"Zevachim". Amsterdam, 1765. Press of the sons of
1671 ARGENIS by John Barclay VELLUM BINDING ANTIQUE Scotland ELZEVIR PRESSFeb 27, 20241664 ROMAN HISTORY by Velleius Paterculus antique VELLUM ELZEVIR PRESSFeb 27, 20241657 ELZEVIR PRESS ORATIONUM by DANIELIS HEINSIUS antique VELLUM BOUNDFeb 27, 2024J. Tenhagen oil Fishing Fleet outside of AmsterdamMar 06, 2024Angelina Wood: Two SwansFeb 27, 2024Angelina Wood: Still Life with BasketFeb 27, 2024Dellenbaugh inscribed N. Americans of YesterdayMar 07, 2024Vintage lot of horror movie lobby cards and press kit photosMar 10, 2024A Charming Portrait by Rembrandt Artist's Son Titus Print BookletFeb 25, 2024ANTIQUE VELLUM GREEK PHILOSOPHY PROGYMNASMATA, ELZEVIR PRESS, 1655Mar 03, 20241657 ELZEVIR PRESS ORATIONUM BY DANIELIS HEINSIUS ANTIQUE VELLUM BOUNDMar 03, 2024JOHN BARCLAY'S ARGENIS, PUBLISHED IN 1671, IS BOUND IN AN ANTIQUE SCOTLAND ELZEVIER PRESS.Mar 03, 20241644 ELZEVIER PRESS VELLUM, PRINCIPUM ET ILLUSTRIUM VIRORUM EPISTOLAE ANTIQUAEMar 03, 2024JOHN BARCLAY'S 1659 ARGENIS, ANTIQUE SCOTLAND, ELZEVIER PRESSMar 03, 2024ANTIQUE ROMAN HISTORY, 1664, BY VELLEIUS PATERCULUS ELZEVIR VELLUM PRESSMar 03, 2024JOHN BARCLAY VALLUM'S 1671 ARGENIS, ANTIQUE SCOTLAND ELZEVIER PRESSMar 03, 2024Sakuntala & Hans Daymanti by Chitrashala PressMar 08, 2024The Border and the Buffalo By John R Cook 1938Feb 29, 2024Raziel HaMalach?, First Edition, AmsterdamMar 07, 2024"Mrs. Lincoln's Boston Cook Book" - Printed 1888Mar 03, 2024Frederick Prescott (American/New Mexico, b. 1949)Mar 14, 2024Don McCullin, Vietnam: War in the Jungle; War in the Paddy Fields (two works)Mar 08, 2024Primitive Cast Iron Sausage PressMar 09, 2024The Works of James Fenimore Cooper, 12258 Lots Away