Sold1024: ASTP Photographs AstronautsIncluded are 3 color photographs (8 x 10") of the ASTP crew in there business suits standing in front of an Apollo capsule and 1 black and white photograph (8 x 10) of a cable assembly. Good conditionSee Sold Price
SoldASTP Kubasov Autograph on ASTP BookletSoyuz signed in black Sharpie in the cover of this booklet with text in Russian. Also included are 4 NASA black and white (8 x 10") photographs of astronauts and cosmonauts, a (1.5 x 2.5") maroon, navSee Sold Price
SoldASTP Stafford, Brand, Slayton, Leonov and Kubasovon a cover bearing an "Apollo-Soyuz Test Project ASTP Crew Named" black and white cachet and preprinted with 8c postage. The cachet includes a photograph of the U.S. ASTP astronauts as well as identifSee Sold Price
Sold3 - Deke Slayton's ASTP Red Numbered PhotographsHere are three vintage red numbered photographs from the personal collection of Astronaut Deke Slayton. These photographs are from the Apollo Soyuz Test Project. Each comes with an individual COA fromSee Sold Price
SoldASTP Donald Slayton Autoraphon a (8 x 10") color photograph of the astronaut in his space suit, inscribed "Best wishes to Joe Wohl - Deke Slayton." Slayton signed in black Sharpie. C.O.A. included. Excellent condition.See Sold Price
SoldASTP Deke Slayton AutographsThe fist is on a color (8 x 10") photograph of the suited astronaut. Inscribed "Best wishes to Irene Hetrick, Deke Slayton." The second autograph graces a 25th Anniversary of NASA cover. Both are in eSee Sold Price
SoldASTP Stafford, Brand, Slayton, Leonov Kubasovon a black and white photograph (9 x 7") of the astronauts/cosmonauts. Boldly signed. Good condition.See Sold Price
SoldASTP Stafford, Brand & Slayton Autographson a black and white photograph (12 x 11") of the astronauts. Slayton and Brand have signed in green. Stafford has signed in red. Good condition.See Sold Price
SoldVance Brand ASTP Autographon a color (8x10") NASA publicity photograph (GPO 1980 675-173 JSC-211) of the astronaut in his space suit. Inscribed "To Jody with Best Regards! Vance Brand". Great photograph with strong autograph.See Sold Price
Sold1975 ASTP DEKE SLAYTON & VANCE BRAND SIGNED PORTRAOne signed color NASA litho and one signed color photograph. First is vintage 1974 NASA issued 8"x10" color business suit portrait litho of Astronaut Deke Slayton signed in thin black sharpie with addSee Sold Price
Sold1023: NASA ASTP Photographsof the ASTP flight. This collection inlcudes both color and black and white (8x10") photographs of the crew, space crafts, splashdown and more. A wonderful pictorial of the first joint Russian-AmericaSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 50 NASA ASTP PhotographsA collection of black and white (8x10") glossy NASA ASTP photographs. Some duplication. Included are images of the crew, equipment, launch facilities and more. All are in very good condition.See Sold Price
SoldLot of 75 NASA ASTP Photographs75 black and white (8x10") glossy NASA ASTP photographs. Some duplication. Includes crew pictures, diagrams, cosmonaut portraits, pace craft photographs, and more. Excellent condition.See Sold Price
Lot of 4 ASTP PhotographsIncluded are 3 color photographs (8 x 10") of the ASTP crew in there business suits standing in front of an Apollo capsule and 1 black and white photograph (8 x 10) of a cable assembly. Good conditionSee Sold Price
Sold1025: ASTP Photographs Leonov SoyuzLot of three black and white oversize ASTP photographs (approx. 11 x 15"). The first picture shows Leonov autographing his capsule with chalk upon his return to earth, the Soyuz ASTP space craft, andSee Sold Price
Sold1022: ASTP Photographs Lithographs30 in color (8 x 10"). Included are 10 NASA official crew photographs, 20 crew lithographs of which 9 are attached to card stock with information regarding that photograph printed beneath, 1 launch liSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 4 NASA ASTP Photographs4 different black and white publicity photographs (8 x 10") depicting NASA language officer Nicholas Timacheff and the former head of the Soviet Space Institute. Excellent condition.See Sold Price
Sold2 - Deke Slayton's Red Numbered ASTP PhotographsHere are two vintage red numbered photographs from the personal collection of Deke Slayton. These photographs are from the Apollo Soyuz Test Project. Each one comes with an individual COA from Sandy CSee Sold Price
31 NASA ASTP Photographsof the ASTP flight. This collection includes both color and black and white (8x10") photographs of the crew, space crafts, splashdown and more. A wonderful pictorial of the first joint Russian-AmericaSee Sold Price
SoldASTP Astronaut Tom Stafford Autograph on a NASA coASTP Astronaut Tom Stafford Autograph on a NASA color publicity lithograph (8 x 10") of the ASTP prime crew. Excellent condition.See Sold Price
SoldJames McDivitt (b.1929) for NASA Photograph, ASTRONAUTJames McDivitt (b.1929) for NASA PhotographASTRONAUT EDWARD WHITE DURING MAN'S FIRST EVA SPACEWALK, PERFORMED DURING GEMINI 4, JUNE 3, 1965original vintage chromogenic print on Kodak paper, inscribedSee Sold Price
Brand Stafford Slayton Hartsfield AutographsVance Brand, Tom Stafford, Deke Slayton and Hank Hartsfield Autographs Lot of four color (8x10") ASTP photographs. The ASTP crew photo is autographed by Stafford and Brand; an ASTP spacecraft photograSee Sold Price
SoldSummary of NASA Launches from Western Test RangeAlso included is a June 16, 1975 letter from the ASTP astronauts to the KSC team thanking them for their efforts in their upcoming flight, with autopen signatures. Ex: the Henry van Goey collection. HSee Sold Price
Victor Skrebneski Lingerie Fashion PhotographsEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(204)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Rodger LaPelle, Seven Vintage Photographs, Portraits & People, 1950sHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Neil Armstrong with repoduction signed personal check -mattedClassic Moments4.5(80)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
SOVIET YURI GAGARIN ASTRONAUT PHOTO W STAMPS SIGNEDAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
SOVIET PHOTO SIGNED BY ASTRONAUT GAGARIN BREZHNEVAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
1969 PHOTOGRAPH OF APOLLO 11 CREW WITH AUTOGRAPHSAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
NASA Astronaut Kathryn Sullivan First American Woman SpacewalkGCB Estate Sales4.5(86)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
CONRAD CHARLES: (1930-1999)International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024