Sold17th Century Continental Officer’s Small Sword.Serpentine blade of 28", the lower portion engraved with floral motifs. Small guard and knuckle-bow inlaid with silver florals and spots. Steel spherical pommel inlaid with silver busts. Silver wire-wSee Sold Price
SoldContinental Officer’s Small Sword.Having a 33-1/2" 17th century straight blade of diamond section. Lower portion with single median fuller. Both sides with stamped legend: XX E N T O L E D O XX. Double clamshell guards pierced with fiSee Sold Price
Sold17th Century Officer’s Small Sword.The sword with 33-14" tapered, straight blade with single median fuller near base. Left side fuller stamped with illegible legend. Right side stamped: ???? STEPEN ?????? . Hilt of traditional form witSee Sold Price
SoldAN EARLY 17TH CENTURY ENGLISH OFFICER'S SWORD,AN EARLY 17TH CENTURY ENGLISH OFFICER'S SWORD, 90.75cm flattened diamond section blade, remains of what may have been a mortuary style hilt, together with a later smallsword with 71.54cm triangular seSee Sold Price
Sold17th Century Continental Sword.Having a straight 30-1/4" tapered blade of diamond section with single median Fuller stamped: RESDICE. Double kidney-shaped guard pierced with floral scrolls. Knuckle-bow with ball center. Rayed crownSee Sold Price
Sold17th Century Continental Sword.Having a straight 35" blade of diamond section, the left side with traces of engraved panels. Two branch and one kidney guard, insert embossed with grotesque mask. Branches with auxiliary re-curved elSee Sold Price
Sold17th Century Continental Sword.Having a 28-1/2" curved blade with single wide fuller and 8-3/4" back edge. Running Wolf present on both sides. Heart-shaped two-bar guard with recurved cage bar and pierced with holes. Thumb ring. PeSee Sold Price
SoldA 17TH CENTURY SMALL-SWORDA 17TH CENTURY SMALL-SWORD, 77cm incurved triangular section blade, characteristic hilt decorated with classical scenes, later wire bound grip.See Sold Price
SoldA LATE 17TH CENTURY SMALL SWORD, with tapering singleA LATE 17TH CENTURY SMALL SWORD, with tapering single edge blade, partly engraved, pierced steel guard, curving finger guard and knuckle bow, rounded pommel and wire bound grip. 2ft 9ins long overall.See Sold Price
SoldA 17TH CENTURY SMALL-SWORD,A 17TH CENTURY SMALL-SWORD, 77cm incurved triangular section blade, characteristic hilt decorated with classical scenes, later wire bound grip.See Sold Price
A LATE 18TH CENTURY CONTINENTAL SMALL SWORD, 77cmA LATE 18TH CENTURY CONTINENTAL SMALL SWORD, 77cm flattened diamond section blade decorated with stands of arms and a panel of strapwork, all highlighted in gilt, characteristic copper gilt hilt decorSee Sold Price
A LATE 18TH CENTURY CONTINENTAL SMALL SWORD, 77cmA LATE 18TH CENTURY CONTINENTAL SMALL SWORD, 77cm flattened diamond section blade decorated with stands of arms and a panel of strapwork, all highlighted in gilt, characteristic copper gilt hilt decorSee Sold Price
SoldAN 18TH CENTURY CONTINENTAL SMALLSWORD,AN 18TH CENTURY CONTINENTAL SMALLSWORD, 82cm flattened diamond section blade decorated with scrolling foliage and classical figures with traces of a gilt ground, characteristic steel hilt with D-shapeSee Sold Price
SoldSix 16th/17th-Century Continental Small BooksSix 16th- and 17th-Century Continental Small Leather or Parchment-Bound Books on Theology and Philosophy, including works of St. Augustine, Aulus Gellius and Justinian, among others, and published bySee Sold Price
SoldCONTINENTAL NAVAL OFFICER'S SMALL SWORD 18TH CENTCirca 1720-50 Naval officer's small sword with wire wrapped hilt, 'D' knuckle bow, double-edged triangular section blade blade, 32" long blade. The blade has evidence of old surface rust and has beenSee Sold Price
