SoldFour Brass ArticlesComprising three obelisk, one walnut mounted, and a brass Cape Cod lighter. Tallest 18"hSee Sold Price
SoldFour Pierced Brass ArticlesFour Pierced Brass Articles Late 19th/Early 20th Century comprising three covered vases and a hanging lamp. Height of tallest 12 1/4 inches. Property from the Collection of Hamid and Kim Alwan, MilwauSee Sold Price
SoldFour Brass Table ArticlesFour Brass Table Articles Late 19th/Early 20th Century comprising two inkstands, a cigarette dispenser and a match dispenser. Width of widest 12 3/4 inches. Property from the Collection of Hamid and KSee Sold Price
SoldFOUR BRASS TABLE ARTICLESComprising a two arm candelabra, teapot, Thomas ans Williams Lantern and a bell. Candleabra 16 1/2"h x 18"wSee Sold Price
SoldFour Russian Hammered Brass Articles, Height of taFour Russian Hammered Brass Articles, comprising a milk pitcher, a ewer having a rope wrapped handle and two copper bound articles including a tyg and a pitcher. Height of tallest 9 1/8 inches.See Sold Price
SoldGroup of Four Bronze and Brass Table ArticlesGroup of Four Bronze and Brass Table Articles Comprising: A brass figure of Leda and the swan on a marble plinth A bronze model of St. Peter on his throne A bronze model of a scantily clad female figuSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED ASIAN WOOD AND BRASS ARTICLES, LOT OF FOURASSORTED ASIAN WOOD AND BRASS ARTICLES, LOT OF FOUR, comprising a brass statuette of Ganesha, two small brass pots or bowls, one which has hammered decoration, and a small carved sandalwood Buddha figSee Sold Price
SoldFour Continental Brass and Eye Agate Inset Articles,Four Continental Brass and Eye Agate Inset Articles, comprising a compote, a candlestick, a pen tray and an inkwell. Diameter of largest 9 1/2 inches. Property from the Collection of Stu Sterling, WolSee Sold Price
SoldNine Small Enameled Articles, four enamel and braNine Small Enameled Articles, four enamel and brass curtain tiebacks, three metal buttons, and two Battersea boxes, one inscribed "A Friend's Gift," the other "Esteem the Giver."See Sold Price
SoldA Group of Middle Eastern Copper and Brass Articles, DiA Group of Middle Eastern Copper and Brass Articles, comprising a tray and four bowls with varying foliate decorations. Diameter 30 inches. Property from the Stratman Estate, Dodgeville, WisconsinSee Sold Price
SoldBALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD ARTICLES, LOT OF 12BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD ARTICLES, LOT OF 12, comprising four brass and two silver conductor's coat buttons all having "B&O" on the face, three marked for the Scovill Manufacturing Company in WaterSee Sold Price
SoldA Collection of Chinese and Japanese Articles, Length oA Collection of Chinese and Japanese Articles, comprising two porcelain snuff bottles, two faux ivory figure, a pipe, an ivory veneered dagger with a scabbard, four brass locks, two metal figures, andSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED ANTIQUE BRASS ARTICLES, LOT OF TWOASSORTED ANTIQUE BRASS ARTICLES, LOT OF TWO, comprising a skater's lantern and a strap of 16 sleigh bells. Fourth quarter 19th century. Lantern 7" H.Bells excellent, strap in four pieces, lantern withSee Sold Price
SoldTwelve Silver and Brass ArticlesIncludes eight silver topped stoppers and four scent bottles (each with stopper). One stopper requires restoration.See Sold Price
SoldASSORTED METAL CANDLESTICKS AND LIGHTING ARTICLES, LOTASSORTED METAL CANDLESTICKS AND LIGHTING ARTICLES, LOT OF 14, comprising six candlesticks including two silver-plate examples, one marked "Sheffield" and with handle and snuffer and four brass exampleSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Judaica ArticlesIncluding a silver plated menorah music box, a Rosenthal Tree of Life kiddush cup, a set of four sterling silver seder articles with brass accents, etc. Menorah, height 8 1/2 inches. Notice to biddersSee Sold Price
SoldTwenty-eight Assorted Asian Jewelry, Metal, CeramTwenty-eight Assorted Asian Jewelry, Metal, Ceramic, Glass, and Stone Articles, including five cloisonne bracelets, three strands of ivory, stone and glass beads, two jade rings, four brass and two irSee Sold Price
SoldA Collection of Asian Decorative Articles, WidthA Collection of Asian Decorative Articles, comprising a lacquered box, a cloisonne vase, brass articles, two porcelain vases, a bronze stand, four ivory articles and others. Width of widest 12 inches.See Sold Price
SoldASSORTED BRASS DOMESTIC ARTICLES, LOT OF SEVENASSORTED BRASS DOMESTIC ARTICLES, LOT OF SEVEN, comprising four betel nut cutters/crackers and three shoe buckles. 19th century. 2 3/4" to 8 1/2" L.See Sold Price
SoldASSORTED BRASS AND OTHER OPTICAL ARTICLES, LOT OF FOURASSORTED BRASS AND OTHER OPTICAL ARTICLES, LOT OF FOUR, two folding examples fitted in a cylinder-form cases, including a brass French example in a leather-covered case, a brass four-sectional telescoSee Sold Price
SoldGroup Lot of Vintage Brass Door ArticlesLot consists of two medallions, and one wall hook and four Victorian Door knobs with backings, and six small knobs and assorted brass door locks. Property of a Gilded Age Park Ave, NY EstateSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED BRASS AND COPPER ARTICLES, LOT OF FOURASSORTED BRASS AND COPPER ARTICLES, LOT OF FOUR, comprising three copper teapots / kettles, and a brass spittoon. Together with a street lamp light bulb. Five pieces total. Late 19th/first quarter 20tSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED BRASS AND BRONZE LIGHTING ARTICLES, LOT OFASSORTED BRASS AND BRONZE LIGHTING ARTICLES, LOT OF FOUR, comprising two brass Flemish spout examples with weighted conical-form foot and hanging bracket, one example with a flat back; two bronze examSee Sold Price
20th C. Five Foot Round Banded Mahogany Pedestal TablePremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Five Louisville and Nashville Railroad Steel Locks and Four Brass KeysRail & Road Auctions4.6(165)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Antique Kuehl & Co Wood Mantel ClockThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Italian Tole Pair Palm Tree in Urns CandleholdersHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A REGENCY BRASS INLAID MAHOGANY FOLD-OVER TEA TABLEHutchinson Scott Auctioneers4.4(42)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Pair of Aesthetic Carved Oak Revolving Bookmills, late 19th c., H.- 51 7/8 in., W.- 26 3/8 in., D.-Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Arts & Crafts Brass & Copper Two-Tier Side TableAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceFeb 13, 2025