Sold16 vols. Modern First Editions: Bell, Madison Sma16 vols. Modern First Editions: Bell, Madison Smart. Doctor Sleep. San Diego, etc., (1991). 1st ed. 8vo, orig. bds., d/j. NF/F. * Burroughs, William S. Cities of the Red Night. New York, (1981). 1st eSee Sold Price
SoldBrowning (Robert) Bells and PomegranatesBrowning (Robert) Bells and Pomegranates, numbers 1-8, all but vol.V. first editions, long ink inscription to dedication leaf of vol.VIII., a few neat ink underlinings, modern green crushed haSee Sold Price
Sold[Bronte (Charlotte)] "Currer Bell" - Shirley,first editions , with 3 pp. advertisements at end of vol. 3, but without those in vol.1, without half-titles, as issued, vol 1 margins little trimmed, some spotting and marking, modern half morocco, mSee Sold Price
Sold[Brontë (Charlotte)], "Currer Bell" - Villette,3 vol., first edition , lacking 12pp. publishers' catalogue at the end of vol.1, lacking imprint leaf at the end of vol.3, some finger-soiling and light staining, decorated endpapers, modern cloth, spSee Sold Price
SoldOwen (Wilfred) The Complete Poems and FragmentsOwen (Wilfred) The Complete Poems and Fragments,2 vol., first edition, original cloth, dust-jackets, slip-case, 1983; and 16 others, modern Poetry, including 8 of the Ariel Poems in original eSee Sold Price
Sold6 vols. Modern First Editions: Huxley, Aldous. Th6 vols. Modern First Editions: Huxley, Aldous. The Cicadas and other Poems. Garden City, 1931. 1st ed. 8vo, orig. marbled cloth; light wear. * Steinbeck, John. In Dubious Battle. New York: Covici FrieSee Sold Price
Sold9 vols. Modern First Editions - Belles Lettres -9 vols. Modern First Editions - Belles Lettres - Primarily British Authors: Sackville-West, Edward. The Apology of Arthur Rimbaud. London: Hogarth Press, 1927. 12mo, orig. decorated bds.; moderate weaSee Sold Price
Sold11 vols. Modern First Editions - American Authors11 vols. Modern First Editions - American Authors: Hannah, Barry. Ray. New York, 1980. 1st ed. 12mo, orig. bds., d/j. * _ _. The Tennis Handsome. New York, 1983. 1st ed. 8vo, orig. bds., d/j. * _ _.See Sold Price
Sold4 vols. Modern First Editions - American Authors4 vols. Modern First Editions - American Authors: Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Crack-Up. (New York): New Directions, (1945). 1st ed., 1st ptg. Edited by Edmund Wilson. 8vo, orig. bds.; light wear, d/j (lSee Sold Price
Sold7 vols. Modern First Editions - American & Britis7 vols. Modern First Editions - American & British Playwrights: Albee, Edward. Tiny Alice. New York: Atheneum, 1965. 1st ed. 8vo, orig. black cloth; minor wear, d/j (a few small close tears at edges,See Sold Price
Sold5 vols. Modern First Editions & C: Kipling, Rudyar5 vols. Modern First Editions & C: Kipling, Rudyard. The City of Dreadful Night. New York: Alex Grosset, 1899. 1st Am. [pirated] ed. 8vo, orig. red & black stamped pictorial orange cloth, t.e.g., otheSee Sold Price
Bristol Records Society. 16 vols first editions fromBristol Records Society. 16 vols first editions from 1930 to 1950, cloth; others later in publisher's cloth bindings. Bristol and Gloucester Archaeological Society's Transactions, 12 vols. for 1901-12See Sold Price
3 vols. Modern First Editions: Conrad, J3 vols. Modern First Editions: Conrad, Joseph; Ford, Ford Madox. The Nature of a Crime. Garden City: Doubleday Page, 1924. 1st ed. 12mo, orig. bds.; minor discoloration to endpapers, paper labels, d/jSee Sold Price
Sold78vols. Modern First Editions - British Authors8 vols. Modern First Editions - British Authors: Gibson, William. Mona Lisa Overdrive. Toronto, etc., (1988). 1st Am. ed. 8vo, orig. bds., d/j. * _ _. The Difference Engine. New York, etc., (1991). 1See Sold Price
SoldBristol interest.Bristol Records Society. 16 vols first editions from 1930 to 1950, cloth; others later in publisher's cloth bindings. DALLAWAY (W) Antiquities of Bristow, 1834, half calf; few others including SomerseSee Sold Price
