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1912 R. Lalique “Oreilles Epines” perfume bottleRare Curt Schlevogt Ingrid Perfume BottleImportant Perfume Bottle, Sous les Neiges by Neige des Cevennes
New York, NY, United States
Auction Details

2022 Perfume Bottles Auction

An extremely rare 1912 Rene Lalique bottle once featured on The Antiques Roadshow will highlight the Perfume Bottles Auction on Saturday, April 30th, in conjunction with the International Perfume Bottle Association's 35th Annual Convention. Named "Oreilles Epines" or "Ears with Thorns", the bottle is one of only three similar designs that Lalique created with decorative lobes projecting from the sides, requiring an especially complicated manufacturing technique of Lalique's own invention. Art Deco design is repeated throughout the auction, led by the 1928 Julian Viard platinum striped black bottle for Janey La Fumee Defendue; a 1928 skyscraper-shaped bottle for Saks Fifth Ave. We Moderns; and a rare 1926 Lucien Gaillard Pour Rever for Violet where the sleek black bottle and eccentric label appear printed on its box cover as held by a woman drawn in Modigliani style. An exceptionally rare 1924 bottle and box for Neige des Cevennes, Sous les Neiges (Under the Snow), its surface a molded snowy mountain range with a unique pearly finish, leads a significant amount of commercial bottles in boxes including: the 1923 Boue Soeurs Sylviette; two 1920 Baccarat bottles for Fioret in boxes hung with Lalique disks on tassels; and four 1920s Richard Hudnut bottles with figural stoppers by Julien Viard found unopened in their wrappers. An important 1920s Sue et Mare boudoir lamp of Czechoslovakian glass flowers and French wrought iron glows among a diverse selection of colorful crystal Czechoslovakian bottles, many in jeweled gilt metal holders, highlighted by a rare small scale Heinrich Hoffmann "Aztec" bottle in jeweled mounting with black parrot stopper; and an impressive amethyst bottle with double intaglio stopper in elaborate jeweled mounting with Cleopatra image.