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Superb Charles Edenshaw Coin Silver Bracelet with19TH C. Haida Argillite Canoe with Reclining Shaman 6"19TH C. Inuit Model Kayak with Harpoon Ship Canada Only
Burnaby, Canada
Auction Details

Native Art & Artifacts Auction

Over 400 items featuring a superb Charles Edenshaw coin silver bracelet, shark design and Charles Edenshaw silver spoon, thunderbird design both in Vancouver Art Gallery Exhibit 2013, Charles Edenshaw argillite totem, Bill Reid "Haida Art" cufflinks and tie clip set, early Robert Davidson silver bracelet, Emily Carr pottery bowl, Haida bent wood box with painted design ca. 1850, 19TH C. Haida raven mask, Mid 19TH C. Haida bear mask, Haida argillite panel pipe ca. 1850, 19TH C. Haida Hat with painted design, 19TH C. Kwakiutl feast bowl, Chippewan tobacco bag ca. 1890, pair of fully beaded Arapaho moccasins ca. 1890, huge 19TH C. fully imbricated Cowliz burden basket. John Spangler Estate collection include fine argillite carvings, Northwest Coast baskets, totems and Inuit carvings. Northwest Coast masks include articulated Art Thompson mask, Beau Dick articulated whale headdress and Dwayne Simeon hok hok mask. Large Gene Brabant stylized frog bowl, 5 Ellen Neel totems, Charlie James totem, Abraham Anghik transformation sculpture, Norval Morrisseau painting, Robert Davidson and Art Thompson serigraphs, stone mauls, adze and arrowheads, Northwest Coast and Southwest jewelry....
Haida Carved Bear Figure Holding a Salmon -: Haida Carved Bear Figure Holding a Salmon - Deaccessioned Lynden Museum 5" H. 2" W. Good Condition
0002: Haida Carved Bear Figure Holding a Salmon -Est. CA$200-CA$400
See Sold Price
Ray Wadhams Carved Loon Bowl '84 - John Spangler: Ray Wadhams Carved Loon Bowl '84 - John Spangler Estate 22" L. 7" W. Good Condition
0016: Ray Wadhams Carved Loon Bowl '84 - John SpanglerEst. CA$200-CA$400
See Sold Price
Navajo Germantown Pillow Cover 19"x 19 1/2" Good: Navajo Germantown Pillow Cover 19"x 19 1/2" Good Condition with One Repair
0021: Navajo Germantown Pillow Cover 19"x 19 1/2" GoodEst. CA$150-CA$250
See Sold Price