Okiie Hashimoto
Okiie Hashimoto (1899-1993), "Stepped Waterfall (Dandan no taki)," 1969, Woodcut in colors on paper,Feb 27, 2024Okiie Hashimoto (1899-1993), "Stone Garden No. 4, Ryoanji Temple B," 1961, Woodcut in colors onFeb 27, 2024Okiie Hashimoto: Ryoan TempleFeb 28, 2024Jo Hashimoto - Swallow Bird (w/ Framed)Feb 24, 2024Jo Hashimoto - Butterfly and Tiger Lily (w/ Framed)Feb 24, 2024Jo Hashimoto - Swallow Bird (w/ Framed)Feb 25, 2024Jo Hashimoto - Butterfly and Tiger Lily (w/ Framed)Feb 25, 2024