SoldDinky group Construction & Commercial VehiclesDinky - group of Construction and Commercial Vehicles. (1) No.965 Euclid Dump Truck - pale yellow body and cast hubs, windows, full colour side decals - Excellent (lacks winding handle) in Poor blue sSee Sold Price
SoldDinky - A Group of Construction VehiclesDinky - group of Construction Vehicles. (1) No.976 Michigan Tractor Dozer - yellow, red plastic engine covers, exhaust, air filter and wheels, red blade, (2) No.973 Eaton Yale Loader - orange, yellowSee Sold Price
SoldDinky - A Group of Construction VehiclesDinky - group of Construction vehicles. (1) No.563 Heavy Tractor - orange, green wheels, (2) No.561 Blaw Knox Bulldozer - red, black - both Tractors lack their tracks otherwise Good to Good Plus in FaSee Sold Price
SoldDinky - A Group of Construction VehiclesDinky - group of Construction vehicles, (1) No.915 AEC Flat Truck with trailer - orange prime mover, off white trailer, requires a little cleaning otherwise Near Mint in Poor blister pack, (2) No.438See Sold Price
SoldDinky - A Group of Construction VehiclesDinky - group of Construction vehicles. (1) No.562 Muir Hill Site Dumper - yellow, tan driver, large hook with metal wheels and red centres - Excellent to Excellent Plus in Good dark blue box completeSee Sold Price
SoldDinky - A Group of Construction VehiclesDinky group of Construction vehicles. (1) No.965 Euclid Rear Dump Truck - pale yellow, significant wear to edges, (2) No.962 Muir Hill Dumper Truck - yellow and (3) No.972 Lorry Mounted Crane, (4) No.See Sold Price
SoldDinky - A Group of Construction VehiclesDinky group of Construction vehicles. (1) No.562 Dumper Truck - pale yellow, (2) No.561 Blaw Knox Bulldozer - red, with green rubber tracks and (3) No.964 Elevator Loader - yellow, blue fittings, inclSee Sold Price
SoldDinky - group of 8 Construction vehiclesDinky - No.961 Blaw-Knox Bulldozer - red, black, green rubber tracks - Poor in Fair blue and striped lift off lid box, Budgie Toys No.234 Heavy Duty Transporter with Crawler Tractor - orange, beige, bSee Sold Price
SoldDinky - A group of Construction VehiclesA group of Construction Vehicles (1) No.401 Coventry Climax Fork Lift Truck - orange, green, (2) No.971 Coles Crane - yellow including Supertoy hubs including black base, (3) No.965 Euclid Rear Dump TSee Sold Price
SoldFrench Dinky - A Group of Construction VehiclesFrench Dinky Construction group - No.50 Grue Caleb, No.886 Road Grader, No.572 Berliet Tipper, No.90A Road Roller - overall Good Plus to Excellent. (4)See Sold Price
SoldDinky - A Group of Construction VehiclesDinky Construction Vehicles group - No.437 Muir Hill Loader, yellow, No.973 Eaton Yale, No.976 Michigan Dozer, No.984 Atlas Digger - overall Good Plus to Excellent Plus in Good to Good Plus card boxesSee Sold Price
SoldDinky - a group of Construction VehiclesDinky - a group of Construction Vehicles - (1) Heavy Tractor - scarce colour variation is dark blue, with green tracks and (2) Blaw Knox Bulldozer - black, red with tracks and (3) Aveling Barford DiesSee Sold Price
SoldDinky - a group of Construction Vehicles.Dinky - a group of Construction Vehicles (1) No.924 Aveling Barford Dump Truck - yellow, red, (2) No.976 Michigan Tractor Dozer - yellow, red including removable plastic panels and (3) No.973 Eton YalSee Sold Price
SoldDinky - A Group of Construction VehiclesDinky No.14C, No.562, No.563, No.571 Construction Vehicles. To include No.14C Coventry Climax Fork Lift Truck, No.562 Dumper Truck, No.571 Coles Mobile Crane - Excellent Plus, No.563 Heavy Tractor - GSee Sold Price
SoldDinky - a group of Construction VehiclesDinky - a group of Construction Vehicles (1) No.966 Marrel Multi Bucket - yellow, grey, (2) No.437 Muir Hill Loader - red, silver and (3) No.404 Conveyancer Forklift Truck - orange, yellow, includes pSee Sold Price
SoldDinky - A Group of Construction VehiclesDinky a group of Construction vehicles. (1) No.984 Atlas Digger, (2) No.924 Aveling Barford Dumper Truck, (3) No.404 Conveyancer Fork Lift Truck - scarce colour variation is yellow, with brown trim, iSee Sold Price
SoldDinky - A Group of Construction VehiclesDinky a group of Construction Vehicles in bubble packs including - No.279 Aveling Barford Diesel Roller - yellow, orange, black, silver wheels. No.963 Road Grader - yellow, orange, cast wheels. No.976See Sold Price
SoldDinky - A Group of Construction VehiclesDinky a group of Construction Vehicles - (1) No.980 Coles Hydra Crane Truck - yellow, black, (2) No.976 Michigan Dozer, (3) Eaton Yale Tractor Shovel - varying amounts of light wear - otherwise ExcellSee Sold Price
SoldDinky - A group of Construction VehiclesA group of Construction Vehicles (1) Eaton Yale Tractor Shovel - orange, yellow (2) Michigan Dozer - yellow, red, (3) Aveling Barford Dump Truck - silver chassis, red cab and hubs, yellow tipping backSee Sold Price
Dinky - A Group of Construction VehiclesDinky Construction group - including No.561 Blaw Know Bulldozer - red, green tracks, No.562 Dumper Truck - yellow, No.563 Heavy Tractor - orange, green wheels and tracks, conditions Good to Good PlusSee Sold Price
SoldDinky - A Group of Construction VehiclesDinky a group of Construction Vehicles - (1) No.439 Ford Snowplough - scarce colour variation has a blue cab and a light blue tipping body, with some paint loss to one side of body, (2) No.437 yellowSee Sold Price
SoldDinky - a group of Construction VehiclesDinky - a group of mainly Construction Vehicles (1) No.976 Michigan Tractor Dozer, (2) No.279 Aveling Barford Diesel Roller - orange, yellow, black roof, (3) No.976 another Michigan Tractor Dozer, (4)See Sold Price
SoldDinky - A Group of Construction VehiclesDinky a group of 3 Construction Vehicles including - (1) No.437 Muir Hill 2/WL Loader - red body and Supertoy hubs, metal to rear and plastic to front, silver scoop (slightly sun faded) - Excellent inSee Sold Price
SoldDinky - A group of Construction VehiclesA group of Construction Vehicles (1) No.984 Atlas Digger - yellow, orange, black tracks, (2) No.976 Michigan Tractor Dozer - yellow, red including hubs, (3) No.973 Eaton Yale Articulated Tractor ShoveSee Sold Price
27 Hot Wheels Construction Vehicles-New on CardJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Huge Lot of Loose Diecast and Plastic Vehicles and PartsBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(612)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024
Group of 6 Die-Cast Caravan Camper Trailer VehiclesMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024