SoldPre-Columbian Nazca Figural Polychrome VesselPre-Columbian, South Coast Peru, Nazca, ca. 125 to 250 CE. A variation on a Nazca head jar, the lower portion painted to depict a human face with stylized black hair, oval eyes containing round pupilsSee Sold Price
SoldNazca Polychrome Trophy Head JarPre-Columbian, South Coast Peru, Nazca, ca. 250 to 540 CE. An interesting Nazca head jar, the lower portion of the vessel of a rounded form resolving to a sharply constricted upper end below a gentlySee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Nazca Polychrome Head JarPre-Columbian, Nazca culture, Southern Peru, ca. 200-600 CE. Polychrome pottery jar painted with a human head with nose in high relief wearing headdress in shades of red, black and white on cream grouSee Sold Price
Pre-Columbian Nazca Trophy Head JarPre-Columbian, South Coast Peru, Nazca, ca. 125-250 CE. A bulbous jar formed and decorated to depict a head with a swell at the top forming a fanciful turban bound with slings. The thin, beak-like nosSee Sold Price
Sold70368: A Superb and Important Nazca Trophy Head Jar PeA Superb and Important Nazca Trophy Head Jar Peru, Early Intermediate Period, c. 100-600 AD Superbly crafted ceramic with very thin walls, painted on the exterior with three wSee Sold Price
SoldNazca Polychrome Trophy Head JarPre-Columbian, South Coast Peru, Nazca culture, ca. 100 BCE to 400 CE. A hand-built and highly burnished pottery jar of a round-bottomed form with a lightly carinated midsection, a tapered shoulder, aSee Sold Price
SoldNazca Polychrome Trophy Head JarStarts at $250 Southern Peru, Ca 300 CE. A cute pottery olla of rounded form and slightly flaring rim, decorated with band of seven heads in various shades of red/brown along with a larger image on itSee Sold Price
SoldNazca polychromed ceramic turbaned head form jarNazca polychromed ceramic turbaned head form jar, 6"h x 7.5"dia. Provenance: From an important and internationally renowned single owner collection sold anonymously without reserve.See Sold Price
Nazca Polychrome Jar Trophy Head MotifPre-Columbian, Peru, South Coast, Nazca, ca 200-600 CE. This ovoid jar features a series of trophy head deities or tasters painted around the upper circumference. The cream-colored face with extendedSee Sold Price
SoldNazca-Huari Polychrome Jaguar Shaman Head JarPre-Columbian, South Coast Peru, Nazca or Huari/Wari, ca. 400 to 600 CE. A very large polychrome terracotta head vessel of a transforming jaguar shaman with a wild visage presenting eyes in circular rSee Sold Price
Nazca Polychrome Bowl - Trophy Head & SerpentPre-Columbian, southern Peru, Nazca, ca. 200 to 400 CE. A nicely decorated pottery jar from this fascinating culture. Rounded jar with short straight rim, painted with a trophy head attached to a longSee Sold Price
SoldNazca Polychrome Vessel- Trophy Head & SerpentPre-Columbian, southern Peru, Nazca, ca. 200 to 400 CE. A nicely decorated pottery jar from this fascinating culture. Rounded jar with short straight rim, painted with a trophy head attached to a longSee Sold Price
SoldNazca Polychrome Vessel - Decapitated HeadsPre-Columbian, South Coast Peru, Nazca, ca. 125 to 250 CE. A petite carinated pottery jar featuring a wide upper register depicting seven decapitated heads with streams of blood flowing from their forSee Sold Price
SoldPeru, Nazca, c. AD 400 – 600. A choice "face" jarPeru, Nazca, c. AD 400 – 600. A choice "face" jar with stylized human head with protruding nose on one side. Eyes and mouth are detailed in black polychrome with multi banded horizontal stripes at tSee Sold Price
SoldChoice Nazca "face" Jar.Peru, Nazca, c. AD 400 – 600. A choice "face" jar with stylized human head with protruding nose and large circular eyes. Eyes and long rectangular mouth are detailed in black and white polychrome onSee Sold Price
SoldNazca Polychrome Vessel - Warrior with Trophy HeadPre-Columbian, South Coast Peru, Nazca, ca. 125 to 250 CE. A round-bottomed anthropomorphic effigy pottery jar depicting a fierce and apparently victorious warrior figure holding a trophy head in oneSee Sold Price
