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New Windsor, NY, United States
Auction Details
PAINTINGS: Bror Julius Olsson Nordfeldt; Fred Hamilton Daniels;
Maurice Ambrose Ehlinger; Gustave Dubuque (3); J. Horton; In the
Manner of Martin Johnson Heade; several good quality 19 th C. oils.
WORKS ON PAPER: John Lennon; Andy Warhol, Keith Haring;
Lichtenstein; Banksy; Montague Dawson; R. C. Gorman & Others.
SPORTS: Sgd. Joe DiMaggio cap; Sgd. Jake La Motta Raging Bull Gloves;
Sports Illustrated #1 August 16, 1954, Graded; 1942 R18 Army/Navy Air
Corps Cards (complete set); 1989 Fleer Bill Ripkin cards, 5 variations;
Tyson-Holyfield Budweiser Boxing Poster; many signed photos; graded
cards; H. L. Leonard fishing rods; RARE BOOKS inc. Books from the
Vatican, 1728 & 1738; Benjamin Moore Sermons, 1820; The Economy
of Covenants, 1798; Isaac Barrow Sermons, 1820; Samuel Davis
Sermons, 1810; Easton Press, Franklin Library, Southern Classics.
MORE: Art Deco Bronzes; Western Bronzes; Art Deco Cigarette Vending
machine; leaded scarab lamp; antique railroad, car and boat lanterns;
an abundance of unusual and signed costume jewelry;