"Mishmar V'Sport." Tel Aviv, 1940. Complete albumMishmar V'Sport card album, published by Dubek. Tel Aviv, 1940. 288 pictures have been pasted to the pages of the album. They depict the construction of the land, in three sections: HaMishmar [JewishSee Sold Price
SoldPostcard Binder - "The Black Album"The Black Album. Published by the Anti-Nazi League, Tel-Aviv, April 1940. Hebrew, English and French. Complete postcard binder composed of ten postcards. This binder is a very early public visual docuSee Sold Price
Postcard Binder - "The Black Album" - An Early Visual"The Black Album". Published by the Anti-Nazi League, Tel-Aviv, April 1940. Hebrew, English and French. Complete postcard binder composed of ten postcards. The presented postcard binder is a very earlSee Sold Price
SoldNational Flags - Tel Aviv, 1940s. Complete AlbumNational Flags - card album published by the Kedem cigarette company, Tel Aviv, 1940s. Complete album. 220 color flags from European countries, the Far East, Africa, Australia and the United States arSee Sold Price
SoldPhoto Album – “Beit Moshav Zekenim” - Tel Aviv, 1940Photo Album presented to Mr. Shimon Levin, Chief Secretary of the "Hevrat Moshav Zekenim" Management. Tel Aviv, 1940. The album, which was presented on the occasion of his daughter’s marriage, incluSee Sold Price
SoldTWO COMPLETE SETS OF JACOB’S BIBLE CARDS. Tel-Aviv, 194TWO COMPLETE SETS OF JACOB’S BIBLE CARDS. Tel-Aviv, 1940’s. Eavh one with 54 cards.See Sold Price
SoldLot of 2 old Israeli card booksLot of 2 old Israeli card books: 1. Countries and Nations in Pictures, Gold Band, complete album, good condition: reasonably timeworn 2. Famous Jews from Around the World, Kedem Cigarettes Tel Aviv, cSee Sold Price
Sold"The black album" - album of postcards. EarlyTHE BLACK ALBUM. Published by the Anti-Nazi League, Tel Aviv, Nissan 1940. Hebrew, English, and French. Looseleaf with postcards, with all ten postcards. The Anti-Nazi League that  published this aSee Sold Price
SoldPostcard Binder - "The Black Album" – An Early VisualThe Black Album. Published by the Anti-Nazi League, Tel-Aviv, April 1940. Hebrew, English and French. Postcard binder composed of eight postcards (out of ten). This binder is a very early public visuaSee Sold Price
"HaAlbum HaShachor" - album of postcards. EarlyHaAlbum HaShachor. Published by the Anti-Nazi League, Tel Aviv, Nissan 1940. Hebrew, English, and French. Looseleaf with postcards, with all ten postcards. [8] pages, 10 postcards [8] pages. PostcardsSee Sold Price
Yehudim Mefursamim B'Olam. Tel Aviv, 1938. CompleteA card album published by the "Kedem" cigarette company. 144 cards distributed by the cigarette company in the 1930's are glued into the album. They show Jewish personalities who became famous thrSee Sold Price
Collection of Autographs of All of the Members of the"Collection of Signatures of the First Knesset Delegates" - complete autograph album, with autographs of the First Knesset members. Gathered, edited and arranged by a teenager from Tel-Aviv, 1949-1950See Sold Price
Palestine Tel Aviv Mishmar Ezrachi Civil Guard steelPalestine/Israel: helmet of the [Tel Aviv] "Mishmar Ezrachi" ('Civil Guard'), circa. mid-late 1940's, manufactured by Pleese Ltd. of Holon. The helmet is blue-gray in color and bears the second versioSee Sold Price
Palestine Tel Aviv Mishmar Ezrachi Civil Guard steelPalestine/Israel: helmet of the [Tel Aviv] "Mishmar Ezrachi" ('Civil Guard'), circa. mid-late 1940's, manufactured by Pleese Ltd. of Holon. The helmet is blue-gray in color and bears the second versioSee Sold Price
Palestine Tel Aviv Mishmar Ezrachi Civil Guard steelPalestine/Israel: helmet of the [Tel Aviv] "Mishmar Ezrachi" ('Civil Guard'), circa. mid-late 1940's, manufactured by Pleese Ltd. of Holon. The helmet is blue-gray in color and bears the second versioSee Sold Price
