Sold"C. 1830 Empire single door armoire, flame and sol"C. 1830 Empire single door armoire, flame and solid mahogany, double ogee door in frame, two drawers in double stepped base, bracket feet, large ogee crown, 88"" t 45"" w 19"" deep. Old probably orgiSee Sold Price
Sold"c. 1830 classical Empire secretary, flame and sol"c. 1830 classical Empire secretary, flame and solid mahogany, fold out writing surface, overset drawer over double glass doors, full turned columns, acanthus carved paw feet, fitted iinterior behindSee Sold Price
SoldLate1800 Empire single door armoire, matched flamLate1800 Empire single door armoire, matched flame and solid mahogany, unusual stepped molded crown, canted corners, drawer in base, turned feet, 40"w, 86"t, 19"d, 16" interior. Good old finish/conditSee Sold Price
Sold1830 Empire double door armoire, beautiful flame m1830 Empire double door armoire, beautiful flame mahogany, unusual gothic art crest, with fret carved scroll panel and ends, double ogee center molding, arched sunken panel doors, cove molded base witSee Sold Price
Sold1830 Empire double door armoire, beautiful flame ma1830 Empire double door armoire, beautiful flame mahogany, unusual gothic art crest, with fret carved scroll panel and ends, double ogee center molding, arched sunken panel doors, cove molded base witSee Sold Price
Soldc. 1830 Empire bed. Boston, beautiful flame and solc. 1830 Empire bed. Boston, beautiful flame and solid mahogany, 45" tall head and foot board, octagon turned posts and rolling pin crest, turned finials, deep beveled panels. 84" x 56" overall 77"l inSee Sold Price
SoldCarved Rosewood Armoire, prob. MallardAn American Late Classical Carved Rosewood Single-Door Armoire, c. 1830, probably Prudent Mallard, New Orleans, flared cornice, single mirrored door with molded and beaded surround, plinth drawer, braSee Sold Price
SoldCarved Rosewood Armoire, prob. MallardAn American Late Classical Carved Rosewood Single-Door Armoire, c. 1830, probably Prudent Mallard, New Orleans, flared cornice, single mirrored door with molded and beaded surround, plinth drawer, braSee Sold Price
SoldA transitional Empire sideboard c.1830.A transitional Empire sideboard. c.1830. With string and paterae inlays. Having a shaped top over a conforming body. Three drawers over a single door flanked by round front bottle drawers, flanked bySee Sold Price
SoldLouis XV Style Walnut Armoire, c. 1830, the ogee crownLouis XV Style Walnut Armoire, c. 1830, the ogee crown over a single door with two shaped fielded panels, flanked by like carved panels, on cabriole legs to scrolled toes, joined by a shaped scroll caSee Sold Price
American Empire Flame Mahogany 2-Door Bookcase HavAmerican Empire Flame Mahogany 2-Door Bookcase Having Ogee Shaped Top above Arched Doors and Shaped Skirt Resting on Bracket Feet. c 1830. 66"h x 45"w x 12"dSee Sold Price
SoldRare c. 1830 Empire serving table (mint julep/hamRare c. 1830 Empire serving table (mint julep/ham table). Beautiful flame and solid mahogany, white marble top, excellent example in Restuaration style, molded and scrolled top with drawer, door in naSee Sold Price
SoldC. 1830 Empire two part secretary. Beautiful flameC. 1830 Empire two part secretary. Beautiful flame and solid mahogany, fold out writing surface over three drawers, reticulated arched double glass door over double drawers, flaring ogee crest. 81"t 4See Sold Price
Sold"Unusual c. 1830 Empire drop leaf stand, beautiful"Unusual c. 1830 Empire drop leaf stand, beautiful flame and solid mahogany, deep OG picture frame molded around single drawaer, square tapered pedestal, OG molded platform base, canted bracket feet,See Sold Price
SoldUnusual c. 1830 Empire lift top work stand. FlameUnusual c. 1830 Empire lift top work stand. Flame and solid mahogany, ogee molding, two drawers over single drawer, square ogee pedestal and platform base, ogee bracket feet. 27"w 18"d 29"tSee Sold Price
