SoldMONUMENTAL LOUIS XV STYLE GILTWOOD MIRROR, 98"HMonumental Louis XV style giltwood mirror, 19th c., having molded frame fitted with ornate pierce carved foliate scroll crest and corners, enclosing flat mirror plate, loss and restoration, approx 98"See Sold Price
SoldMONUMENTAL LOUIS XV STYLE GILTWOOD MIRRORLarge Italian Louis XV style giltwood hanging mirror, late 19th c., carved and engraved frame with foliate crest and high relief floral forms set along top, rounded shoulders, rocaille lower corners,See Sold Price
SoldMONUMENTAL LOUIS XV STYLE GILTWOOD MIRRORMonumental French Louis XV style giltwood mirror, 19th c., the brightly gilded crest with florals and festoons, a carved and beaded frame surrounding a flat mirror plate, some restorations, approx 90"See Sold Price
SoldMonumental Louis XV-style giltwood mirrorMonumental 20th century Louis XV-style carved giltwood oval beveled glass mirror with central putto seated on an urn flanked by reclining maidens supporting fruit and floral garlands, with a relief caSee Sold Price
SoldCONTINENTAL LOUIS XV STYLE MONUMENTAL GILT MIRRORMonumental Louis XV style giltwood mirror, Continental, pierced and carved foliate scrolled crest, over shaped beveled mirror, surrounded by carved foliate scroll frame, on scrolled feet, some silverSee Sold Price
ANTIQUE FRENCH LOUIS XV STYLE GILTWOOD MIRRORMonumental Louis XV style giltwood mirror, France, 19th c., the mirror plate enclosed by a giltwood frame with incised pattern and floral carving in relief, the shell carved crest surmounted by festooSee Sold Price
SoldMONUMENTAL FRENCH LOUIS XV STYLE GILTWOOD MIRRORMonumental French Louis XV style giltwood wall mirror, 19th c., pierced rocaille crest, over beaded oval frame, encasing beveled mirror plate, typical small restorations and later gilt paint touch upsSee Sold Price
SoldMONUMENTAL FRENCH LOUIS XV STYLE GILTWOOD MIRRORMonumental French Louis XV style giltwood mirror, mid-19th c., having pierced and carved foliate and shellform crest, over shaped frame, with scroll and acanthus carved accents, incised foliate designSee Sold Price
SoldMONUMENTAL FRENCH LOUIS XV STYLE GILTWOOD MIRRORMonumental French Louis XV style giltwood mirror, 19th c., carved figural and floral open-work crest over ribboned frame with foliated corners, encasing flat mirror plate, approx 79"h, 50"w, 83lbs StaSee Sold Price
SoldMONUMENTAL FRENCH LOUIS XV STYLE GILTWOOD MIRRORMonumental French Louis XV style giltwood mirror, 19th c., having carved foliate crest, over shaped frame with rope and bead molding, holding flat plate mirror, loss and spotting to silvering, restoraSee Sold Price
SoldMONUMENTAL ITALIAN LOUIS XV STYLE GILTWOOD MIRRORMonumental Italian Louis XV style giltwood mirror, 19th c., a wreath of flowers centering two birds crest, rising above the flat mirror plate enclosed by a beaded and incised foliate motif, come crackSee Sold Price
SoldMONUMENTAL FRENCH LOUIS XV STYLE GILTWOOD MIRRORMonumental French Louis XV style giltwood parclose wall mirror, 19th c., pierced rocaille and bird crest, gadrooned inner frame, encasing beveled mirror plate, with later paint touch ups, approx 80"h,See Sold Price
SoldMONUMENTAL FRENCH LOUIS XV STYLE GILTWOOD MIRROR 19th c.French Louis XV style giltwood wall mirror, 19th c., oval frame surmounted by large foliated rocaille border, having putti and bird crest, over beveled mirror plate, approx 83.5"h, 60.75"w, lbs StartSee Sold Price
SoldMONUMENTAL LOUIS XV STYLE GILTWOOD WALL MIRRORMonumental Louis XV style giltwood wall mirror, possibly period, large pierced crest with birds and roses, applied flowering and fruiting vines and swags, along beaded border frame, encasing rectangulSee Sold Price
SoldLouis XV-Style Carved Giltwood MirrorA Monumental Louis XV-Style Carved Giltwood Mirror and Console, 19th c., arched molded crest surmounted by a beribboned cartouche, laurel leaf swags, foliate C and S scrolled frame, with flower-filledSee Sold Price
SoldA Monumental Louis XV-Style Giltwood PA Monumental Louis XV-Style Giltwood Pier Mirror in the Rococo Taste , mid-to-late-19th c., the beveled mirror surrounded by an ornately carved rocaille frame surmounted by an assymetrical cartouche,See Sold Price