SoldPeru, Nazca, A FINE POLYCHROME CUPPeru, Nazca, c. AD 200 - 400. This fine polychrome jar features two rows of trophy heads with dangling hair, separated by stylized orca fins, with a central band of fruit. Strong paint, good mineral dSee Sold Price
SoldNazca ceramic jar in the form of a trophy headNazca ceramic jar in the form of a trophy head, 7.25"h x 5.5"dia. Provenance: From an important and internationally renowned single owner collection sold anonymously without reserve.See Sold Price
SoldPeru, Nazca, c. 100 – 400 AD. This lovely jar hasPeru, Nazca, c. 100 – 400 AD. This lovely jar has a 5" diameter and features a feline headed deity, with its trophy head filled body wrapped around the exterior of the vessel. This fine early examplSee Sold Price
SoldSouth American Nazca Painted Vessel1st millennium AD. A ceramic stirrup jar with domed underside, two conjoined spouts, painted motif of an S-shaped reptile with head to each end of the segmented body. 336 grams, 13cm (5"). Property ofSee Sold Price
SoldNazca ceramic jar in the form of a trophy headNazca ceramic jar in the form of a trophy head, Prob. Phase V, 6"h x 5.5"dia. Provenance: From an important and internationally renowned single owner collection sold anonymously without reserve.See Sold Price
SoldTwo Pre-Columbian Nazca jarsCirca 400 BCE-600 CE Each double spout and stirrup handled vessel polychromed earthenware, comprising one depicting flying deities surmounting a band of trophy heads and one depicting feline figuresSee Sold Price
SoldA nice pair of Pre-Columbian ceramic vesselsA nice pair of Pre-Columbian ceramic vessels. Lot includes a Nazca stirrup jar, c. AD 600 - 800, with trophy heads on the sides in natural tones, H: 6 ¼ in (15.8 cm), and a Viru/Gallinazo avian bottlSee Sold Price
SoldPolychrome Jaguar Effigy Head Jar9 ½” x 11” Rattle Leg Tripod, Polychrome Jaguar Effigy Head Jar, Pre Columbian, paint faded, appears solid - Gran Nicoya, Costa RicaSee Sold Price
Ming and Qing dynasty old porcelain tiger head blue and white wrapped branches jarTOISHINSEI Co., Ltd.4.4(90)See Sold PriceFeb 23, 2024
Mid Century Silver Plate and Glass Covered Jar Figural Elephant Head LidTaylor & Harris4.7(161)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Vintage Early 20th Century Sterling Silver Vanity JarsMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Mc Coy Native American Head Ceramic Cookie JarMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
BLACK FOREST CARVED TOBACCO JAR.Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(116)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
VIETRI Majolica Cabbage Rooster Lidded Jar, ItalyThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
Chimu Pottery Vessel w/ Supernatural Jaguar DeityArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Vintage Milk Glass Bulls Head Mustard JarMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Ming Dynasty Wanli year blue and white jar with figure and animal head coverLC International Trading Company4.4(46)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Yuan yellow glaze blue and white Jinxiangting character story Persian animal head jarLC International Trading Company4.4(46)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Yuan Qinghua Empty City Strategy Character Story Asking about Horse Head Cover JarLC International Trading Company4.4(46)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Tall-legged split animal head jar with ear coverLC International Trading Company4.4(46)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Hand Painted Urns Rosenthal Rams Head JarM.J. Stasak Jr. Auction and Appraisal Service4.8(2.1k)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Large Elephant Heads Decorative VaseRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Ancient Bactrian Pottery Kohl Jar Zoomorphic FormArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Thomas Fontaine (b. 20th century), Two stag head jars, 1986/1987John Moran Auctioneers, Inc.4.7(459)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024