Antique Chinese Bronze Sitting Buddha Statue With A Flower Mark And Six Character MarkRbfinearts4.4(575)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Magnificent 19Th C. Hand Carved Marble Bust And PedestalRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Art Deco Vaseline Uranium Glass Rolls Royce ' Flying Lady ' 1930' H.Hoffmann SculptureArt Glass Store4.5(61)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Fine Italian Carved Marble Bust of The Apollo Belvedere onPedestalPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Art Deco Malachite Sculpture Hood Ornament Rolls Royce ' Flying Lady ' 1930' H.HoffmannArt Glass Store4.5(61)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Cape buffalo Bronze Sculpture signed, dated and numbered with titleSan Diego Art Auction4.3(9)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Important 19th Century Antique Italian Bronze Sculpture Circa 1800San Diego Art Auction4.3(9)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
SoldThe Panda Cute Animal Edition Bronze SculptureThis splendid animal Bronze Sculpture is a magnificent creation. The Sculpture depicts a lazy panda sitting on the ground. The strikingly lifelike animal features a slight patina that adds to the artSee Sold Price
SoldTall Giraffe Animal Edition Bronze SculptureOf all the animals in the world, the giraffe is the tallest and has the longest neck. A male giraffes head may be as much as six meters above the ground. A female is only a little shorter. Nearly halfSee Sold Price
SoldCougar Animal Edition Bronze Sculpture On Marble BaseA superb sculpture of a panther/cougar/jaguar stalking its prey. From the highly regarded sculptor Barye and has makers mark stamped to base. As you can see from the pictures this is a great piece froSee Sold Price
SoldBald Eagle animal edition Bronze SculptureThe Full-Bodied Bird Lands On A Rock After A Long Flight Away From The Cold, Stormy Winters. This Bird Perches High Up To See The Vast Land Below. The Feathers On The Sculpture Exhibit Significant DetSee Sold Price
SoldAfrican Lion Wild Life Animal Edition Bronze SculptureHe's angry, hungry, and unrelenting. The lion's paws grip the ground, the tension spreads like a current from his paws to all the tendons in his body. His mouth is open wide in what can only be a feroSee Sold Price
SoldPig Farm Animal Edition Bronze SculpturePigs are omnivores, and despite their reputation for gluttony, they are generally social and intelligent animals. Whether they are adored, feared, or eaten,pigs haveconstantly had a place in many cultSee Sold Price
SoldTall Giraffe Animal Edition Bronze SculptureOf all the animals in the world, the giraffe is the tallest and has the longest neck. A male giraffes head may be as much as six meters above the ground. A female is only a little shorter. Nearly halfSee Sold Price
SoldAnimal Edition Bronze SculptureThe wild boar looks out at the beholder free and defiant coming out of the forest edge to forage for food in the late afternoon. From head to tail, his attitude demonstrates bold alertness to his surrSee Sold Price
SoldTall Giraffe Animal Edition Bronze SculptureOf all the animals in the world, the giraffe is the tallest and has the longest neck. A male giraffes head may be as much as six meters above the ground. A female is only a little shorter. Nearly halfSee Sold Price
SoldAfrican Lion Wild Life Animal Edition Bronze SculptureHe's angry, hungry, and unrelenting. The lion's paws grip the ground, the tension spreads like a current from his paws to all the tendons in his body. His mouth is open wide in what can only be a feroSee Sold Price
SoldCougar Animal Edition Bronze Sculpture On Marble BaseA superb sculpture of a panther/cougar/jaguar stalking its prey. From the highly regarded sculptor Barye and has makers mark stamped to base. As you can see from the pictures this is a great piece froSee Sold Price
SoldChicken Farm Animal Edition Bronze Sculpture on MarbleThe stern chicken stands off the side staring off in the distance. This mature chicken has hatched many eggs and birthed many chicks. Thick layers of feathers coat the wild chicken. This chicken is noSee Sold Price
SoldAnimal Edition Peacock Bronze SculptureThe peacock is a symbol of egoism because it continually struts around admiring his own beauty. This Statue shows the peacock in a different light. The peacock with his long slender neck bent down seeSee Sold Price
SoldAnimal edition Rhinoceros Bronze SculptureThe Ancient And Critically Endangered Rhinoceros Is Seen Foraging For Food Among The Vegetation Of The Plains. The Animal Symbolism Of The Rhinoceros Includes Agility, Solitude, Wisdom, Paradox, FreedSee Sold Price
SoldAnimal Edition Rhino Bronze SculptureThis rhino stands with his nose high in the air and his legs are planted on the ground with an immoveable stance.Rhinos are known for using body language to communicate. Typically rhinos never lift thSee Sold Price
SoldAnimal Edition Peacock Bronze SculptureThe peacock is a symbol of egoism because it continually struts around admiring his own beauty. This Statue shows the peacock in a different light. The peacock with his long slender neck bent down seeSee Sold Price
SoldAnimal edition Duck Bronze Sculpture Multi Color PatinaDelightful Duck Bronze Sculpture, After J. Moigniez .This Bronze Sculpture Was Produced Using The Lost Wax Casting Method. The Lost Wax Cast Method Is The Most Precise Metal Casting Technique In ExistSee Sold Price
SoldAnimal Edition Bull Bronze SculptureThis is an Animal Bronze Sculpture the Modern Art slim abstract Bull. This Sculpture is an absolute great artwork with a motive full of strength and fighting spirit which the bull can always use to wiSee Sold Price
SoldAnimal Edition Brown Bear Bronze SculptureStanding on his hind legs tall and fierce he lets out a growl that rolls through the mountains and the valleys of the forest. He stands his ground and claims his territory. Although bears can be cuteSee Sold Price
Wild Animal Edition African Lion Bronze SculptureHumans historically have had a complex and varied viewpoint of lions. In many parts of the world, The lion has always been honored by man, crediting the regal beast with attributes he prizes most; nobSee Sold Price
Soldanimal edition, Owl, Bird, Wildlife Bronze sculpture100% bronze sculpture, this brown patina sculpture was cast using the "lost wax method" and mounted on a black marble base. This Noble Owl Makes A Powerful Statement Wherever It Is Placed. The ArtworkSee Sold Price
SoldBear Head Bust Bronze Sculpture animal edition StatueThe Hungry Bear Noshes On A Bunch Of Grapes He'S Just Picked From The Forest. Sweet, Juicy Grapes Please Him So. He Stands Tall On His Hind Legs Completely Absorbed In His Snack. The Bears Fur Has BeeSee Sold Price
SoldAnimal Edition Bronze Bunny With Carrot SculptureThis cute bunny looks up with the sweetest look and holds a carrot in his tiny arms. This little rabbit is the perfect touch of decor for a sweet and loving home. His ears are long and he stands on hiSee Sold Price