A Monumental Louis XV-Style Giltwood PA Monumental Louis XV-Style Giltwood Pier Mirror in the Rococo Taste , mid/late-19th c., the beveled mirror surrounded by an ornately carved rocaille frame surmounted by an asymetrical cartouche, heigSee Sold Price
SoldMonumental 19th c. Louis XV-Style Giltwood MirrorMonumental Belle Epoch Overmantel Mirror in Ornate Louis XV-Style Giltwood Frame, having a substantial reticulated leaf and vine crest centered on a single rose blossom and large scroll brackets in loSee Sold Price
Monumental 19th c. Louis XV-Style Giltwood MirrorMonumental Belle Epoch Overmantel Mirror in Ornate Louis XV-Style Giltwood Frame, having a substantial reticulated leaf and vine crest centered on a single rose blossom and large scroll brackets in loSee Sold Price
SoldITALIAN LOUIS XV STYLE CARVED GILTWOOD WALL MIRRORMonumental Italian Louis XV style giltwood wall mirror, 19th c., the flat mirror plate surmounted by a substantial well-carved festoon of fruiting flowers and central arched shell, incised vine scrollSee Sold Price
SoldMONUMENTAL ITALIAN LOUIS XV STYLE CONSOLE & MIRRORMonumental Italian Louis XV style giltwood console table and mirror, 19th c., having large open work foliate crest and ruffled frame enclosing flat mirror, over shaped marble top, richly carved rocailSee Sold Price
SoldA MONUMENTAL CANAPE DE L'AMITIE WITH MIRRORAn out-sized Louis XV-Style Giltwood Canape de L'Amitie with Mirror. Comprising an irregular cartouche-shaped plate having an arched crest of C-scrolled rocaille above similarly detailed sides and raiSee Sold Price
SoldMONUMENTAL LOUIS XV STYLE CONSOLE TABLE & MIRRORMonumental Louis XV style console table, 19th c., having marble top, with gilt gesso over wood frame, heavily carved and pierced apron, rising on cabriole legs with stretcher, ending in scroll feet, sSee Sold Price
French Louis XV Style Giltwood Vitrine / Curio CabinetPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
A Louis Xv Style Giltwood And Vernis Martin VitrineWorld of Antiques, Inc.3.9(74)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
FRENCH LOUIS XVI STYLE GILTWOOD MIRROR, 53" X 40"Austin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
FRENCH LOUIS XVI STYLE GILTWOOD MIRROR, 77" X 46"Austin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
(2) LOUIS XV STYLE GILTWOOD FOUR-LIGHT WALL SCONCESAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
PAIR OF ANTIQUE LOUIS XV STYLE GILT WOOD BEDSIDE TABLESAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Estate Vintage Louis XV-Style Finely Carved Giltwood Gueridon or center tableCollective Hudson4.5(56)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Rococo Style Giltwood Full-Length Beveled MirrorAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
Louis XV Style Painted Aubusson Tapestry SetteeAshcroft and Moore LLC4.5(272)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024
Louis XV-Style Carved & Giltwood Marble Top Console TableMagnusson Art Group4.5(50)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
A Very Large French Louis XV Style Giltwood Trumeau & Painting MirrorFive Star Auctions4.2(3)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Maison Jansen, Louis XV Style, Large Console, Beige Carved Wood, Marble, 1900sJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Monumental Louis XV Style Giltwood Mirror Exquisite DetailsJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Massive Louis XV Style Gilt and Gesso Mirror, late 19th c., H.- Approx.- 145 in., W.- 84 in., D.- 12Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Pair of Louis XV Style Giltwood Console Tables with Marble TopsSTAIR4.6(288)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Large Ornate French Louis XV Style Gilt Wood Beveled Glass MirrorPassion For Antiques4(24)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Louis XV Style Giltwood & Marbletop Mirror &Clarke Auction Gallery4.5(551)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024