SoldA GROUP OF FIVE CHINESE JADE ORNAMENTSA GROUP OF FIVE CHINESE JADE ORNAMENTS. Each finely carved and most likely Qing Dynasty or earlier. Comprising two horses, one with monkey on back and one sleeping, and three rats each drilled for susSee Sold Price
SoldA GROUP OF FIVE CHINESE CARVED JADE ORNAMENTSA GROUP OF FIVE CHINESE CARVED JADE ORNAMENTS. Comprising an eggplant with fungus, a swan belt hook, a cat, mythical bird, and peaches. Several possibly archaic. The largest 2.12 inches (5.4 cm). SHIPSee Sold Price
SoldA GROUP OF FIVE CHINESE CARVED JADE ORNAMENTSA GROUP OF FIVE CHINESE CARVED JADE ORNAMENTS AND FIGURES. In various colors of jade, comprising a group of three fish, a single fish, a mythical beast and a swan with russet base. The largest 4 incheSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Five Chinese Green Jade Ornamentscomprised of a green jade snuff bottle; a celadon jade pen holder, two green jade horse ornament s and one 'animal like' green jade ornament H: 2.6"(6.5cm) D: 2"(5.3cm), D: 3.2"(8.1cm), D: 6"(15.4cm),See Sold Price
Sold5 ORIENTAL JADE ORNAMENTS & PENDANTSA GROUP OF FIVE CHINESE CARVED JADE ORNAMENTS & PENDANTS 19th/20th century. All reticulated, pierced and carved with various motifs including dragons, florals and archaic style designs. The largest 6See Sold Price
SoldA GROUP OF FIVE FINE CHINESE CARVED JADE ORNAMENTA GROUP OF FIVE FINE CHINESE CARVED JADE ORNAMENTS. Each carved in even toned white jade comprising an eggplant finely carved with leaves and russet skin, a fungus with russet, a semi translucent immSee Sold Price
Group of Five Chinese Carved Jade Or HardstoneGroup of five Chinese carved jade or hardstone ornaments; L: 3 3/4" (longest, approx.)See Sold Price
SoldA FIVE PIECE GROUP OF CHINESE CARVED JADEA FIVE PIECE GROUP OF CHINESE CARVED JADE. Comprising an archaic archers ring, a jadiete archers ring, two discs, and a fungus shape ornament. The largest length 2.25 inches (5.7 cm). SHIPPING NOTICE:See Sold Price
Sold5 ORIENTAL ORNAMENTS & PENDANTSA GROUP OF FIVE CHINESE ORNAMENT/PENDANTS 19th/20th century. Consisting of a gold mounted white jade bi disc, a suspended miniature spinach jade vase and cover, a jadeite pierced pendant, a white jadeSee Sold Price
SoldA GROUP OF SEVEN CHINESE CARVED WHITE JADEA GROUP OF SEVEN CHINESE CARVED WHITE JADE ORNAMENTS. Comprising a goose with prunus, five other goose forms, and a pair of ducks with pierced vines. The largest 2.25 inches (5.7 cm). SHIPPING NOTICE:See Sold Price
SoldA GROUP OF SEVENTEEN CHINESE CARVED JADE PENDANTSA GROUP OF SEVENTEEN CHINESE CARVED JADE PENDANTS AND ORNAMENTS, MOSTLY QING DYNASTY. Comprising of various shapes, forms, and subjects including five calligraphy pendants. Some losses and repairs. GrSee Sold Price
Sold13 CHINESE CARVED JADE PENDANTS AND ORNAMENTSA GROUP OF THIRTEEN CHINESE CARVED JADE PENDANTS AND ORNAMENTS, PRIMARILY QING DYNASTY. Including five traditional pendant forms, a good heavy belt loop, as well as partial pierced belt buckles, threSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Six Various Chinese Jade Or HardstonesGroup of six Chinese jade or hardstones, including: hanging ornament, comprising five pieces, held together by string; four various toggles; together with hair ornament, featuring openwork dragon motiSee Sold Price
SoldFive Chinese Jade OrnamentsChina, five jade ornaments, of various shapes and sizes, including one Buddha carving, a pendant, and animal figure items. Largest Height 2 1/2 in.See Sold Price
SoldChinese Jade Ornaments and FiguresFive Chinese jade ornaments and figures of various age and composition having incised features and openwork designs. Largest measures 2.75"L Provenance: Private Massachusetts collection.See Sold Price
SoldA group of five Chinese jade pendant.Dimension: Approximately Largest diameter 2.25in (6cm)Provenance: From a gentleman in Los Angeles, California.See Sold Price
SoldFIVE CHINESE CARVED JADE ORNAMENTSFIVE CHINESE CARVED JADE ORNAMENTS. Comprising two archaic style mythical beasts, a white jade fungus, a monkey, and a pair of figures. The largest height 2.5 inches (6 cm).See Sold Price
SoldGroup of Five Chinese Jade TogglesGroup of five Chinese jade toggles; of human figures & animals; L: 3 1/2" (largest); Due to COVID-19 restrictions, our employees are working remotely. It may not be possible to provide condition reporSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Five Chinese Jade Animal CarvingsL: 3 3/4" x 2 1/4" x 1" (largest) (approx.). condition: wear, minor losses, cracks, chips, scuffs, scratches. This item is sold as-is with all defects and faults. Any note on condition is not a guaranSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Five Chinese Jade PlaquesGroup of five Chinese jade plaques; including Huang, openwork with dragons, deer & phoenix; L: 5"; Due to COVID-19 restrictions, our employees are working remotely. It may not be possible to provide cSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Five Chinese Jade Carved AmuletsGroup of five Chinese jade carved amulets. Size varies. Age wear.See Sold Price
SoldA Group of Five Chinese Jade and Hardstone JewelA Group of Five Chinese Jade and Hardstone Jewelry Plaques 4-1/4 x 2-5/8 x 1/4 inches (10.8 x 6.8 x 0.6 cm) (largest, gold-framed pendant) The lot comprising one mottled brown 14K gold-framed pendant,See Sold Price
SoldGroup of Five Chinese Jade Carved PlaquesGroup of five Chinese jade carved plaques. Size varies. Age wear.See Sold Price
SoldGroup of Five Chinese Jade Laughing Buddha GuanyinGroup of Five Chinese Jade Laughing Buddha Guanyin Pendants.Exhibited: preview from March 1st to 5th from 1:00 PM TO 5:00 PM Eastern Time Location: 15229 Display Court Rockville MD 20850See Sold Price
A WHITE JADE 'RABBIT' ZODIAC PENDANT, CHINA, 18TH CENTURYGalerie Zacke 4.4(50)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Two Chinese jade ornaments, 18th/19th centuryOakridge Auction Gallery4.5(192)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024