Sold**BULUL FIGURE, IFUGAO PEOPLE, NO. LUZON ISLANDAntique BULUL FIGURE, IFUGAO PEOPLE, N. LUZON ISLAND, PHILIPPINES. Purchased Years ago from the old Bloomindale's Antique Department, labeled under, Rice God from Zaboanga. Antique, 15", with a blackeSee Sold Price
SoldBulul, Rice god figureArtist unknown (Ifugao, 20th c.) Bulul. Tribal wood carving from the Ifagao people of Luzon, Philippine Islands depicting a rice god or guardian. Carved lightweight wood 20th century Measurements 24"See Sold Price
SoldPHILIPPINES IFUGAO CARVED DEITY FIGURE19th c. Carved Wooden Bulul Deity, in the form of a dancer, showing good age, used to guard the rice crop by the Ifugao (and their sub-tribe Kalanguya) peoples of northern Luzon Island, a highly styliSee Sold Price
Bulul Rice DeitySeating male figure, Bulul, Ifugao people, Luzon, Philippines, arms crossed on knees. Carved base. Dimensions: 11-1/2"H; Weight: 1 lb. 10 oz. Provenance: Ex. Private collection, Queens, NY acquired inSee Sold Price
Bulul Male Rice DeityStanding male figure, Bulul, Ifugao people, Luzon, Philippines, knees bend, hands on knees, erect phallus. Two tier base. Dimensions: 14" h; Weight: 4 lbs. 2 oz. Provenance: Ex. Private collection, QuSee Sold Price
SoldFine Old Ifugao Spoon Ex Jan Baum, Los Angeles 1988A very fine carved wooden spoon with an elegant female ancestor figure as the handle and a well handled smooth surface patina. Ifugao peoples, Luzon Island, Philippines. The spoon measures 6.75 inchesSee Sold Price
SoldIfuago Spoon Luzon Island Philippines Ex Holbrook Coll.A very fine carved wooden spoon with a highly stylized ancestor figure as the handle with ornate coiffure and classic form. Ifugao peoples, Luzon Island, Philippines. The spoon measures 6.75 inches loSee Sold Price
SoldIFAGAO, RICE DEITY FIGURE (BULUL), PHILIPPINES20th c. Carved wood, cloth belt 25" x 7" x 4" Provenance: Allan Stone Collection, New York This standing male figure representing a rice deity (bulul) from the Ifugao people of northern Luzon Island iSee Sold Price
20th C. Filipino Ifugao Wood Bulul Guardian Figure**Originally Listed At $500** Southeast Asia, Philippines, Luzon Island, Ifugao culture, ca. early 20th century. A fantastic hand-carved wooden male deity figure known as bulul (also bul-ul or tinagtaSee Sold Price
20th C. Filipino Ifugao Wood Bulul Guardian FigureSoutheast Asia, Philippines, Luzon island, Ifugao culture, ca. early 20th century. A fantastic hand-carved wooden male deity figure known as bulul (also bul-ul or tinagtaggu). He squats on an integralSee Sold Price
Philippines, Rice Harvest Guardian or "Bulul"Philippines, Ifugao people, Northern Luzon, c. 19th century, a Rice Harvest Guardian or "Bulul". Carved wood figure depicts a shaman in a meditative seated position with his arms across his chest justSee Sold Price
MONUMENTAL PHILIPPINES CARVED FIGURELarge 19th c. Ifugao Carved Wooden Bulul Figure, used to guard the rice crop of the Ifugao (and their sub-tribe Kalanguya) peoples of northern Luzon, a highly stylized representation of an ancestral fSee Sold Price
(2) CARVED FIGURESLot of Two Carved Wooden Figures, including: Philippines 20th c. squatting bulul figure, used to guard the rice crop by the Ifugao (and their sub-tribe Kalanguya) peoples of northern Luzon, these areSee Sold Price
Bulul statue / Statue BululBulul statue / Statue Bulul This wooden statue represents a seated male figure holding a mortar in his arms. This type of statues were used by the Ifugao people of northern Luzon to keep their rice fiSee Sold Price
SoldRare Ifugao Bulul Rice God Collected Mid 20th CenturyBulul, also known as bul-ul or tinagtaggu, is a carved wooden figure used to guard the rice crop by the Ifugao peoples of northern Luzon. The sculptures are highly stylized representations of ancestorSee Sold Price
