SoldPennsylvania 19th Century Half Spindle Back PlankPennsylvania 19th Century Half Spindle Back Plank Seat Settee with later paint decoration. Seat height 17", 74"w x 21 1/2"d. Condition: Good.See Sold Price
SoldPennsylvania Half Spindle-Back Plank Seat Settee.Pennsylvania 19th Century Half Spindle-Back Plank Seat Settee. Seat height 17", 70"w. x 33"h. overall. Condition: Good with minor wear and reinforcements, refinished.See Sold Price
Sold496. Set of Six Pennsylvania 19th Century Half-spindle496. Set of Six Pennsylvania 19th Century Half-spindle Back Plank Seat Sidechairs. Worn yellow ground with fruit and foliate decoration. Seat height 17-1/2". Condition: Fair, worn overall.See Sold Price
SoldSix PA 19th Century Paint Decorated Sidechairs.Set of Six Pennsylvania 19th Century Paint Decorated Sidechairs. Half spindle-back plank seat chairs with original paint decoration. Seat height 17-1/2", 33"h. overall. Condition: Good with minor wearSee Sold Price
SoldSet of Six Pennsylvania 19th Century Paint DecoratedSet of Six Pennsylvania 19th Century Paint Decorated Sidechairs. Half spindle backs and plank seats with turned stretchers. Maintaining the original brown ground and polychrome bird, floral and foliatSee Sold Price
SoldSix PA 19th Century Paint-Decorated Side Chairs.Set of Six Pennsylvania 19th Century Paint-Decorated Side Chairs. Half spindle backs and plank seats with turned stretchers. Maintaining the original brown ground and polychrome fruit and foliate stenSee Sold Price
SoldPennsylvania 19th Century Paint Decorated Settee.Pennsylvania 19th Century Paint Decorated Settee. Shaped crest rail, half spindle-back, plank seat and turn legs with stretcher supports. 35-1/2"h. x 72"w. x 21"d. Condition: Good with use wear.See Sold Price
SoldPennsylvania 19th Century Paint Decorated Settee.Pennsylvania 19th Century Paint Decorated Settee. Shaped crest rail, half spindle-back, plank seat and turn legs with stretcher supports. 36"h. x 74-1/2"w. x 21-1/2"d. Condition: Good with use wear.See Sold Price
SoldPennsylvania 19th Century Paint Decorated Settee.Pennsylvania 19th Century Paint Decorated Settee. Shaped crest rail, half spindle-back, plank seat and turn legs with stretcher supports. 35"h. x 76"w. x 22"d. Condition: Good with use wear, later paiSee Sold Price
SoldPennsylvania 19th Century Half Spindle-Back Settee.Pennsylvania 19th Century Half Spindle-Back Settee. With 20th century paint decoration. Shaped crest rail, half spindle -back, plank seat and turned legs with stretcher supports. 35-1/4"h. x 72-1/4" lSee Sold Price
SoldPennsylvania Painted Child's Settee.Very Fine Pennsylvania 19th Century Painted Child's Settee. Shaped crest rail, half spindle back, scrolled arms, plank seat, turned splayed legs with stretcher support. Bold original green paint withSee Sold Price
SoldFour Pennsylvania Half Spindle Back Plank ChairsA set of four Pennsylvania stencil and paint decorated half spindle-back plank seat side chairs, second quarter 19th century. Dimensions:height 33 1/2in; width 17 1/4in; depth of seat 13 1/2in.See Sold Price
SoldFour Pennsylvania Half Spindle Back Plank ChairsA set of four Pennsylvania stencil and paint decorated half spindle-back plank seat side chairs, second quarter 19th century. Dimensions:height 33 1/4in; width 18 1/2in; depth of seat 13in.See Sold Price
SoldSIX PENNSYLVANIA DECORATED SIDE CHAIRS.Mid 19th century, mixed woods. Half spindle backs with old worn brown paint, pinstriping and painted fruit on crests, splats and seat front. Plank seats. Wear and some edge loss. 17" seat, 32"h. FromSee Sold Price
SoldMid 19th C. Painted Settee American Ca. 1850Paint-decorated, Pennsylvania, plank-seat settee of the mid 19th century (1845-65) in the half-spindle-back style with an angel wing crest rail. The black background is trimmed out in cream white florSee Sold Price
