SoldNATIVE AMERICAN BOOKEND & BANK GROUPINGIncluding two pairs of Native American figural bookends including larger marked Bronmet on backs and a Native American figural bank. Dimensions: (Largest) H 4.25" x W 4.25" x D 2" Condition: Some poliSee Sold Price
SoldPAIR OF CAST-METAL NATIVE AMERICAN FIGURAL BOOKENDSPAIR OF CAST-METAL NATIVE AMERICAN FIGURAL BOOKENDS, one pair, each depicting a kneeling hunter with turkey on a naturalistic base, no signature located. Together with a bronze figural kneeling IndianSee Sold Price
SoldCAST-METAL NATIVE AMERICAN FIGURAL BOOKENDSCAST-METAL NATIVE AMERICAN FIGURAL BOOKENDS, three pairs (two nearly identical with different finish), each featuring a bust depiction of a Native American Chief in full headdress. 20th century. 3 3/4See Sold Price
SoldNATIVE AMERICAN FIGURAL CAST-IRON PAIR OF BOOKENDSNATIVE AMERICAN FIGURAL CAST-IRON PAIR OF BOOKENDS, original polychrome paint, each depicting a chief in full head dress, hoop earrings, and bear-claw necklace. Circa 1930. 5 1/2" H, 7 1/4" W.ExcellenSee Sold Price
SoldFigural Bronzed Native American Indian SculpturePair of sculptural bronzed cast metal figural bookends depict Native American Indian man with his dog hunting, signed C. Vieth, 19th century Measures: 7" H x 5" W x 4" D.See Sold Price
SoldGROUP OF CUT OUT ANIMALS AND FIGURAL BOOKENDS.Ca. 1920s-30s. Cut out silhouettes with original paint. Woman bowling, 10.5"h. and a Native American man with rug bookend, 9.5"h. Together with a pair of dog bookends marked "Norman Fry, Bloomdale, OhSee Sold Price
SoldPATINATED COPPER AMERICAN INDIAN FIGURAL BOOKENDSPATINATED COPPER AMERICAN INDIAN FIGURAL BOOKENDS, PAIR, H 7 1/2", L 7 3/8":Each bookend depicting an American Indian scout resting on a naturalistic base. Unsigned.See Sold Price
Sold(2 Pc) Pair of "Indian Scout" BookendsDESCRIPTION: (2 Pcs) A Pair of "Indian Scout" Bookends by Philadelphia Manufacturing Company. This is a Native American figural sculpture in brass or brass over metal bookends called Indian Scout. HasSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED CAST-IRON BOOKENDSASSORTED CAST-IRON BOOKENDS, two pairs, one a set of Gothic-style windows, and the other a figural set, each depicting a Native American potter/decorator in a crouched posture at work, bronzed surfaceSee Sold Price
SoldPair Antique Native American Bookends HeaddressPair Antique Native American Bookends. Stamped hallmark. Each measures 9 inches in height.See Sold Price
SoldPair of Native American BookendsEarly 20th century metal bookends in gold-painted cast iron. Nice!See Sold Price
SoldTwo Pairs of Cast Metal BookendsTwo Pairs of Cast Metal Bookends First Half 20th Century comprising a pair of seated Lincoln bookends and a pair of Native American bookends, together with an expandable book rack. Length of book rackSee Sold Price
SoldVintage Pair Iron Native American Style BookendsBookends are iron. Each appears to be vintage. Both depict figure with feather head dress. Each measure approximately 5 inches tall 7 inches wide 4 inches deep. Bookends, Iron bookends, vintage bookenSee Sold Price
SoldPair of Bronze Native American BookendsRelief of bust of Indian Chief, each marked to back "Solid Bronze". H: approx. 4 1/2". Provenance: From a prominent Central Virginia manor house.See Sold Price
SoldPair Native American Cast Metal Bookends c1920sPair Native American cast metal bookends c1920s. Unsigned. Excellent original patina. 6.25"h x 5"w x 3"dSpend $5000 or more at this auction and all of your SHIPPING IS FREE within the lower 48 states.See Sold Price
SoldPair of Native American Bronze BookendsPair of Native American Bronze Bookends. Stamped Ruhl 1915. Very good condition. 4 X 9 1/2 X 5 inches each.See Sold Price
Sold5 Pairs Vintage Dog & Native American Bookends, Pair5 Pairs Vintage Dog & Native American Bookends, Pair Scotty Cast Iron, Pair Scotty Bronze, Pair German Shephard Cast Iron, Native American Are Ronson Man in Canoe & Bronze HeadressSee Sold Price
SoldPair Door Stops - Native AmericansPair of Native American theme bookends or doorstops. Signed C. Kauba. Mid 20th century..Seated Figure H 8-1/4" W 4-1/2" D 3-5/8". Kneeling figure H 7" W 7" D 7-1/2". Please copy & paste link for highSee Sold Price
SoldNATIVE AMERICAN SPELTER BOOKENDS, PAIR, H 7", L 5"NATIVE AMERICAN SPELTER BOOKENDS, PAIR, H 7", L 5"A pair of Native American motif bookends. Each rendered in a silver patina on spelter with a felt applied to the undersides. Possible illegible signatSee Sold Price
SoldPair of Cast Iron Native American Bookends, AfterSet of Cast Iron Book Ends Indian Chief and End of Trail est 1930s. Marked 174, 169. Approximately 5.125 in. x 5 in. - 4.875 in. x 5 in.See Sold Price
SoldPair Native American Style Bronze Toned BookendsLot includes 2 Bookends pieces are bronze toned, possibly bronze. Both resemble Native American figure wearing head dress. Each measures approx 4 inhces tall 3 inches wide, 2 inches deep. tableware, mSee Sold Price
SoldThree Pair of Vintage Native American Themed Bookendsearly 20th century, including a pair of cast brass, one cast metal with copper finish and the smallest in cast iron, unmarked. Tallest 5.75 in. The Collection of Mr. Wayne Lockey of Grand Junction, CoSee Sold Price
Lovely Beaded Pair of Native American Moccasins, well wornHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Lot 3 Brooches, Bird, Flower, FiguralThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
6 Pairs Beaded Hide Children's MoccasinsEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(204)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
7 Pairs Native American Children's Hide MoccasinsEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(204)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Pair of Gregory Allen Indian Chief Bronze BookendsNapoleon's Fine Art4.4(75)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Native American Pair of Vintage Early - Mid 20th Century Beaded MoccasinsCollective Hudson4.5(56)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Antique Pair Native American Turn of the Century Beaded Purse & PillowHoller and Hammer4.5(57)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Pair Vintage Cast Metal Loie Fuller Art Deco Flapper Girl Figural Bookends in Bronzed PatinaDonny Malone Auctions4.4(1.8k)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
19th C Small Plains Native American Child's MoccasinsZiebarth's Gallery4.4(82)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Marble Native American / Southwest Style BookendsKeystone Auction LLC4.6(927)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Hand Carved Figural Native American Wooden BookendsClark's Auction Company4.6(440)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
A Pair of Native American Indian Mocassin SuedesLakeland Antique Bazaar4.7(858)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
(6)Assorted Native American Sterling Silver and Coral JewelryVogt Auction Texas4.5(604)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Zuni Native American Figural Sterling NecklaceAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceFeb 13, 2025