SoldA Rare Bulul Rice God collected in the Mid 20th centuryBulul, also known as bul-ul or tinagtaggu, is a carved wooden figure used to guard the rice crop by the Ifugao peoples of northern Luzon. The sculptures are highly stylized representations of ancestorSee Sold Price
SoldA Rare Old Bulul Rice God Ex Museum Of OdditiesBulul, also known as bul-ul or tinagtaggu, is a carved wooden figure used to guard the rice crop by the Ifugao peoples of northern Luzon. The sculptures are highly stylized representations of ancestorSee Sold Price
Sold19/20th C. Wood & Pig Hair Statue of Rice GodLate 19th/early 20th Century wood and pig hair statue of Bulul the Rice God from the Ifugao Tribe of Luzon Island, The Philippines, figure adorned with beaded earrings and fabric loincloth, 25 1/2"h.See Sold Price
Sold19th Century Ifugao shield19th Century Ifugao shield, 37" T 11.5" W, very good with slight wear at top, A Bulul is a carved wooden figure used to guard the rice crop by the Igorot peoples of northern Luzon. The sculptures areSee Sold Price
SoldA Rare Old Ifugao Spoon Luzon Island, Philippineshighly stylized old Ifugao Spoon with ancestor motif as the handle and a well used ladle like spoon. Ifugao peoples, Luzon Island, Philippines. The spoon measures 7.75 inches long. Provenance: Field cSee Sold Price
A Rare Old Ifugao Spoon Luzon Island, PhilippinesA highly stylized old Ifugao Spoon with ancestor motif as the handle and a well used ladle like spoon. Ifugao peoples, Luzon Island, Philippines. The spoon measures 7.75 inches long. Provenance: FieldSee Sold Price
Seated Wood Bulul Figure 19th C. PhilippinesSeated primitive male Bulul figures, wood, of the Ifugao people from the mountain province of Cordillera, Philippines, ca. nineteenth century. The Bul-ul or Bulol is an Ifugao anthropomorphic carvingSee Sold Price
Seated Wood Bulul Figure 19th C. PhilippinesSeated primitive male Bulul figures, wood, of the Ifugao people from the mountain province of Cordillera, Philippines, ca. nineteenth century. The Bul-ul or Bulol is an Ifugao anthropomorphic carvingSee Sold Price
Seated Wood Bulul Figure 19th C. PhilippinesSeated primitive male Bulul figures, wood, of the Ifugao people from the mountain province of Cordillera, Philippines, ca. nineteenth century. The Bul-ul or Bulol is an Ifugao anthropomorphic carvingSee Sold Price
Chicago Rock Island and Pacific RY August 1903 Westbound Edition Public TimetableJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
1944 DALE CARNEGIE SIGNED 1ed Biographical Roundup Lives of 40 Famous PeopleSchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(422)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
South Pacific Island Malekula Vanuatu Stone IdolTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Group of Ten Railroad Photographs, Maps, and Prints - New Jersey, Long Island, and New YorkRail & Road Auctions4.6(165)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Crouching Deity Figure, Caroline Islands, Micronesia, Mid-20th C.Material Culture4.6(769)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
FERNANDO BOTERO – Sitting woman smoking in red dress- PAINTING - OIL ON CANVAS - IN THE STYLEThe Art's World4.3(1)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1898 Our Islands and Their People As Seen With Camera and Pencil 1st edNorth American Artifact Auctions4.6(184)See Sold PriceApr 20, 2024
ELAINE COFFEE THE MAGIC OF THE LOUVRE OIL ON LINENCharleston Estate Services Ltd.4.5(64)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
This Chinese antique carved wood figure depicting the deity Guan GongBasel Auction House4.5(46)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Catesby, Folio - Red Bellied Woodpecker & Hairy Woodpecker with Black Oak. 1-19Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books4.5(30)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Large Lot of Royal Doulton Figures & OthersWorld Auction Gallery LLC4.7(264)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024