SoldPennsylvania 19th Century Half Spindle-Back Settee.Pennsylvania 19th Century Half Spindle-Back Settee. Later floral and foliate paint decoration on an ivory color ground. Seat height is 17", 36" high overall, 73-1/4" long. Condition: Fair to good withSee Sold Price
SoldPA 19th Century Half-spindleback Painted Settee.Pennsylvania 19th Century Half-spindleback Painted Settee. 35"h. x 70-3/4"l. Condition: Good with wear and restoration.See Sold Price
SoldPA Early 19th Century Half-Spindleback Settee.Pennsylvania Early 19th Century Half-Spindleback Settee. 37"h. x 77"w. x 21"d. Condition: Good with wear and losses. Later paint decoration.See Sold Price
SoldPennsylvania 19th Century Nanny Rocker.Pennsylvania 19th Century Nanny Rocker. Spindleback with plank seat and scrolled arms. 29"h. x 61-1/2"l. Condition: Good with wear.See Sold Price
SoldSIX DECORATED SIDE CHAIRS.SIX DECORATED SIDE CHAIRS. American, possibly Pennsylvania, 19th century, pine. Turned legs and half spindle-backs. Original pale yellow paint and floral decoration. Wear with later varnish applied toSee Sold Price
SoldPA 19th Century Plank Seat Spindle Back Highchair.Pennsylvania 19th Century Plank Seat Spindle Back Highchair. Old blue paint. Seat height 24", 38" high overall. Condition: Good with wear.See Sold Price
SoldPennsylvania Bamboo Turned Windsor Settee.Pennsylvania Early 19th Century Bamboo Turned Windsor Settee. 39 Spindle back plank seat and stretcher base. Seat height 18".; 34"h. overall; 78-1/4"l. x 22"d. Condition: Good, Old refinish to naturalSee Sold Price
SoldPennsylvania deacon's benchPennsylvania deacon's bench, early 19th century with traces of original decoration, spindle back with plank seat, 31''h x 68''w x 20''d lowered base (seat height 14'')See Sold Price
SoldA Painted Decorated Windsor SetteeFrom the first half of the 19th century, with a plank seat and a back with half spindles and a scrolled crest rail. Dimensions: 69" long, 19 1/2" deep and the seat height is 17 1/2".See Sold Price
Pr New England Bow Back Windsor SidechairsSchmidt's Antiques Inc. Since 19114.8(431)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Pennsylvania Fan Back Windsor Side ChairSchmidt's Antiques Inc. Since 19114.8(431)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
American Sack Back Windsor ArmchairSchmidt's Antiques Inc. Since 19114.8(431)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
American Fan Back Windsor Side ChairSchmidt's Antiques Inc. Since 19114.8(431)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Austrian Gilt Bronze Mounted Burl Wood Mantel Clock Cupid AutomationTaylor & Harris4.7(161)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
A 19TH CENTURY FRUITWOOD CHILDS ROCKING CHAIRHutchinson Scott Auctioneers4.4(42)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A MATCHED SET OF FOUR 19TH-CENTURY AND FOUR MODERN FRUITWOOD KITCHEN CHAIRSHutchinson Scott Auctioneers4.4(42)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A EARLY 19TH CENTURY ELM AND PITCH PINE PRIMITIVE COMB BACK CHAIRHutchinson Scott Auctioneers4.4(42)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
TWO STAFFORDSHIRE "BLUE WILLOW" PATTERN PLATTERS.Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(116)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
SMALL ENGLISH GRAIN PAINTED CRICKET TABLE.Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(116)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
HIGHBANK FIRE SIDE SETTLE BENCH.Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(116)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
1791 Antiquitate Culinariae antique Curious Culinary affairs of Old EnglishJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
COUNTRY HIGH-BACK DRY SINK.Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(116)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024