SoldGreenaway (K) Almanack for 1883 - [1895]Greenaway (Kate) Almanack for 1883-[1895] and 1897,together 14 works in 16 vol., first editions, colour illustrations by Kate Greenaway, half-titles, a couple with light browning to half-titleSee Sold Price
SoldTrow (M.J.) - [The Inspector Lestrade books],16 vol., first editions, original boards, dust-jackets, fine copies, 1985-96; and c.50 others by the same and similar, 8vo (c.65)See Sold Price
SoldPeters (James Lee) Check-list of Birds of the WorPeters (James Lee) Check-list of Birds of the World, 16 vol., first edition, some ink annotations in Dillon Ripley's hand, original cloth, most rubbed, vol.2 broken and loose, vol.9 with jointSee Sold Price
Sold[Brontë (Charlotte)], "Currer Bell". The[Brontë (Charlotte)], "Currer Bell". The Professor. A Tale, 2 vol., first edition, Arthur Bell Nicholls' copy with his ink ownership inscription to front free endpaper, half-titles, 2pp. advertisSee Sold Price
8 vols. (1 wrappers) Modern First Editions - Amer8 vols. (1 wrappers) Modern First Editions - American Women Authors: Ducornet, Rikki. The Jade Cabinet. Dalkey Archive Press, (1993). 1st ed. 12mo, orig. cloth, d/j. NF/F. * _ _. The Word Desire." NewSee Sold Price
Sold12 vols. (4 wrappers) Modern First Editions - Ame12 vols. (4 wrappers) Modern First Editions - American Authors - Fiction Collective imprints & authors, small press & c: Baumbach, Jonathan. Chez Charlotte and Emily. (New York): Fiction Collective, (See Sold Price
SoldInsects.- Donovan (Edward) The Natural History ofInsects.- Donovan (Edward) The Natural History of British Insects, 16 vol. in 8, first edition, half-titles to vol.1 and 13-16 only, 576 hand-coloured engraved plates, some foxing, bookplate of EdwardSee Sold Price
SoldSMILEY, Kathryn and Robin, editors. Firsts: Collecting Mode...SMILEY, Kathryn and Robin, editors. Firsts: Collecting Modern First Editions, Vols. 1-6. Pasadena: The Lucerne Group, 1991-96. 72 issues bound in 6 volumes, 4to. Original gilt-stamped padded leather,See Sold Price
SoldRobert Proud, "The History of Pennsylvania in NorthRobert Proud, "The History of Pennsylvania in North America" (Phila, Zachariah Poulson, Jr 1797); 2 vols; 8vo; Modern red sheep; First Edition, by a Quaker settler. In addition to the complete historySee Sold Price
Numismatic Books - Rudding's Coinage of Britain Vol I-III, Plus SuplementTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Parisian First Edition Photogravure in the style of Pablo Picasso’s HarlequinSimply EstatedSee Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
1626 HISTORY of BAVARIA by Andreas Brunner antique Vol. I BLINDTOOLED PIGSKINJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Bookbinding.- Binding.- Zaehnsdorf (Joseph W.) The Art of Bookbinding, first edition, George Bell &Forum Auctions4.3(53)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
[Atkinson (John Augustus)] Sixteen Scenes taken from The Miseries of Human Life. By one of theForum Auctions4.3(53)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Astronomy.- La Lande (Jérome ) Astronomie, 2 vol., first edition, Paris, Desaint & Saillant, 1764;Forum Auctions4.3(53)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Medicine.- Plague.- Relationi di varie Pesti in Italia sin'all'anno corrente 1630, Naples, OttavioForum Auctions4.3(53)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Medicine.- Dupuytren (Guillaume) Lecons Orales de Clinique Chirurgicale, 4 vol., first edition,Forum Auctions4.3(53)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
England.- Hassell (John) Tour of the Grand Junction, large paper copy, 24 hand-coloured aquatints,Forum Auctions4.3(53)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Gustav Marisch - Hagentaler Kranzchen, c. 1910 - Wiener Werstatte SecessionNCAG4.4(32)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Franz Suhser - Hagentaler Kranzchen, c. 1910 - Wiener Werstatte SecessionNCAG4.4(32)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024