[CIVIL WAR]. Manuscript Printed Confederate Soldier’s Disch...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
[CIVIL WAR]. Confederate document recording the impressment of an enslaved person for work onFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
[CIVIL WAR]. Group of Nine Newspapers, Six Confederate and ...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
[CIVIL WAR]. Confederate States of America “Bill of Health”...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
[CIVIL WAR]. Hand-Colored Cabinet Card Phot...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
[CIVIL WAR]. Group of Eighteen Newspapers, Including Four C...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Sold1865 Civil War era letterA nice letter from one cousin to one in the army (confederate) mentions camps and movements of troops nice contentSee Sold Price
Sold20 pieces of 19th century letters/letterheadsCollection of 20 pieces of 19th century letters/letterheads including 1865 Civil war era letter about a train wreck on Erie Railroad; 1867 letter asking for loan.See Sold Price
Sold1865 Ransom Smith East Georgia, VT letterJanuary, 1865 Civil War era letter to Ransom Smith of East Georgia, VT from his mother, mentions a box being sent containing, amongst other things, "six bottles of Renovator (Smith's Green Mt. RenovatSee Sold Price
1865 civil war era War Department letterTitle: 1865 civil war era War Department letter Dimension: 8" x 9 1/2" Provenance:Detailing General Orders No. 61. Mailed from Washington. April 7, 1865.Signed E. D. Townsend. Assistant Adjundant GeneSee Sold Price
Sold1865 Civil War era Richmond VA field hospital letter1865 Civil War era Richmond Virginia Field Hospital 25th AC letter. Written to C P Lord Agent Soldiers Mission. Accept My sincere thanks for the invoice of goods which you have forwarded for the use oSee Sold Price
SoldCivil War era Letter dated Dec. 1865. This missivCivil War era Letter dated Dec. 1865. This missive, written on blue paper is somewhat hard to read due to the tiny handwriting of Chas. W. Dabney, the person who wrote this letter. From what I can gatSee Sold Price
SoldFIVE CIVIL WAR ERA LETTERS AND CERTIFICATEIncludes assorted five letters dated Aug. 22, 1861, July 1, 1862, June 9, 1864, May 11, 1865, and March 21, 1867. 1862 letter from a Charles H. Tuck, Co. K, 1st Maine Cavalry. All with different authoSee Sold Price
SoldCivil War Era Letter.This 1865 letter was written to solider in the war. The letter mentions President Lincoln, General Hooker, General Burnside, Admiral DuPont, Confederate General Longstreet and others. A nice commentarSee Sold Price
SoldCollection of Post Civil War Era Letters.Collection of post Civil War era letters and correspondence. All handwritten, signed and dated, ranging from 1865 - 1887. A slice of history and life from that period. Includes a letter written by a cSee Sold Price
SoldCivil War Era LetterCivil War Era From the Assistant Quarter Master's Office Washington D.C. Dated 1865. Referencing the capture of Jefferson Davis and his gang and hoping to see them stretched. Along with Winchester CorSee Sold Price
Sold(2) Civil War Era Letters.(2) Civil War era letters. A 4-page Jan. 31st 1864 letter signed Platt and one page letter, Address of General Meade April 16th 1865 to the officers and soldiers presenting battle flags captured by thSee Sold Price
SoldCivil War era letter dated "Pittsburgh Pa. Sept.Civil War era letter dated "Pittsburgh Pa. Sept. 1.1865. Written by a man named Harry to "My Darling Wife" He fears she will be angry with him for taking so long to write. "But my darling I also knowSee Sold Price
SoldCivil War era letter. Scott #65, 1861 war issuedCivil War era letter. Scott #65, 1861 war issued stamp on Binghamton, New York cover. Letter dated May 9,1865 is requesting payment for a book that he had sent but has not received payment yet. minorSee Sold Price
SoldCivil War era letter written July 30, 1865 to ColCivil War era letter written July 30, 1865 to Col. A.J. Mackay, Nashville, Tenn. Discusses "our business which originated in Texas prior to the war" he then offers to travel to Nashville to settle theSee Sold Price
Sold1865 ALS Soldier Letter Civil War CW RepublicansCivil War-era letter by C.E. Kelly, Co. F 51 Reg., WI Vol., 21 May 1865. To his wife, Emma: "…have found nearly one whole page of edititorial devoted to true and loyal mourning regret for the nationSee Sold Price
SoldCivil War Era letter dated March 7th, 1865. F.ClaCivil War Era letter dated March 7th, 1865. F.Claus is writing friend Roger telling him all about the trip back home on the train, the stage and the ferry ride across the icy river. browning at folds,See Sold Price
SoldCivil War era Letter dated Sept. 19th, 1865. A seCivil War era Letter dated Sept. 19th, 1865. A secretive letter the man writing "H.L.Hanford" will be arriving in "N" the middle of next week but he does not want the men to know when. Can the personSee Sold Price
SoldCivil War era letter written from Mt.Chavannes, SCivil War era letter written from Mt.Chavannes, Switzerland. dated May 7,1865. Letter to brother, named Virgil. In this letter the he says "the news from the south is indeed glorious but the AssassinaSee Sold Price
Sold(4) Civil War Era Letters(4) Letters dating from 1863-1865 with eyewitness accounts of Lincoln in Albany, family members at war, Jefferson Davis, Frederick Douglass etc. Together with (3) Boston Sunday Globe News papers datinSee Sold Price
SoldFour Civil War era Letters dated 1845 through 18Four Civil War era Letters dated 1845 through 1865. These are family letters posted from Cleveland. Letters are written by the father and sister of a man who left Cleveland. They must have been a wellSee Sold Price
SoldAntique Handwritten Civil War-era LetterAlso includes newspaper articles. Letter is dated 1865See Sold Price
Soldca 1865 Civil War African American tintypeca 1865 Civil War era tintype of an African American young man with a suit & cigar, pencil inscription on paper holder "Our boy How is that for a foot?" (found in Lt. Col. Henry F Dutton's letters boxSee Sold Price
American Express Company Paper Lot.Lot includes 19th century paper work, Civil War Era Letters on American Express Stationary, and a Stock Certificate to John Butterfield 5 shares signed by Fargo and Butterfield 2-26-1865. CertificateSee Sold Price
SoldApril 26, 1865 Lincoln Assassinated + Booth ShotAbraham Lincoln Related Letter Reports Lincoln Assassinated and Booth Was Shot Excellent Foreign “Europe-Paris France” 16¢ Postage Paid April 26, 1865-Dated Civil War Era, Historical Content AutoSee Sold Price
[CIVIL WAR]. A Trio of a Union Soldier’s Letters Home, Incl...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
[CIVIL WAR ERA]. [RAILROADIANA]. Atlantic and Great Western...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Antique John R Bunnell 189th New York Infantry Carved Civil War Era Powder HornHoller and Hammer4.5(57)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
[CIVIL WAR]. Letter from Captain Henry R. Sibley in which he expresses his pro-EmancipationFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1864 LIFE & LETTERS of WASHINGTON IRVINGS 4 VOLUMES SET antique CIVIL WAR ERAJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1863-65 Civil War era handwritten diary of young ne Ohio womanJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
GOLTZ RUDIGER VON DER: (1865-1946)International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
WOW 1865 US 2 Cent Piece. GORGEOUS. FULL "WE." SUPER High Grade. Civil War EraRichard L. Edwards Auctioneering4.8(2.3k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Antique Civil War Era Alphabet Block Set with Two Color Letter and Number BlocksJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024