SoldLot 13 camera lenses incl. Braun, Wollensack, CarlLot 13 camera lenses incl. Braun, Aragon, Nikon, Wollensack, Carl Zeiss & more, please note that we are not experts when it comes to cameras, these cameras & accessories came from a longtime collectorSee Sold Price
Sold13 CamerasNo.2A Brownie (C), No.2 Cartridge Hawk-Eye Model B (C), Bilora Stahl B0x (B), Altix (B), No.2 Folding Autographic Brownie (CD), VoigtlÅ nder Bessa (C), Zeiss Ikonta 513/16 (B), Kodak Retinette II (C),See Sold Price
SoldVintage Polaroid camera group 13 cameras - 2-ColoVintage Polaroid camera group 13 cameras - 2-Colorpack II Land, 2-Square Shooter 2, The Clincher, red Electric Zip, 2-Swinger 20, Auto Focus 660, Pronto B, 2-One Step, Super ClincherSee Sold Price
SoldA Collection of Zeiss Ikon Folding CamerasA Collection of Zeiss Ikon Folding Cameras Ikontas: 520, 520/18, 521 (2), 522/24 Nettars: 515 (2), 515/16, 517/17 (2) Continas: 522/ 24 (2), 524/24 13 cameras in total, 5 examples with ERCs, togetherSee Sold Price
SoldGerman Field Camera 13 x 18 cm, c. 1900German Field Camera 13 x 18 cm, c. 1900 Unmarked. Polished wood with brass fittings, black bellows (with small holes), focusing screen back. With "Carl Zeiss Planar 3,8/160 mm Serie Ia, No. 11", irisSee Sold Price
SoldGerman Field Camera (13 x 18 cm), c. 1890German Field Camera (13 x 18 cm), c. 1890 Unmarked, polished wood with brass fittings, green bellows with black corners, unmarked brass lens F8, focusing screen back. Deutsche Reisekamera 13 x 18 cm,See Sold Price
SoldStereo Field Camera (13 x 18 cm), c. 1892Stereo Field Camera (13 x 18 cm), c. 1892 Presumably French, plate size 13 x 18 cm, polished wood with brass fittings, 2 Steinheil brass lenses "Universal-Aplanat 96 mm" (no. 36295 + 299), for waterhoSee Sold Price
Sold4 Field Cameras 13 x 18 cm, c. 1870-804 Field Cameras 13 x 18 cm, c. 1870-80 Presumably all by German manufacturers. Tailboard system, 3 cameras with green bellows and red and black corners, 1 camera with red bellows. Lenses: Extra RapidSee Sold Price
SoldStereo Field Camera 13 x 18 cm, c. 1860–70Stereo Field Camera 13 x 18 cm, c. 1860–70 Presumably French, size 13 x 18 cm, tropical wood with brass fittings, focusing screen back with handcrank, dark brown bellows with red corners, 2 unmarkedSee Sold Price
Sold13 Plate Cameras13 Plate Cameras 1) Rochester Camera. Cycle Poco No. 6, dark-red bellows, c. 1900. - 2) Dr. Krügener's, Bockenheim. Delta model, catalog no. 521, size 9 x 12 cm, dark-red bellows, c. 1900. - 3) ZeissSee Sold Price
Sold2 Field Cameras (13 x 18 cm and 24 x 30 cm)2 Field Cameras (13 x 18 cm and 24 x 30 cm) 1) German field camera, 13 x 18 cm, unmarked, c. 1890. Retailer's plate: "R. Jachnow's Photo-Handlung Bremen", walnut-wood with brass fittings, dark-green bSee Sold Price
SoldGerman Field Camera 13 x 18 cm, c. 1890–1900German Field Camera 13 x 18 cm, c. 1890–1900 Probably Ernemann, Dresden. Plate size 13 x 18 cm, polished wood with brass fittings, green bellows with black corners, rotating focusing screen back. WSee Sold Price
SoldField Cameras (13 x 18 cm and 18 x 24 cm)Field Cameras (13 x 18 cm and 18 x 24 cm) 1) Presumably Tailboard camera from England, size 13 x 18 cm, c. 1890, polished wood with brass fittings, dark-red bellows with dark corners, brass lens "Ad.See Sold Price
SoldGerman Field Camera 13 x 18 cm, c. 1890German Field Camera 13 x 18 cm, c. 1890 Probably Ernemann, Dresden. Beautiful and solid field camera, tropical wood body with sturdy brass fittings, Rodenstock brass lens "Doppel-Anastigmat Eurynar 6,See Sold Price
