1857 Shipwreck Souvenir
Spanish Silver Reale Shipwreck CoinFeb 24, 2024CHARLES HENRY GIFFORD (Massachusetts, 1839-1904), Shipwreck., Oil on canvas, 9.5" x 12". Framed 19"Feb 27, 2024[Ambrotype] c. 1857 Knoxville, TennesseeMar 16, 2024Greek Terracotta Shipwreck AmphoraMar 05, 2024Four Early Railroad Paper Items - Baltimore & Ohio, White Pass & Yukon Route, and Michigan SouthernMar 07, 2024Large Chinese Shipwreck Hutian Porcelain VaseFeb 24, 2024United States 1c 1857 issue on cover Lexington KT, stamp cur at bottomFeb 24, 2024Rochester Brewing Pre-Prohibition Souvenir LithoFeb 25, 20241715 Fleet Shipwreck 8 Reale Silver Piece of 8 coin PendantFeb 27, 2024Group of 5 1933-34 Chicago Worlds Fair Souvenir CompactsFeb 24, 20241857 Gold $10 49er Horseman Shipwreck and 1857 Gold NuggetsMar 09, 2024ALBANY, NY STICK BAROMETER BY JOEL W. ANDREWS 42 HIGH STREET, 1857 (36" LONG ) MISSING BRASS PARTSMar 03, 2024GRAND TOUR SOUVENIR ENAMEL PICTURES IN SPECIMEN FRAMES, LOSSES (10" X 6 1/4" OVERALL)Mar 03, 20241857 Liberty Seated Half Dollar SS-Republic Shipwreck NGCFeb 28, 2024Three 14th C. Thai Sawankhalok Pottery JarsFeb 26, 20241857 Liberty Seated Half Dollar SS-Republic Shipwreck NGCFeb 28, 2024Souvenirs De La Guerre D'Orient Journal D'un Soldat Par G. JoubertFeb 25, 2024Large Silver Ingot Recovered from the Spanish Atocha ShipwreckMar 02, 2024EIGHT ANTIQUE STERLING SOUVENIR SPOONSMar 02, 2024STERLING SILVER SOUVENIR SPOONS, FORKS & COCKTAIL PICKSMar 02, 20241857 DEATH OF THE ANCIENT BRITISH SHIPWRECK ALMAMar 03, 20241857 Liberty Seated Half Dollar SS-Republic Shipwreck NGCFeb 27, 2024Silver Plate Recovered from the Spanish Atocha ShipwreckMar 02, 2024Souvenirs Militaires Et Intimes Vte De PelleportFeb 29, 2024