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Mt. Crawford, VA, United States
Auction Details
Winter Americana: Day Four
Featuring property from the David Good Collection, Dearborn, IL; the Donald Ramsey estate collection, Farragut, TN; the late Ronnie and Neal Kite, Esmont, VA; the estate collection of Alfred ?Al? Marzorini, Washington, DC; the Lee Winborne estate collection, Roanoke, VA; the collection of Barbara and Bruce McRitchie, Williamsburg, VA; material descended in the family of John W. Davis/Julia Davis, Jefferson Co., WV; the collection of John and Barbara Seidler, Charlottesville, VA; the estate of Doris Bowman, Alexandria, VA; as well as institutional deaccessions from the Thomas Jefferson Foundation; and the Valentine Museum, Richmond, VA.; plus others. The auction offerings will consist of country and formal furniture, including painted examples and food/pie safes; a collection of modern firearms by makers such as Sig Sauer, Bergara, and Mossberg; folk art, including trade signs, weathervanes, paintings, decoys, carved objects, and a large selection of tramp art; Native American material, including jewelry; a large selection of American folk pottery, including stoneware, earthenware, and Rockingham wares; plus more.
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