Sold3 Field Cameras 13 x 18 cm, c. 1870-903 Field Cameras 13 x 18 cm, c. 1870-90 Unmarked, plate size 13 x 18 cm, polished wood with brass fittings, bellows in brown, green with dark-red corners and dark-brown. 1 with lens by Hermagis in rollSee Sold Price
Sold2 Field Cameras (13 x 18 cm and 24 x 30 cm)2 Field Cameras (13 x 18 cm and 24 x 30 cm) 1) German field camera, 13 x 18 cm, unmarked, c. 1890. Retailer's plate: "R. Jachnow's Photo-Handlung Bremen", walnut-wood with brass fittings, dark-green bSee Sold Price
SoldField Camera 13 x 18 cm, c. 1890Field Camera 13 x 18 cm, c. 1890 Unmarked. Solid field camera, polished wood with brass fittings, black bellows, focusing screen back, lens board with roller-blind shutter (working), universal lens hoSee Sold Price
SoldFrench Field Camera 13 x 18 with Voigtländer Lens, c.French Field Camera 13 x 18 with Voigtländer Lens, c. 1880 Marked "NN Deposé", polished wood camera with brass fittings, dark-red bellows with black corners, focusing screen back. – With VoigtlänSee Sold Price
SoldGerman Field Camera 13 x 18 cm, c. 1890German Field Camera 13 x 18 cm, c. 1890 Unmarked, teakwood with nickel fittings, square green bellows with black corners, focusing screen back. With Goerz "Extra-Rapid-Lynkeioskop Serie C No. 3" brassSee Sold Price
SoldTropical Wood Folding Flat Bed Camera (13 x 18)Edelholz-Laufbodenkamera (13 x 18 cm), um 1880 Unbezeichnet, Mahagoni mit Messing, Frontstandarte manuell verschiebbar, blau-grüner konischer Balgen, doppelter Auszug. Wie bei einer Reisekamera wirdSee Sold Price
SoldField Camera 13 x 18 cm Probably GermanField Camera 13 x 18 cm Probably German. Tropical wood body with brass fittings. Rear standard with plug-in design. Zeiss "Tessar 4,5/16,5 cm" focusing mount, with ground glass back and 2 wooden doublSee Sold Price
SoldField Camera (13 x 18) for Mono and StereoUnbezeichnet, Mahagoni mit Messingbeschlägen, schwarzer, quadratischer Lederbalgen, hinterer Auszug mit Triebverstellung. Mit Messingobjektiv "Rodenstock Extra-Rapid-Aplanat 7,7/32" auf ObjektivplattSee Sold Price
SoldGerman Field Camera 13 x 18 cm, c. 1890German Field Camera 13 x 18 cm, c. 1890 Unmarked, dealer's plate from Russia, tropical wood with brass fittings, green bellows with black corners, brass lens by Goerz: "Dopp.-Anastigmat Serie III DagoSee Sold Price
SoldGerman Field Camera 13 x 18 cm, c. 1900German Field Camera 13 x 18 cm, c. 1900 Presumably Ernemann, Dresden. Plate size 13 x 18 cm, tropical wood with solid brass fittings, black bellows, focusing with crank mechanism, Schneider Xenar 4,5/See Sold Price
A Tray of Canon and Chinon 35mm SLR Cameras and BodiesFlints Auctions Ltd4.4(71)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A Fallowfield London 13 x 11 Rapid Doublet Brass Camera Lens,Flints Auctions Ltd4.4(71)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
(3) ANTIQUE IRON & CAMERA STANDS, TWO CENTURYAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceApr 12, 2024
(13) NOVELTY CAMERAS, BARBIE, SNOOPY, FRIES, MOREAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceApr 12, 2024
(17) ANTIQUE WOOD PLATE HOLDERS, SOME UNUSUALAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceApr 12, 2024
(11) MODERN CAMERA LENS, MOST MINOLTA, ONE LEICAAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceApr 12, 2024
(13) B&W STEREO SLIDES, 1930'S, AMBROTYPE, MOREAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceApr 12, 2024
(13) VINTAGE FOLDING BELLOWS CAMERAS MOSTLY KODAKAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceApr 12, 2024
(18) BOXED VINTAGE KODAK EQUIPMENT & CAMERASAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceApr 12, 2024
(13) VINTAGE BOX CAMERAS, ZEISS, KODAK, ANSCOAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceApr 12, 2024