Sold10 x Corgi Classics Bedford OB CoachesCorgi Classics a group of Bedford OB Coaches. To include No.97101 Scilly Isles - Vics Tours, No.97108 Granville Tours, 2-piece Set No.97078 Corkhills, No.D949/24 Southern National plus others - conditSee Sold Price
Sold10 x Corgi Classics Bus SetsCorgi Classics a group of Bus Sets. To include 2 x No.97079 Bedford OB and Leyland Tiger Coaches - 70th Anniversary Premiere Omnibus, No.97070 AEC Regal and Bedford OB Coach "Silver Service", No.97750See Sold Price
Sold11 x Corgi Classics Bedford OB CoachesCorgi Classics a group of Bedford OB Coaches. To include No.97765 Bedford OB Coach and Morris J Van "Strathblair", No.97347 - Malta Buses, No.33802 - Malta plus others - conditions are Mint in Near MiSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi Classics - 13 x Bedford OB CoachesCorgi Classics - group of Bedford OB Coaches. To include, No.97347 - Malta Buses, No.33801 Titfield Thunderbolt, No.97111 - Meredith, No.97741 - Island Transport Set, No.97765 "Strathblair" with BedfoSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi Classics - 14 x Bedford OB CoachesCorgi Classics - group of Bedford OB Coaches. To include, No.97106 - Fred Bibby, No.97105 - Felix Coaches, No.97101 Island Transport - Vics Tours, No.D949-24 Southern National, plus others - conditionSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi Classics - 8 x Code 3 Bedford OB CoachesCorgi Classics - mixed group of Code 3 Bedford OB Coaches. Liveries to include, "GWR", "BOAC", "Bournemouth Corporation", plus others - conditions are generally Near Mint to Mint in Good Plus to NearSee Sold Price
Sold9 x Corgi Classics Busses and Coaches including Be9 x Corgi Classics Busses and Coaches including Bedford OB, AEC Regal, Leyland Tiger and Burlingham Seagull. Mint in Mint boxes.See Sold Price
SoldCorgi - A Group of BusesCorgi Bus, a group of - including China Motor Bus, Dennis Dart, Corgi Classics Bedford type OB Coach x 6, OOC Single Deck Buses and others - overall Mint in Good Plus to Near Mint boxes. (20)See Sold Price
SoldCorgi Classics - 9 x Code 3 Issue VehiclesCorgi Classics - group of Code 3 issue vehicles. To include, Bedford Series Van "Moorhouses Jams" with certificate number 25 of 250, Bedford OB Coach "LMS" with certificate number 38 of 250, GB ModelsSee Sold Price
Sold9 x Corgi Classics Busses, Coaches and Trams inclu9 x Corgi Classics Busses, Coaches and Trams including Bedford OB, AEC Regal, Thornycroft Open Top and Double Deck Tram. Mint in Mint boxes.See Sold Price
SoldCorgi, Britains, Lledo, Matchbox - A Mixed GroupCorgi, Britains, Lledo, Matchbox, a mixed group of boxed and unboxed items. To include Corgi Classics No.C949-3 Bedford OB Coach - Swallow, Britains No.7153 Farm Family Figure Set, 2 x Lledo Vans, CorSee Sold Price
Corgi Classics - Bedford Pantechnicons & OthersCorgi Classics - 8 x Bedford Pantechnicon, 8 x Bedford Van and 8 x Bedford OB Coach including Norfolks and Royal Blue (much duplication) - all generally Near Mint to Mint in Good to Near Mint window bSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi Classics Cars and CommercialsCorgi Classics and Cars. To include, Bedford OB Coach and Pantechnicons, Corgi No.319 Jaguar XJS, No.338 Rover 3.5, No.310 Porsche, No.329 Opel Senator, No.306 Fiat X 1.9, together with a Chieftain TaSee Sold Price
Sold10 x Corgi Classics Busses, Coaches and Trams incl10 x Corgi Classics Busses, Coaches and Trams including Open Top Regent Set, AEC, Double Deck Tram and Bedford Val. Mint in Mint boxes.See Sold Price
Sold12 x Corgi Classics Busses, Coaches and Trams incl12 x Corgi Classics Busses, Coaches and Trams including AEC Regent, Double Deck Tram, Metrobus and Bedford OB. Mint in Mint boxes.See Sold Price
SoldCorgi Classics Guinness VehiclesCorgi Classics a group of Guinness Vehicles. To include Leyland Ergomatic 8-wheel Platform Lorry with bottle crates x 2, Bedford OB Coach, Bedford TK Articulated Truck and Platform Trailer with cratesSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi Classics - A Group of CommercialsCorgi Classics - a group of grey window box Commercial Vehicles including 4 x Bedford OB Coach, 3 x Bedford Pantechnicon, various Ford Model T, Mack, Thorneycroft and other commercial vehicles - generSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi Classics Thorneycroft VansCorgi Classics assorted Thorneycroft Vans to include Duckhams, Oxo, Police, News of the World. Together with 4 x Eastern National Bedford OB Coach, much duplication. (20)See Sold Price
SoldCorgi - A Group of BusesCorgi group of Buses - including 10 x No.469, 5 x Bedford type OB Coach plus others - overall Mint in Excellent Plus boxes. (30)See Sold Price
SoldCorgi Classics Bedford OB CoachesCorgi Classics Bedford OB Coaches. To include Hampshire and Sussex, Grey Cars, Bluebird, Premier Travel, Southern Vectis, Isle of Man Tours, Crossville, some duplication - otherwise Near Mint to MintSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi Classics Bedford OB CoachesCorgi Classics - Bedford OB Coaches a group which includes Eastern National, Devon General, British Railways (different destination boards) plus others - conditions are generally Mint in Excellent toSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi Classics - Bedford OB Coaches and VansCorgi Classics - mixed group of Bedford OB Coaches and Vans. To include, No.C949/1 Bedford OB Coach - Norfolk's, C949/11 Bedford OB Coach - East Yorkshire, complete with certificate, C953/4 Bedford PaSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi Classics Bedford OB Coaches and SetsCorgi Classics a group of Bedford OB Coaches and Sets. To include No.98164 Bedford OB Edinburgh, No.D949-31 Bedford OB "British Railways", No.97053 "York Bros" 2 piece Set, No.97750 "The East Kent SetSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi Classics Bedford OB CoachesCorgi Classics in grey window boxes Bedford OB Coaches a large quantity all with different liveries including - Wallis Arnold, grey Cabs, MacBraynes, Premier Travel and others - some duplication. AllSee Sold Price
Lot 2 Marvel Crossover Classics 2001 & Fantastic Firsts 2002The Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
3 Official Rawlings Baseball-Reds Balls - Signed Starting 8 BRM, Signed Sparky Anderson and the RedsClassic Moments4.5(80)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
3 Cincinnati Reds Balls - Signed Johnny Bench and Joe Morgan with "Great Eight" Ball-In CaseClassic Moments4.5(80)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
7 x 10 Persian Classic Kashan Rug RED BLUE TRADITIONALMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Chanel 09A Grey Metallic Lambskin Medium Classic Double Flap BagMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Hallmark Kiddie Car Classics 2 Bill's BoardsRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Four Disney Classics & Walt Disney World CalendarsRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Three Corgi Classics The Beatles Collection ModelsC & T Auctioneers and Valuers Ltd4.3(51)See Sold PriceJul 13, 2024
Corgi Classic Bedford Dormobile Van Pre-production modelC & T Auctioneers and Valuers Ltd4.3(51)See Sold PriceJul 13, 2024