Sold"c. mid 1800 Empire slant front desk, solid, figur"c. mid 1800 Empire slant front desk, solid, figured & flame walnut, tiger maple fitted & drawered interior, overset ovolu drawer over panel double doors, OG columns, fret molded scroll feet, dovetailSee Sold Price
SoldMid 1800 Empire drop front secretary desk, solidMid 1800 Empire drop front secretary desk, solid walnut, fitted interior, four drawers in base, double glass upper doors, ripple molding on front and side panels, cove molded crest, 32"w 79"t 18"d 32"See Sold Price
SoldMid 1800 Empire drop front secretary desk, solid wMid 1800 Empire drop front secretary desk, solid walnut, fitted interior, four drawers in base, double glass upper doors, ripple molding on front and side panels, cove molded crest, 32"w 79"t 18"d 32"See Sold Price
SoldMid 1800 Empire slant lid desk, flame and solid maMid 1800 Empire slant lid desk, flame and solid mahogany, fitted ogee drawer interior, overset ogee upper drawer above two drawers, ogee columns, scrolled feet, two unusual ogee skirt drawers, 42"w 44See Sold Price
Mid 1800 Empire slant lid desk, flame and solid maMid 1800 Empire slant lid desk, flame and solid mahogany, fitted ogee interior, overset ogee upper drawer, ogee columns, scrolled feet, two unusual ogee skirt drawers, 42"w 44"t 21"d, 31" writing surfSee Sold Price
SoldAm. Hepplewhite 3 Drawer Slant Front DeskAmerican Hepplewhite mahogany three drawer slant front desk. C.1800 Mid-Atlantic, possibly Virginia. 41"h x 39 1/2"l x 22 1/2"w. Provenance: Property from a Fredericksburg collector. Condition: ReplacSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN CHERRY SLANT FRONT DESK, C. 1800, H 43" W 40"AMERICAN CHERRY SLANT FRONT DESK, C. 1800, H 43" W 40" D 20" Solid cherry hand made desk with hinged slant front opening to envelope slots and small drawers (three of which have inset shell carving) ,See Sold Price
AMERICAN CHERRY SLANT FRONT DESK, C. 1800, H 43" W 40"AMERICAN CHERRY SLANT FRONT DESK, C. 1800, H 43" W 40" D 20" Solid cherry hand made desk with hinged slant front opening to envelope slots and small drawers (three of which have inset shell carving) ,See Sold Price
SoldMid 1800 Empire plantation desk, solid walnut, matMid 1800 Empire plantation desk, solid walnut, matched flame on drop front writing surface, fitted interior, ogee skirt drawer, open base, nicely turned legs, wavy glass upper doors, ripple moldings,See Sold Price
SoldMid 1800 Victorian slant lid desk, solid walnut, 6Mid 1800 Victorian slant lid desk, solid walnut, 6"t arch galley back, open base, ring turned legs, pin construction 46"w 37"t 24"d, 29" writing surface. Old finish, chip on right front leg. ………See Sold Price
Soldc. 1800 Chippendale Slant Front DeskSatinwood inlaid Walnut, probably South Carolina. Lid opens to six short drawers above six pigeonholes, four drawers over bracket feet. H: approx. 44 3/4". W: approx. 36 3/4". D: approx. 21".See Sold Price
Soldc.1800 CHERRY SLANT FRONT DESK, 41"H X 37.75"W X 18.5"Dc.1800 CHERRY SLANT FRONT DESK, 41"H X 37.75"W X 18.5"DSee Sold Price
SoldMid 1800 drop front plantation desk, solid butternuMid 1800 drop front plantation desk, solid butternut, three birds eye maple drawers above panel drop front writing surface, fitted interior, two drawers above two double panel doors, panel sides, cutSee Sold Price
Soldc. 1800 Southern Chippendale Slant Front DeskSlant lid opening to fitted interior comprising a central inlaid secret compartment flanked on each side by one long drawer over two small drawers over four cubbyholes, case with four dovetailed and cSee Sold Price
SoldMid 1800 Empire desk, flame and solid mahogany, fMid 1800 Empire desk, flame and solid mahogany, fold out writing surface, drawer over arched panel double doors, bracket feet, single shelf curio top, 36" wide 21" deep 48" tall, 31" tall writing surfSee Sold Price
