SoldIslamic Nishapur Ceramic Glazed 'Lolli Pop' Design Bowl10th-11th century AD A buff-glazed slipware bowl decorated on the inner face with ellipses and roundels with dot detailing, and similar central roundel. 350 grams, 18 cm. (7 1/4"). The former propertySee Sold Price
SoldNishapur inscribed Islamic Persian Kufic, 950 AD, largeNishapur inscribed Islamic Persian Kufic, 950 AD, large sized ceramic vessel with brown-black Kufic inscription over a cream slip ware, restored, bowl is 10.25" wide, 3.5" tall, paid $850 Disclaimer:See Sold Price
SoldNishapur Islamic Ceramic Bowl, 900-1000 AD, decoratedNishapur Islamic Ceramic Bowl, 900-1000 AD, decorated in center with brown black swastika symbol & waveform pattern over a cream slip-ware, height is 2.5", diameter is 6.75", intact, un-restored condiSee Sold Price
SoldNishapur Islamic Ceramic Bowl, 900-1000 AD, rareNishapur Islamic Ceramic Bowl, 900-1000 AD, rare ceramic vessel decorated with stylized flying bird pattern over cream slip-ware, height is 3 3/8", diameter is 8 3/8", restored from large fragments, BSee Sold Price
SoldNishapur Islamic Ceramic Bowl, 900-1000 AD, decoratedNishapur Islamic Ceramic Bowl, 900-1000 AD, decorated with a brown-black & green square pattern over a cream slip ware, height is 2 3/8", diameter is 7.25", has small chip in rim, Bidancient. DisclaimSee Sold Price
Sold12th Century Persian Islamic Nishapur Bowl12th Century Persian Islamic Nishapur Bowl. Hand painted depicting large bird. Diameter - 8". High - 2.5". Provenance: Ex-collection of H. Medill Sarkisian (1909-1993), Denver, Colorado, then passed tSee Sold Price
Nishapur Bowl with Kufic InscriptionNishapur ceramic bowl having Kufic inscription, 9 3/8"dia. Provenance: From a New York Collector.See Sold Price
SoldBreininger Pottery decorated slipware bowl,Breininger Pottery decorated slipware bowl, with PA German saying 1982, 13" diameter, inside glazed, outside notSee Sold Price
SoldNishapur bowlPersian bowl, possibly Nishapur 10th century, of conical form, slip decorated with a brown beaded rim and Kufic script on a cream ground, the whole resting on a circular foot, 8"h x 9"dia (museum stylSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Nishapur bowl with an Inscription in KuficLarge Nishapur Ceramic bowl with an Inscription in Kufic, Eastern Persia, c. 10th/11th century A.D.The body of truncated conical form with straight flaring sides on short ring foot, painted in black sSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Islamic Nishapur Bowl**Originally Listed At $375** Near East / Western Asia, Persia (Iran), Nishapur area, ca. 9th century to early 13th century CE. A fine glazed bowl with three abstract bird motifs in brown outline arouSee Sold Price
SoldNishapur Bowl with Kufic InscriptionNishapur ceramic bowl having Kufic inscription, 9 3/8"dia.See Sold Price
SoldA Large Nishapur Bowl, 10th Century, the steep sidesA Large Nishapur Bowl, 10th Century, the steep sides curved inward at the rim, the whole covered in a mustard yellow glaze with a dotted and splashed cruciform design in green to the interior, foot unSee Sold Price
SoldSlipware Bowl Slipware Bowl probably German, a slipware bowl with yellow decoration against an orange ground, unmarked; dia. 15 in.See Sold Price
SoldThree Kashan Bowls and A Nishapur Bowl, 10th-12thThree Kashan Bowls and A Nishapur Bowl, 10th-12th Century, of varying forms and decoration, diameter 14.3cms to 21.7cms (4) Provenance: The Mohamed Makiya Collection (1914-2015)See Sold Price
SoldA Small Nishapur Bowl, North East Persia, 10th CenturyA Small Nishapur Bowl, North East Persia, 10th Century, of conical form with a flat bottom, decorated in slip with a star design on a black ground, diameter 12.5cms Provenance: The Mohamed Makiya CollSee Sold Price
Sold1800's German Salt Glazed Redware Yellow Slipware BowlAntique German Folk Art bowl. Thick, salt glazed redware clay. Vivid yellow glaze, slipware decorations in green flower, red, brown and light blue. Gerstungen, on the River Werra in Thuringia, GermanySee Sold Price
Sold9th-10th Century Persian "Nishapur" Bowl9th-10th Century Persian "Nishapur" bowl, 2 1/2"h. x 6 1/4"dia. Old restoration cracks.See Sold Price
SoldSlipware Bowl – Breininger.Redware bowl having yellow and green slip decoration with tulips growing from a heart, decoration also includes birds, the heart inscribed, "1973", the reverse inscribed, "Jul., E.B. Breininger, RobesSee Sold Price
Ancient Islamic Nishapur BowlNear East / Western Asia, Persia (Iran), Nishapur area, ca. 9th century to early 13th century CE. A fine glazed bowl with three abstract bird motifs in brown outline around the sloping interior sidesSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Slipware Bowl.Large redware bowl with yellow slip decoration in pinwheel and dot motifs, 11"dia., prov.: Histend Estate. Condition: chips to rim, losses to decoration, crazing.See Sold Price
Slipware Bowl.Redware bowl having yellow slip decoration with two central wavy lines flanked on each side by two straight lines, rim unglazed, 8 ¾"dia. Condition: crazing, minor loss to glazing.See Sold Price
Slipware Bowl - MedingerLarge redware bowl with yellow slip decoration in form of concentric wavy circles, coggled edge, 1 ¼"dia. Condition: loss to slip decoration, small rim chips.See Sold Price
SoldSmall Slipware BowlTwo wavy slip lines and 7 dots, coggled rim, 4 1/2"dia. Condition: chips to rim. Ship: $23 plus insurance.See Sold Price
CHINESE EXPORT PORCELAIN PUNCH BOWLThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
CHINESE EXPORT SMALL OVAL COVERED BOWL WITH SAUCERThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Important Qianlong Chinese Export Hunt Scene BowlPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Qianlong Chinese Famille Rose Porcelain BowlPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Superior Ancient Chumash Grinding Bowl and Pestle Set. Likely Northern California. Pestle isHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
(19th c) CHINESE ROSE MEDALLION PUNCH BOWLJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Chinese Tiger's Fur Tri-Color Glazed Bowl Kangxi MarkChina Luban Art & Antique, Inc.4.4(78)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Chinese Famille Rose Yellow Ground Porcelain Bowl Guangxu MarkChina Luban Art & Antique, Inc.4.4(78)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Antique American Ashcan School Young Woman Portrait Framed Goldfish Bowl Original Oil PaintingCurated Gallery Auctions4.6(128)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024