Saturn V Flight Manual( NASA, 250pp., soft) "This manual was prepared to provide the astronaut with a single source reference as to the characteristics and functions of the SA-504 launch vehicle and AS-504 flight mission..See Sold Price
SoldApollo 14 Saturn V (SA-509) Flight Manual, 1969Apollo 14 Saturn V (SA-509) Flight Manual, 1969 (Approx. 240 pp., soft cover). This manual was prepared to provide the astronaut with a single reference volume on the characteristics and functions ofSee Sold Price
Sold12 Vols incl: SATURN V FLIGHT MANUAL. 1968.[Apollo Missions/Saturn V Vehicle] 12 Vols. Mostly 4to, couple folio. Orig wraps. ++ SATURN V FLIGHT MANUAL. NASA George C. Marshall Space Flight Center. MSFC-MAN-504. Sep. 1, 1968. Staining to wraps,See Sold Price
SoldJack King's Saturn V Flight ManualRevised "Saturn V Flight Manual, SA 510" as prepared by NASA and the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, 8.25 x 10.5, 234 pages, dated June 25, 1971. The manual was designed to provide the astronaSee Sold Price
Sold1969 SATURN V FLIGHT MANUAL SA507Flight manual for booster used for Apollo 12. Softbound, 203 page book with many diagrams and details on Saturn V booster. Some aging and signs of use.See Sold Price
Jack King's Saturn V Flight ManualRevised "Saturn V Flight Manual, SA 510" as prepared by NASA and the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, 8.25 x 10.5, 234 pages, dated June 25, 1971. The manual was designed to provide the astronaSee Sold Price
Sold1968 SATURN FLIGHT MANUAL SA 505 APOLLO 10Oct 15 Marshall Spacecraft Center softbound manual, three hole punched, 230 pages. Loaded with drawings, schematics and text, highly detailed. Good manual with some front cover soiling.See Sold Price
SoldApollo 15 Signed PhotographOfficial glossy 8 x 10 NASA photo of the Apollo 15 Saturn V being moved from High Bay 1 to High Bay 3 of the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) to stack the launch escape system on February 2, 1971, signSee Sold Price
SoldApollo 15 Flight Plan (Final Change A)Staple-bound official NASA manual for Apollo 15 entitled "AS-510/CSM-112-/LM-10, Final Change A, Flight Plan," 8 x 10.5, 74 pages, dated July 6, 1971, prepared by the Flight Planning Branch, Crew ProcSee Sold Price
SoldAl Worden's Apollo 15 Flight Plan (Final Change B)Al Worden's staple-bound official NASA manual for Apollo 15 entitled "AS-510/CSM-112/LM-10, Final Change B, Flight Plan," 8 x 10.5, dated July 12, 1971, prepared by the Flight Planning Branch, Crew PrSee Sold Price
SoldAl Worden's Apollo 15 Flight Plan (Final Change A)Al Worden's staple-bound official NASA manual for Apollo 15 entitled "AS-510/CSM-112-/LM-10, Final Change A, Flight Plan," 8 x 10.5, 74 pages, dated July 6, 1971, prepared by the Flight Planning BrancSee Sold Price
SoldApollo15/Saturn V Consolidate Instrumentation PlanApollo/Saturn V Consolidate Instrumentation Plan, 1971 for AS-510 (Apollo 15). (Approx 86 pp., soft cover, NASA K-V-O59/10, stapled). This report presents the instrumentation plan for employing opticaSee Sold Price
Apollo15/Saturn V Consolidate Instrumentation PlApollo/Saturn V Consolidate Instrumentation Plan, 1971 for AS-510 (Apollo 15). (Approx 86 pp., soft cover, NASA K-V-O59/10, stapled). This report presents the instrumentation plan for employing opticaSee Sold Price
SoldUnidentified PhotographerUnidentified Photographer Two views of the Saturn V rocket on the launch pad before takeoff, Apollo 15, July 1971. The second numbered 'NASA G-72-233' (NASA Goddard) in black on the recto l.l. margiSee Sold Price
LOT OF 4: MANUAL OF RAILROADS OF THE UNITED STATES.Dan Morphy Auctions4.2(1.3k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
GERMAN SILVER ENAMELED CIGARETTE CASE, Wimmer & RiethV.N. Collectible4.4(248)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
Omega Speedmaster Apollo 15 Chronograph 3366.51 Mens Watch Pre-OwnedBidhaus4.3(757)See Sold PriceFeb 23, 2024
[PHOTOGRAPHY]. A Group of 65 Cabinet Cards or Snapshots and...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Art Deco c.1910s WHITE GOLD LADIES WATCH with A.leCOULTRE MOVEMENT MESH BRACELETJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
11pc Tressemanes Vogt Limoges Porcelain Bowl and Cups, GrapeLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
GERMAN WWII SS DOCUMENT, CONFIRMATION of ARYAN ORIGINV.N. Collectible4.4(248)See Sold PriceMar 30, 2024
Gene Kranz Apollo 13 NASA Flight Director Failure is not an Option Signed Photo with COAGCB Estate Sales4.5(86)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024