Sold"c. 1830 Empire bookcase, flame and solid mahogany"c. 1830 Empire bookcase, flame and solid mahogany, probably Boston, drawer in base, 12 individual pane Gothic arch double doors, cove molded crest, 91"" tall, 53"" wide, 19"" deep Old finish, splitsSee Sold Price
Soldc. 1830 Empire two part secretary. Flame mahogany,c. 1830 Empire two part secretary. Flame mahogany, two drawer over fold out writing surface over double ogee, drawer with paneled doors below, cut-out skirt, two double paneled doors, unusual turned bSee Sold Price
SoldUnusual tall c. 1830 Empire sideboard. Beautiful flUnusual tall c. 1830 Empire sideboard. Beautiful flame mahogany, five graduated drawers in center flanked by double ogee drawer over set back drawer and paneled doors, square classical pilasters withSee Sold Price
SoldUnusual tall c. 1830 Empire sideboard. Beautiful fUnusual tall c. 1830 Empire sideboard. Beautiful flame mahogany, five graduated drawers in center flanked by double ogee drawer over set back drawer and paneled doors, square classical pilasters withSee Sold Price
Soldc. 1830 Empire breakfront. High grade fiddleback ac. 1830 Empire breakfront. High grade fiddleback and flame mahogany, two drawers over double paneled doors, one drawer has drop front revealing fitted cedar interior, double glass upper doors, moldedSee Sold Price
Sold"c. 1830 Empire secretary, flame and solid mahogan"c. 1830 Empire secretary, flame and solid mahogany, OG overset drawer with fitted interior/writing surface, paneled double doors, open OG columns with OG capiitals, scroll feet, individual pane GothiSee Sold Price
Sold"c. 1830 Empire secretary, beautiful flame mahogan"c. 1830 Empire secretary, beautiful flame mahogany, 3 drawers over fold out writing surface, drawer over paneled double doors, triple moldings, cut out skirt, double glass paned upper doors, large coSee Sold Price
Rare c. 1830 Empire commode. Beautiful flame and sRare c. 1830 Empire commode. Beautiful flame and solid mahogany, white marble top, two drawers over two small paneled doors, unusual pull out bidet with porcelain liner, turned feet. 39"w 30"t 21"dSee Sold Price
"c. 1830 Empire server. Flame and solid mahogany,"c. 1830 Empire server. Flame and solid mahogany, two ogee drawers over double arched paneled doors, scrolled brackets, turned feet. 10""t galley back with shelf. 39""w 43""t 22""d 34"" work surface GSee Sold Price
SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE CORNER CABINETThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
SMALL 19TH C. PAINTED WALL HANGING CORNER CUPBOARDThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
NEOCLASSICAL STYLE PEDESTAL CABINET WITH TILED MARBLE TOPAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
FINE FRENCH LOUIS XVI STYLE INLAID PARQUETRY SIDE CABINETAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
(2) FRENCH NAPOLEON III ORMOLU-MOUNTED & EBONIZED PEDESTAL CABINETSAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A LATE 19TH CENTURY INLAID LONGCASE CLOCK, SIGNED BUCHANAN the head with broken swan neck corniceAdam's Auctioneers4.3(5)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
19th C. Mahogany Louis XVI Style Single Mirror Door ArmoireNorthgate Gallery, Inc.4.5(36)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
French Napoleon III Carved Walnut Bonnetiere, late 19th c., H.- 97 in., W.- 44 in., D.- 21 1/2 in.Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
French Empire Walnut Buffet, mid 19th c., H.- 39 1/4 in., W.- 54 3/4 in., D.- 24 1/2 in.Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Aesthetic Movement Faux Bamboo Etagere, 20th CAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceApr 07, 2024
BALTIMORE HEPPLEWHITE MAHOGANY SIDEBOARD, CA.1800.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
19th C Heart Pine 2 Door Armoire 6'6" X 46 1/4"W x 20 1/2"DGeorge Cole Auctions4.5(391)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024