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Tukwila, WA, United States
Auction Details
American Indian Art & Artifacts - Seattle
Live in Seattle and over the Internet and via absentee bidding. American Indian and Related Artifacts and Art. Saturday, May 12, 2012 at 12:00 p.m., PST. Items including rare baskets, beautiful Pueblo pottery, lots of Indian jewelry, exceptional Navajo rugs & weavings, NW Coast carvings, bags of antique tradebeads, stone relics and points, original art & prints, katsina dolls, rare beadwork & beaded items, plus many interesting western & antique collectibles. Please join us or bid live over the Internet! (Absentee bids also accepted via phone, fax, or Internet: call 1-888-314-0343 or visit our website for more information and instructions.)