16" WAX OVER PAPIER MACHE LADY DOLLUnmarked wax over papier mache German solid dome shoulder head doll. Blue sleep eyes, closed mouth, cloth body with composition lower arms and legs. Some cracks in wax below chin and front shoulder plSee Sold Price
Sold16" WAX OVER PAPIER MACHE LADY DOLLUnmarked wax over papier mache German solid dome shoulder head doll. Blue sleep eyes, closed mouth, cloth body with composition lower arms and legs. Some cracks in wax below chin and front shoulder plSee Sold Price
wax coated papier mâché doll, lady, 47 cm, shoulderwax coated papier mâché doll, lady, 47 cm, shoulder headed doll, mohair wig, blue fix inset glass eyes, with some cracks in wax that are caused of old age, fabric body, mass arms and legs, up-painteSee Sold Price
SoldWAX OVER PAPIER MACHE DOLL.16" Unmarked wax over papier mache shoulder head doll. Blue sleep eyes, closed mouth, honey blonde mohair braided wig. Original excelsior stuffed cloth body. Papier mache lower arms and legs with painSee Sold Price
Antique French 16" Papier Mache Head French Fashion DollAntique French 16" Papier Mache Shoulder Head French Fashion Lady Doll Very Early Doll Rare and hard to find her body is original and her jacket is original to doll her skirt was made later to match,See Sold Price
SoldGERMAN WAX-OVER-PAPIER MACHE DOLL. 16". Wax-ovGERMAN WAX-OVER-PAPIER MACHE DOLL. 16". Wax-over-papier mache shoulderhead, inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, applied mohair wig, stitch-jointed cloth body, leather forearms and sewn-on red leatherSee Sold Price
SoldALL-ORIGINAL GERMAN WAX-OVER-PAPIER MACHE DOLL. 1ALL-ORIGINAL GERMAN WAX-OVER-PAPIER MACHE DOLL. 16". Shoulderhead model has molded blonde hair waved high and away from face, secured by black headband, almond-shaped inset dark glass eyes, tapered brSee Sold Price
Victorian Molded Hair Wax over Papier Mache Doll16" wax over paper mache Victorian era shoulder head doll having molded blonde hair in deep curls front and back, black pupiless glass eyes, original cheesecloth type body with composition arms and loSee Sold Price
SoldRare German Wax over Lady Doll.High quality wax-over-papier-mâché shoulder head with molded white shift across the front and back lower shoulder plate, elegant oval face (small spot of surface wear on cheek) with painted eyes, taSee Sold Price
Sold18.25" German Wax Over Papier Mache ShoulderheadC. 1860, lady doll, brown glass eyes, outstanding original blond mohair wig in ornate double-braided 'do, closed mouth, pierced ears (one earring missing), cloth body jointed at shoulders and hips, loSee Sold Price
SoldENGLISH WAX OVER PAPIER Mache Doll:ENGLISH WAX OVER PAPIER Mache Doll: Original Body, Leather Arms, Missing Hands, Cloth Feet, Slit In Head. Cir 1850 16"T (400-600)See Sold Price
SoldTwo Collectible DollsOne is a 14" German AM Floradora. Brown sleep eyes, open mouth, composition and wood body ( has repairs to both hands ), human hair wig. Antique clothing Second is a 16" wax over papier mache shoulderSee Sold Price
Sold20" Wax Over Papier Mache Lady20" Wax Over Papier Mache Lady, sleep pupiless black eyes, elaborately styled wig, cloth body w/leather arms, cloth sequined white shoes, eggplant print dress w/lace accents & matching hat, white crocSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 3: Half Dolls made into Lamps.Very nice wax over papier-mache lady with fancy original mohair wig, lovely bisque lower arms and fancy original outfit (deterioration to satin bow). Bisque head lady has worn skirt; china head lady wSee Sold Price
SoldTWO PAPIER MACHE DOLLS253. TWO DOLLS: GERMAN PAPIER MACHE LADY WITH BANGS & PAPIER MACHE DOLL WITH GLASS EYES. (1) Lady with bangs, marked: America, muslin-lined No. (partial shoulder back label). 16”. Papier mache shoulSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Wax over Papier Mache dolls in display boxesTwo Wax over Papier Mache dolls in display boxes, 1 11" lady, mohair wig, original clothes, box 13 1/2" x 6 1/2" x 3"See Sold Price
SoldWax over Paper Maché doll, shoulder headWax over Paper Maché doll, shoulder head, glass eyes, 16" wax over composition arms, antique dress; with a Wax over composition doll, 14.5", wax over composition arms and legs, soft cardboard body, oSee Sold Price
Sold19 1/2" REINFORCED POURED WAX LADY DOLLUnmarked. Poured wax shoulder head lined on inside with plaster composition, set eyes, painted features, mohair wig. Cloth body with papier mache lower arms and new bisque lower legs. Antique clothingSee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE BISQUE HEAD GERMAN DOLL.16" 1159 S.H. DEP 5 1/2 Lady doll with brown sleep eyes, open mouth, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig. Papier mache ball jointed lady body marked (red stamp) HEINRICH HANDWERCK Germany 2/0. Dressed inSee Sold Price
SoldAntique German Bisque Doll, Simon Halbig 100916" S&H 1009 DEP. Bisque appears perfect. Stationary blue eyes, open mouth, pierced ears. Replaced blonde synthetic wig. Papier mache ball jointed body. Dressed as a fashion lady doll in a long 2-pc.See Sold Price
Sold6 Assorted Collector Dolls and Papier Mache Dolls:1089. 6 Assorted Collector Dolls and Papier Mache Dolls: Two 12"T. Mexican Papier Mache Tourist Dolls, 15"T. 1981 African Lady Vinyl Doll, Bisque Head Boy and Girl Dolls on Wicker Bench, 16"T. Vinyl SSee Sold Price
SoldFRENCH TYPE WAX OVER PAPIER MACHE DOLLPupil-less glass eyes; painted pate; mohair wig (not attached); gusseted kid lady body; original clothes, shoes, socks; wax on mouth missing; feet torn off; knees separating; dress dirty & slight meltSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 5 composition dolls, etc., 16" papier macheLot of 5 composition dolls, etc., 16" papier mache woman w. stick body, 11" wax over wood "as is", 20" wax over compo, wax peeling off face, 19" compo shoulder head doll, tight crazing and unmarked 22See Sold Price
SoldLot: 2 German Wax Over Paper Mache Dollsca. 1880, the first doll is a wax over composition lady with molded blonde hair with blue bow and brown pupilless glass eyes, the second is a wax over composition child with molded hair, brown pupilleSee Sold Price
(19th c) PAPIER MACHE BOX "AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE"John McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
MARKED Toyo JAPAN Vintage Handmade Beautiful Japanese Geisha Doll Statue Music box PLAYS MusicAuction Wallstreet4.5(49)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Unusual Papier Mache Figure of Don Quixote on HorseMid-Hudson Auction Galleries4.4(470)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
19th C. Mother of Pearl & Gilt Papier Mache ChairEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(204)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Sculpture on Mixed media and Papier Mache signed MENDIVE and Dated 2012 with COABasel Auction House4.5(46)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
PAPIER MACHE MILLNER'S HEAD.Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(116)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Douglas Staten Moses Figure Papier Mache SculptureAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceApr 16, 2024
Southeast Asian Carved Polychrome Wood Mask, Ca. 19th/20th C., H 16.5" W 10.5"DuMouchelles4.6(829)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024