GROUPING of DAGUERREOTYPES, AMBROTYPES & TINTYPESFeb 24, 2024Group of Four Ninth Plate Photographs, 19th c., consisting of three tintypes of gentlemen withMar 01, 2024[CLOWNS]. Group of Three Tintype Portraits ...Mar 07, 2024[COWBOYS/OUTLAWS]. Group of Two Tintype Por...Mar 07, 2024[TINTYPES]. Group of Eight Humorous Tintypes, Including Two...Mar 07, 2024[TINTYPES]. Group of Five Tintypes and One Ambrotype. [V.p....Mar 07, 2024[EARLY PHOTOGRAPHY - AFRICAN AMERICANA]. A group of 3 tintypes of African American subjects.Feb 27, 2024TOM THUMB, MAJOR ATOM AND TINTYPESMar 03, 2024Antique Photographs: Civil War Tintypes (2)Mar 09, 2024Antique Photographs: Civil War Tintypes (3)Mar 09, 2024Antique Photographs: Railroad Tintypes (3)Mar 09, 2024Antique Photographs: Railroad Tintypes (2)Mar 09, 2024Antique Photographs: Cowboys Tintypes (2)Mar 09, 2024Antique Photographs: Occupation Tintypes (4)Mar 09, 2024Antique Photographs: Occupation Tintypes (3)Mar 09, 2024Antique Photographs: Occupational Tintypes (2)Mar 09, 2024Antique Photographs: Occupational Tintypes (2)Mar 09, 2024Two US Civil War Soldier TintypesApr 20, 2024(10) TINTYPES, ONE DRUMMER BOY, MEN, WOMENApr 12, 2024(lot)VINTAGE CDV'S, TINTYPES, GLASS SLIDES, PHOTOSApr 12, 202413 19c Tintypes with CasesApr 20, 202413 19c TintypesApr 20, 202415 19c TintypesApr 20, 202419th C. Photos Daguerreotype, Ambrotype & Tintypes (10)Mar 01, 2024