Misc Silver Items
Group Lot of Sterling Silver ItemsMar 06, 2024Group Lot of Silver ItemsMar 06, 2024Misc. Items, including St. Basil's Cathedral; Lot of 3Mar 02, 2024A lot of six various Chinese and Tibetan silver itemsFeb 27, 2024Collection of Five Sterling Silver ItemsMar 02, 2024Lot Seashells - Wood Carved Owl - Misc. ItemsFeb 28, 2024Lot Sewing Notions & Misc. ItemsFeb 28, 2024Lot Antique Dresser Bottles & Misc. ItemsFeb 28, 2024Lot Vintage Misc. ItemsFeb 28, 2024Lot Vintage Glass Bottles & Misc. ItemsFeb 28, 2024Lot Antique Wooden Rolling Pins - Misc. ItemsFeb 28, 2024Lot Gilt Frame - Brackets - Misc. ItemsFeb 28, 20245 misc. itemsFeb 26, 2024(7 Pc) American Sterling Silver ItemsFeb 29, 2024Classy Sterling Silver Items approx. 15 troyFeb 25, 2024Sterling Silver ItemsFeb 25, 2024MISC JEWELRY, NECKLACES, BROOCHES AND SMALLSMar 04, 20245 Piece Judaica Lot of Sterling Silver ItemsMar 10, 2024Lot of 3 Judaica Silver ItemsMar 10, 2024Group Lot of 9 Antique Russian Silver ItemsMar 10, 20247 Sterling Silver Items Including Georg JensenMar 10, 2024Lot of Vintage Tiffany Sterling Silver Items.Feb 24, 2024Two American Indian Silver Items - Ring & Pendant.Feb 24, 2024Group of Silver Items incl 1 English Sterling Silver Table Mirror Hallmarked for John Millward BanksFeb 26, 2024