Sold"Ere Ibeji" Twin Figures, NigeriaTwo female Ibeji twin figures, one with crown-shaped coiffure rising in four points, the other with conical coiffure in four sections. Both have large bulging eyes, flared nostrils, pouting lips flankSee Sold Price
SoldYoruba artist, female Ere Ibeji (twin figure)Yoruba artist female Ere Ibeji (twin figure) Nigeria, 20th centurycarved wood, beads, aluminum3.5 w × 2.75 d × 10 h in (9 × 7 × 25 cm) Provenance: CollectSee Sold Price
SoldYoruba artist, male Ere Ibeji (twin figures), pairYoruba artist male Ere Ibeji (twin figures), pair Nigeria, 20th centurycarved wood3 w × 2.5 d × 9.25 h in (8 × 6 × 23 cm) Provenance: Collection of Mark ISee Sold Price
SoldYoruba artist, female Ere Ibeji (twin figures), pairYoruba artist female Ere Ibeji (twin figures), pair Nigeria, 20th centurycarved wood, beads4 w × 2.5 d × 11.5 h in (10 × 6 × 29 cm) Additional figure measures: 3.5 w x 3.5 d x 10.75 h inches.See Sold Price
SoldYoruba-Figur, "ere ibeji" / Nigeria / Twin Figure103 Figur, "ere ibeji" Yoruba, Nigeria Ohne Sockel / without base Holz, Eisen. H 23 cm. Provenienz: - vermutl. Maria Wyss, Basel. - Hannah Salathé (1926-2012), Basel. - Schweizer Nachlass Basel. ÜbeSee Sold Price
SoldYoruba-Figur, "ere ibeji" / Nigeria / Twin Figure104 Figur, "ere ibeji" Yoruba, Nigeria Ohne Sockel / without base Holz, Glasperlen. H 26,5 cm. Provenienz: - vermutl. Maria Wyss, Basel. - Hannah Salathé (1926-2012), Basel. - Schweizer Nachlass BaseSee Sold Price
SoldYoruba / Nigeria Ere Ibeji / twin figuresYoruba / Nigeria Ere Ibeji / twin figures- commemorate deceased twins, honor their spirit, wood, landry bluing, female has crack on front of base, small cracks between breasts, down her left eye and oSee Sold Price
Yoruba/Nigeria Ere Ibeji/Twin figuresYoruba/Nigeria Ere Ibeji/Twin figures - commemorate deceased twins, honor their spirit- wood laundry bluing, female has crack on front of base small crack between breasts down her left eye and on herSee Sold Price
SoldMale/female pair of twin figures "ere ibeji" - Nigeria,wood, reddish brown patina, black paint, pigments, metal tag eyes (missing for the male figure), adorned with strings of miniature glass beads and coconut discs, large eyes with grooved eyelashes, triSee Sold Price
SoldPair of twin figures "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yoruba,wood, colour pigments, coconut discs, cowry shells, one nail head (eyes) preservedComparable "ibejis", probably by the same carver, illustrated by Stoll (1980, p. 260 f.). The figures show greatest siSee Sold Price
SoldPair of twin figures "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yoruba,wood, washing patina, camwood powder, glass beads/coconut discs, H: 26,5/27 cm (female/male), H: 26,5/10,6 inch Provenance: Gerd Hanebeck, Wuppertal, Germany Lit.: Polo, Fausto, Enzyklopädie der IbejSee Sold Price
SoldMale/female pair of twin figures "ere ibeji" - Nigeria,wood, rich reddish brown shiny patina, black paint, abundantly adorned (three strings of glass beads/coconut discs each), encrusted with camwood powder, slightly dam., insect caused missing parts, craSee Sold Price
SoldPair of twin figures "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yorubawood, greyish brown patina, camwood powder "osun", indigo blue/black paint at the coiffure, male/female, both likewise abundantly adorned with metal ring, numerous necklaces with coconut discs and minSee Sold Price
SoldFemale pair of twin figures "ere ibeji" - Nigeria,wood, camwood powder, coconut discs, glass beads, cowry shells, This beautiful "iibeji" pair is published in the standard work "Twin Figures of the Yoruba" by Gert and Mareidi Stoll. H: 26,5 cm, H: 10See Sold Price
