Sold(15) Non Fiction Books: American WestLot of 15 Non Fiction Books about the American West. Most are contemporary and include both hard and soft bound books. Very good condition.See Sold Price
Sold30 NATIVE AMERICAN AND WESTERN RELATED BOOKSA COLLECTION OF 30 NATIVE AMERICAN AND WESTERN RELATED BOOKS. Mostly reference and historical non-fiction including, “Fighting Indians of the West”, Schmitt and Brown 1948 Bonanza Books, “BurySee Sold Price
Sold15 BOOKS: THE AMERICAN WEST, 1st Ed's & DJ'SJournals of Lewis and Clark. Heritage. Boxed. 2 volumes.Flexner. That Wilder Image. 1st. DJEwers. Views of a Vanishing Frontier.Harlow. Modern Pueblo Pottery.Blacklock/Russell. High.... 1st DJ.NewhallSee Sold Price
C.W. GETTYSBURG: THE LAST INVASION by Allen C. GuelzoCivil War Book GETTYSBURG: THE LAST INVASION by Allen C. Guelzo | Published: Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2013 | Gettysburg: The Last Invasion is a 2013 military history non-fiction book by American autSee Sold Price
SoldGroup Seven Antique Books American Non-FictionNice group of seven vintage and antique American books. Secret Service, Presidents, Civil War history, etc. Condition ranges good to Vg/Ex. Auction Gallery Notes: Condition: If the auctioneer does notSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Non-Fiction (3)Group of three American non-fiction books. Include: Our Famous Women 1883; The American Scene by Henry James 1907; and Americanisms by Bartlett (ex-library). Set measures 9.25 in. x 5.75 in. x 6.5 in.See Sold Price
Women Authored Non-Fiction Books (6)Group of six women authored non-fiction books. Includes: 1) Early American Women Printers and Publishers by Leona M. Hudak. 1978. 2) The Elbert Hubbard I Knew by Mary Hubbard Heath. 1929. 3) The StorySee Sold Price
Three American History Non Fiction Book CollectionFor your consideration is this collection of three American history non fiction books. The first book is called The Foxes of Harrow by Yerby a book about pre civil war New Orleans. The second book isSee Sold Price
SoldGROUP OF ASSORTED BOOKS AMERICAN INDIAN RESEARCHGroup of 16 assorted non fiction books, mostly pertaining to Native Americans, etc, 24.5lbs total Provenance: From the estate of Archaeologist Ann IrwinSee Sold Price
SoldTwo shelves of miscellaneous non-fiction books(Lot of 40+) Two shelves of miscellaneous non-fiction books, including titles on agriculture, American history and other topics, including a six volume edition of Winston Churchill's ''The Second WorlSee Sold Price
SoldNon-Fiction (5) BooksGroup of five non-fiction books. Includes: 1) Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico parts I and 2. 1959. Pageant Books. 2) Sometime Again by Major George L. Hall. Inscribed by author. 1945. ...See Sold Price
SoldA Collection of American Fiction and Nonfiction Books.A Collection of American Fiction and Nonfiction Books. Comprised of John Toland's biography of Adolf Hitler and two works by Lloyd C. Douglas. Together with two books of poems by Edna St. Vincent MillSee Sold Price
SoldAfrican American Fiction and Non Fiction BookLarge collection with titles including Meridian by Alice Walker, The Heart of the Woman by Maya Angelou and more.See Sold Price
SoldAmerican Indian Fiction and Non-Fiction Books (4)A pair of the same non-fiction work of American Indians by Kate Dickinson Sweetser and two novels about Indians by Edward S. Ellis.Ellis' works include "Wilderness Fugitives" and "The Path in the RaviSee Sold Price
SoldNon-Fiction Central and North America (3)Group of three Central American and North America non-fiction books. Includes: 1) Salesman's Copy of The Story of Mexico and The Story of the Panama Canal. Illustrated. Map has been removed after theSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 60: Books on American History.Lot is comprised of: Many non-fiction books relating to The Revolutionary War, The French and Indian War, and the Civil War. Some selected titles include: " The Medal of Honor"; "Official PublicationSee Sold Price
18 HARDBACK NON-FICTION BOOKS | Prt. '20s to '40s18 HARDBACK NON-FICTION BOOKS | Printed Dates: '20s to '40s Some of the topics included are: American History, Art, Ballet, Religion, Linguistics, and Political Science.See Sold Price
15 BOOKS OF THE OLD WEST15 Books of the Old West Including The Album of Gunfighters, The Great American West, Good Medicine, Trail Dust and Saddle Leather, Following General Sam Houston, The Bad Men of the West, Great AdventSee Sold Price
24 HARDBACK NON-FICTION BOOKS | Prt. '50s to '70s24 HARDBACK NON-FICTION BOOKS | Printed Dates: '50s to '70s Some of the topics included are: Health/Safety, Dictionary of American Slang, American History, Art History, and Architecture.See Sold Price
HARDBACK & PAPERBACK NON-FICTION BOOKS | Contemp.17 HARDBACK & PAPERBACK NON-FICTION BOOKS | Printed Dates: Contemporary Some of the topics included are: Linguistics, Cultural Arts, American Politics, International Politics, and Historical. See Sold Price
Western Novels & Non Fiction Books CollectionFor your consideration is this collection of western novels and non fiction books about the "Old Northwest". This is a book collection with a art-type edition of The last of the Mohicans by James FeniSee Sold Price
SoldMilitary Theme Non Fiction BooksThis is a collection of seven military theme books. The first book is by Pulitzer Prize winner David McCullough, 1776. This book is a first edition in new condition with the dust jacket. The book measSee Sold Price
1862 North America Anthony Trollope West Indies AND Spanish Main CANADA NIAGARAJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
GABRIEL OROZCO, ANA MENDIETA, LATIN ART. 5 BOOKSToronto Book Auctions4.3(13)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
AMERICAN SILENCE, THE PHOTOGRAPHS OF ROBERT ADAMS.Toronto Book Auctions4.3(13)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
ARTIST'S BIOGRAPHIES. ROBERT SMOTHSON AND OTHERS.Toronto Book Auctions4.3(13)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
SCIENCE & NATURE: C. DARWIN AND OTHERS. 15 BOOKSToronto Book Auctions4.3(13)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
YOUSUF KARSH; AMERICAN LEYENDS & 60 YEARS. SIGNEDToronto Book Auctions4.3(13)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
TARYN SIMON AN AMERICAN INDEX OF THE HIDDEN 1ST EDToronto Book Auctions4.3(13)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024