SoldSOUTHERN DESK - 18th c. Slantfront Chippendale Desk inSOUTHERN DESK - 18th c. Slantfront Chippendale Desk in Solid American Walnut, with yellow pine secondary wood, the interior having four valanced compartments over two drawers over one drawer flankingSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Tiger Maple Slant Front Desk, c 1800Pine secondary. Dovetailed top and drawers. Fine cockbeaded drawer fronts. 34"W x 42.5H x 20D (BBRA10272)(JP)See Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN CHERRY SLANT-FRONT DESK C. 1800AMERICAN CHERRY SLANT-FRONT DESK, C. 1800, H 43", W 37", D 19":In the Chippendale taste, the slant-front hinges open to compartmented interior, fitted with four drawers of graduated size above a scallSee Sold Price
AMERICAN MAPLE SLANT-FRONT DESK C. 1800AMERICAN MAPLE SLANT-FRONT DESK, C. 1800, H 44", W 40":Slant-front opens to small drawers and slots, above four full-width drawers of graduated size, raised on scalloped bracket feet. Depth 20 1/2".See Sold Price
AMERICAN MAPLE SLANT-FRONT DESK C. 1800AMERICAN MAPLE SLANT-FRONT DESK, C. 1800, H 44", W 40":Slant-front opens to small drawers and slots, above four full-width drawers of graduated size, raised on scalloped bracket feet. Depth 20 1/2". FSee Sold Price
AMERICAN CHERRY SLANT-FRONT DESK C. 1800AMERICAN CHERRY SLANT-FRONT DESK, C. 1800, H 43", W 37", D 19":In the Chippendale taste, the slant-front hinges open to compartmented interior, fitted with four drawers of graduated size above a scallSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN MAPLE SLANT-FRONT DESK C. 1800AMERICAN MAPLE SLANT-FRONT DESK, C. 1800, H 44", W 40":Slant-front opens to small drawers and slots, above four full-width drawers of graduated size, raised on scalloped bracket feet. Depth 20 1/2".See Sold Price
AMERICAN MAPLE SLANT-FRONT DESK C. 1800AMERICAN MAPLE SLANT-FRONT DESK, C. 1800, H 44", W 40":Slant-front opens to small drawers and slots, above four full-width drawers of graduated size, raised on scalloped bracket feet. Depth 20 1/2". FSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge III Slant Front Desk, c. 1800,George III Slant Front Desk, c. 1800, mahogany, oak secondary, hinged and molded fall front lid w/bread board ends, interior w/central prospect door, opening to reveal drawer and hidden door, flankedSee Sold Price
CHIPPENDALE TIGER MAPLE SLANT LID DESKThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
RARE MINIATURE QUEEN ANNE SLANT FRONT DESKThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
George III Style Miniature Slant Front DeskPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Early Walnut Chippendale Slant Front Desk on Bracket Feet and Dovetailed Case 45"T 38"W 24"DSwisher Bros. Auction LLC4.4(251)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Antique solid mahogany slant front desk with pencil inlaySouth Jersey Auction by Babington Auction Inc4.6(123)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
RHODE ISLAND CHIPPENDALE SLANT FRONT DESK.Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(116)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Mid-Century Modern Arm / Desk Chair in Solid Teak & New Upholstery by Benny Linden Thailand c.Bidhaus4.3(757)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Monumental Iron & Brass Bakers RackBroken Arch Auction Gallery NCFL#93994.6(294)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
Newport Chippendale Shell Carved Mahogany Slant Front DeskBrunk Auctions4.6(467)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
French Empire Walnut Ormolu Mounted Secretaire Abattant, mid 19th c., H.- 56 1/4 in., W.- 38 in.,Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
French Empire Ormolu Mounted Cherry Secretaire a Abattant, mid 19th c., H.- 56 in., W.- 37 3/4 in.,Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
FINE 18TH C. CHIPPENDALE CT CHERRY OXBOW DESK.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
18TH C. BOSTON MA CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY OXBOW DESK.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
18TH C. ENGLISH GEORGE II MAHOGANY SLANT LID DESK.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
WILLET 20th Century Cherry Secretary BookcasePremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 29, 2024