Palestine Tel Aviv Mishmar Ezrachi Civil Guard steelPalestine/Israel: helmet of the [Tel Aviv] "Mishmar Ezrachi" ('Civil Guard'), circa. mid-late 1940's, manufactured by Pleese Ltd. of Holon. The helmet is blue-gray in color and bears the second versioSee Sold Price
Palestine Tel Aviv Mishmar Ezrachi Civil Guard steelPalestine/Israel: helmet of the [Tel Aviv] "Mishmar Ezrachi" ('Civil Guard'), circa. mid-late 1940's, manufactured by Pleese Ltd. of Holon. The helmet is blue-gray in color and bears the second versioSee Sold Price
Palestine Tel Aviv Mishmar Ezrachi Civil Guard steelPalestine/Israel: helmet of the [Tel Aviv] "Mishmar Ezrachi" ('Civil Guard'), circa. mid-late 1940's, manufactured by Pleese Ltd. of Holon. The helmet is blue-gray in color and bears the second versioSee Sold Price
Palestine Tel Aviv Mishmar Ezrachi Civil Guard steelPalestine/Israel: helmet of the [Tel Aviv] "Mishmar Ezrachi" ('Civil Guard'), circa. mid-late 1940's, manufactured by Pleese Ltd. of Holon. The helmet is blue-gray in color and bears the second versioSee Sold Price
Palestine Tel Aviv Mishmar Ezrachi Civil Guard steelPalestine/Israel: helmet of the [Tel Aviv] "Mishmar Ezrachi" ('Civil Guard'), circa. mid-late 1940's, manufactured by Pleese Ltd. of Holon. The helmet is blue-gray in color and bears the second versioSee Sold Price
Palestine Tel Aviv Mishmar Ezrachi Civil Guard steelPalestine/Israel: helmet of the [Tel Aviv] "Mishmar Ezrachi" ('Civil Guard'), circa. mid-late 1940's, manufactured by Pleese Ltd. of Holon. The helmet is blue-gray in color and bears the second versioSee Sold Price
Palestine Tel Aviv Mishmar Ezrachi Civil Guard steelPalestine/Israel: helmet of the [Tel Aviv] "Mishmar Ezrachi" ('Civil Guard'), circa. mid-late 1940's, manufactured by Pleese Ltd. of Holon. The helmet is blue-gray in color and bears the second versioSee Sold Price
Palestine Tel Aviv Mishmar Ezrachi Civil Guard steelPalestine/Israel: helmet of the [Tel Aviv] "Mishmar Ezrachi" ('Civil Guard'), circa. mid-late 1940's, manufactured by Pleese Ltd. of Holon. The helmet is blue-gray in color and bears the second versioSee Sold Price
Palestine Tel Aviv Mishmar Ezrachi Civil Guard steelPalestine/Israel: helmet of the [Tel Aviv] "Mishmar Ezrachi" ('Civil Guard'), circa. mid-late 1940's, manufactured by Pleese Ltd. of Holon. The helmet is blue-gray in color and bears the second versioSee Sold Price
Boris Borvine Frenkel - Rabbi holding Torah - PaintingLevy Auction House4.3(11)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Tsukioka Yoshitoshi. 36 Ghosts. Complete album with all 36 woodblocks, title/contents page, andTremont Auctions4.6(294)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Ogata Gekko. Tales of Genji. Complete woodblock album of all 54 chapters (woodblocks) with titleTremont Auctions4.6(294)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Tsukioka Yoshitoshi. 32 Aspects of Customs and Manners of Women (Fuzoku Sanjuniso). Album of 32Tremont Auctions4.6(294)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Ethel Pisareff Ceramic Modernist Vase 11in IsraelThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
[BASEBALL]. Group of Twenty-One Baseball-Related Periodical...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
VAN HALEN signed "Diver Down" album- COMPLETE ORIGINAL BAND Signed-JSA LetterMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
19 ALBUMS OF UNITED STATES STAMPS, 1940 FIRST DAY COVERS, FROM 1991-2021The Rug Life4.3(12)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
375+ 1960s Estate Fresh Non-Sports Card CollectionBruneau & Co. Auctioneers4.5(491)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
BACK TO THE FUTURE PART II (1989) - Grays Sports Almanac Dust JacketPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024