SoldContinental Naval Officer’s Small Sword.The officer’s sword with a 29" straight blade of diamond section. No markings. Gold-finished hilt with a sculpted clamshell guard, embellished with flags and anchor motifs. Three appliqued stars. KnSee Sold Price
SoldA 17TH CENTURY ENGLISH OFFICER'S SWORD, 81cm doubleA 17TH CENTURY ENGLISH OFFICER'S SWORD, 81cm double fullered flattened diamond section blade, the hilt with D-shaped knuckle guard supported by two pierced looping side guards decorated with foliage,See Sold Price
Sold19th Century Continental military officer's sword, the19th Century Continental military officer's sword, the wire bound fish skin grip with engraved steel hilt and pommel in a leather covered scabbard, together with two similar swords with wooden grips aSee Sold Price
SoldA MID 18TH CENTURY GERMAN OFFICER'S SMALL-SWORD,A MID 18TH CENTURY GERMAN OFFICER'S SMALL-SWORD, 76.5cm flattened diamond section blade decorated with scrolling foliage, birds, sailing ships and celestial imagery, all highlighted in gilt, characterSee Sold Price
SoldA 19TH CENTURY CONTINENTAL NAVAL OFFICER'S SWORD,A 19TH CENTURY CONTINENTAL NAVAL OFFICER'S SWORD, 83.5cm triangular section incurved blade decorated with scrolling foliage, laurel wreaths and stands of arms, all highlighted in gilt on a blued grounSee Sold Price
SoldA LATE 17TH CENTURY ENGLISH OFFICER'S SWORD, 85cmA LATE 17TH CENTURY ENGLISH OFFICER'S SWORD, 85cm flattened diamond section blade deeply struck IN SOLINGEN and with cross forms to either side, characteristic brass hilt with shallow shell guard withSee Sold Price
SoldA 19TH CENTURY FRENCH OFFICER'S SMALLSWORDA 19TH CENTURY FRENCH OFFICER'S SMALLSWORD, 81.5cm plain blade, characteristic hilt with traces of silvered finish, decorated over all with classical imagery, contained in its brass mounted leather scSee Sold Price
Sold18th C English, French, Dutch Child's Small SwordSwords Early 18th Century Child's Continental Small Sword c. 1740 Early 18th Century Continental European, gold gilt Child's Small Sword, measuring 30 3/8" overall, Very Fine. An nice Child's Small SwSee Sold Price
Sold18th C English, French, Dutch Childs Small SwordColonial America Early 18th Century Child's Continental Small Sword c. 1740 Early 18th Century Continental European, gold gilt Child's Small Sword, measuring 30 3/8" overall, Very Fine. An nice Child'See Sold Price
Antique Bruegel van Goyen Dutch Master Landscape Oil PaintingHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A small 17th Century leather bound Russian commentary bookOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A 17TH CENTURY JOINED OAK GATELEG TABLE OF SMALL SIZEHutchinson Scott Auctioneers4.4(42)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
17th century Spanish Sword, with cut blade, SpainTemplum Fine Art Auctions4.3(8)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Rare Khanjar sword, 17th century Central Asia, Afghanistan, in steelTemplum Fine Art Auctions4.3(8)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Early 20th century, Oil on canvas, A portrait of a 17th century nobleman dressed as an officerClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
17th century RUSSIAN BRONZE PAIR of CANDLESTICKS antique RAREJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Chinese 17th/18th century blue and white jar, Kangxi periodInternational Auction Gallery4.6(772)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
17th Century Antique James II Silver Lighthouse Sugar Caster London 1686 Clement StonerJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
16-17th Century Keris Dagger/SwordRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024