SoldPair of twin figures "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yoruba,wood, camwood powder, miniature glass beads, coconut discs, metal tag eyes (one missing) H: 23,5 cm (male) / 25 cm (female), H: 9,3 inch Provenance: collected in situ in the 1960s Saxer, Switzerland RSee Sold Price
SoldPair of twin figures "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yoruba,wood, camwood powder, indigo blue pigment, miniature glass beads, coconut discs, nails, beautiful detail: feather-shaped emblem, rep. (female) H: 23 cm (each), H: 9,1 inch Provenance: collected in sitSee Sold Price
SoldFemale pair of twin figures "ere ibeji" - Nigeria,wood, rich reddish brown patina, encrustations with camwood powder, remains of indigo blue pigment, abundantly adorned (with six strings of glass beads, resp.coconut discs each), metal tag eyes, tribaSee Sold Price
SoldTwo male twin figures "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yorubawood, rich blackish brown patina, strings of miniature glass beads and coconut-discs, metal bracelets, metal tag eyes (one missing), high crested coiffures with a kind of wickerwork- pattern and neckSee Sold Price
SoldPair of twin figures "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yoruba,wood, pigment, glass beads, coconut discs, H: 26 cm, H: 10,2 inch Provenance: Zemanek-Münster, Würzburg, 28 May 2016, lot 295 Gerhard & Gisela Hoffmann, Würzburg, Germany AHDRC: 0132000 Lit.: Polo,See Sold Price
SoldPair of twin figures "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yoruba,wood, camwood powder "osun", pigment, coconut discs, glass beads, H: 27 cm, H: 10,6 inch Provenance: Alex Jungmann, Nurembeg, Germany Lit.: Polo, Fausto, Enzyklopädie der Ibeji, 2008, ill. 570 ContinSee Sold Price
SoldPair of twin figures "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yoruba,wood, pigment remains, traces of insect caused damage H: 26 cm (female); 27,5 cm (male), H: 10,2 inch Provenance: collected in situ in the 1960s Saxer, Switzerland René Rickli, Olten, Switzerland LitSee Sold Price
SoldPair of twin figures "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yoruba,wood, colour pigments, coconut discs, vertebral bones, glass beads, H: ~ 28,5 cm, H: ~ 11,2 inch Provenance: German Private Collection Lit.: Stoll, Gert & Mareidi, Ibeji, Zwillingsfiguren der Yoruba,See Sold Price
SoldPair of twin figures "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yoruba,wood, encrustations with camwood powder, cowry shells, H: 25,5 cm und 26 cm, H: 10,0 inch und 10,2 inch Provenance: German Private Collection Lit.: Stoll, Gert & Mareidi, Ibeji, Zwillingsfiguren der YSee Sold Price
SoldMale/female pair of twin figures "ere ibeji" - Nigeria,wood, reddish brown patina, blackish-blue paint, camwood powder, seven strings with glass beads/four with coconut discs, metal tag eyes, striking long and thin faces with high towering crested coiffurSee Sold Price
Lot of 5 Animal Girls Tandem Twin PVC FiguresBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(612)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Yoruba Tribal Ibeji Twin Cult Carved Wood Figure African Nigeria #1Ararity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Yoruba Tribal Ibeji Twin Cult Carved Wood Figure African Nigeria #2Ararity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Yoruba Tribal Ere Ibeji Twin Figure Doll Male African Statue w/Trade BeadsArarity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Sierra Leone. 1940 circa. Mende People ceremonial helm mask. 1,2 kg. - 32x18x18 cm.Ars Coin Wien4.5(42)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Modern Surrealistic Angel Abstract Bronze Statue On Marble Base - 8lbsWeatherham Estate Treasures3.9(157)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Tibetan Silver Siamese Asian Marked Amulet BarWeatherham Estate Treasures3.9(157)See Sold PriceMar 21, 2024