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Ottawa, ON, Canada
Auction Details
Fine Arts, Collectibles, Estate Auction
This months auction features a truly eclectic collection of intriguing items, some with local historical interest. We have received a number of Victorian items from the Estate of the late Sir Henry Newell Bate, a wealthy Ottawa merchant, founder of the NCC and builder of All Saints Church on Laurier Avenue as well as turn of the century items from the Estate of George W. Bannister, an Ottawa building contractor, avid hunter and collector. All of these items have resided in a carriage house located along Ottawa?s Embassy Row for the last one hundred plus years. Items including baby carriages and sleighs, Victorian stained glass windows, Stick and Ball hand carved walnut room dividers and an incredibly massive quarter cut oak door removed from an early Somerset mansion which was long demolished. There are some very attractive Oriental carpets and an outstanding selection of Estate jewellery of the first quality. In addition we have on offer an excellent selection of Canadian, English and European artwork as well as many more items which will be listed as they are catalogued.