SoldLancaster Co. walnut schrankCa. 1780 walnut Lancaster Co., Pa shrank, OG bracket base, fluted quarter columns, 3 dovetailed drawers, all wood pinned, completely breaks down, dry surface, 89"t. x 78" at cornice, 74" body x 27" d.See Sold Price
SoldChippendale Walnut Architectural SchrankChippendale walnut architectural schrank. 18th century. With a dentil carved step cornice over a paneled frieze. Paneled doors revealing an interior with shelves and pegs. Base with dentil carving oveSee Sold Price
Sold19th c Swiss Painted Schrank, dated 181819th c Swiss Painted Schrank, dated 1818, 2 doors painted with landscape & heart in wreath decorations, overall polychrome geometric decoration, interior with 4 lower open storage compartments, top haSee Sold Price
SoldSchrank Nurse Figure.Composition countertop mannequin with fine original detailed clothing on wooden base. Some soiling to clothing. Displays as excellent with great medical uniform advertising. Condition (Excellent). SizSee Sold Price
SoldHarry Schrank oilHarry Schrank (American 20th c.)- Chipmunks in The Forrest- oil on canvas, signed H. Schrank lower left. 10 x 8''See Sold Price
SoldReproduction Lancaster County decorated schrank,Reproduction Lancaster County decorated schrank, made by Irion & Co., 88'' h., 72 1/2'' w.See Sold Price
SoldHanover Inlaid SchrankHanover County, Grey County Second half, 19th Century Attributed to John Klempp. Elaborately inlaid in the Continental German tradition. Chevron motifs were used to create linear patterns, stars and aSee Sold Price
SoldNorthern European schrank, dated 1826, with fNorthern European schrank, dated 1826, with floral decoration on a blue ground, 74'' h., 41'' w.See Sold Price
SoldAN INTRICATELY INLAID 19TH CENTURY GERMAN SCHRANKWith dramatically outset corners, tow doors and exceptional inlays of multiple species of contrasting wood grain veneers. Measures 82.5 x 81 x 29.5 inches. We happily provide seamless in-house packingSee Sold Price
Sold18th C Pennsylvania Painted Pine Schrank18th C Pennsylvania Painted Pine Schrank. From the Buchart Estate, York, Pa. Measuring approx. 87.5"h x 59"w x 18"dSee Sold Price
SoldOntario Painted SchrankOntario pine clothes cupboard or shrank from Waterloo County having two doors with recessed long panels and two lower drawers, all in a vibrant original grain painted surface. The Interior is fitted wSee Sold Price
SoldWellesley, Ontario Painted Pine 'Schrank' WardrobeCanadian. 1850s. Painted pine. Features a subtle fern motif in the door panels. Photographed on page 397 in Howard Pain's "The Heritage of Upper Canadian Furniture" as plate 1033. 89 x 63.5 x 20". UppSee Sold Price
SoldSchrank Alpenländisch datiert 1839. Weichholz,Schrank Alpenländisch datiert 1839. Weichholz, polychrome Fassung. Eintüriger Korpus auf ausgeschnittenem Sockelgestell mit getrepptem Gesims. Front mit Blumendekor bemalt. Gebrauchsspuren. 104x59x1See Sold Price
SoldInlaid kass, "Danziger Schrank", by Hans Reul 1960Inlaid kass, "Danziger Schrank", by Hans Reul 1960, Dom museum Riga , 90.5" tall, 81.75" wide (at top), 30.25" deep. In excellent conditionSee Sold Price
SoldPainted German SchrankDESCRIPTION: A painted softwood German (continental) Schrank or wardrobe dated 1796. The form consisting of a polygonal sided softwood case with two drawers on the base separated by a small molding beSee Sold Price
SoldSchrank Südchina, Ende 19.Jh. Holz, geschnitzt,Schrank Südchina, Ende 19.Jh. Holz, geschnitzt, lackiert und vergoldet. Imposanter zweiteiliger Schrank, Schauseite verziert mit aufwendig geschnitzten Paneelen mit figürlichen Szenen, GlückssymbolSee Sold Price
SoldA Continental schrank armoire19th century, walnut, burl and satinwood with pine secondary wood, the squared cornice over a fruitwood-inlaid and grotesque-carved frieze over a pair of locking cabinet doors, each decorated with appSee Sold Price
SoldGrain painted & stenciled schrank having a single doorGrain painted & stenciled schrank having a single door with 3 panels, poplar wood construction, interior drawer and large exposed iron hinges - probably Pennsylvania origin. Circa 1800-1830. Slight weSee Sold Price
SoldKoni Ochsner, Röthlisberger, limited cabinet model Mondrian Schrank Objekt 1, no. 91, 1980Koni Ochsner Röthlisberger Kollektion Cabinet model Mondrian Schrank. Designed in 1977, produced in 1980. Lacquered wood, stainless steel, glass. 162 x 83 x 36.5cm. Inscribed 'Objekt 1, Nr. 91, 1See Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE CARVED & OLD PAINTED SCHRANK19th Century, door panels painted with scenes, the names of a couple painted over the crown gilt decorated applied leaves on canted corners h. 78 w. 59 d. 24 in. [IN SITU] This item available to previSee Sold Price
SoldApotheke, 70 x 49 x 41 cm, mit Schrank, Regalen u.Apotheke, 70 x 49 x 41 cm, mit Schrank, Regalen u. Theke (Laubsägearbeit), dazu reichh. Zubehör, Spanschachteln, Dosen, Gläser, Porzellan-Behälter German Description Apotheke, 70 xSee Sold Price
SoldLouis Majorelle SchrankEichekorpus, Rosenholzfurnier und andere Hlzer, Spiegel. Getreppte Grundform mit hohem Mittelteil und groem Spiegel mit facettiertem Rand, seitlich zwei kleinere Tren, darber offene Fcher. Alle PartieSee Sold Price
A Schrank (NY,early 20C) oil painting antiqueBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceApr 14, 2024
VERTIKO-SCHRANK MIT WÜRFELMARKETERIEHargesheimer Kunstauktionen Duesseldorf4.5(136)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024