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Spring City, PA, United States
Auction Details
Mini,Clothing, Dolls,Toys,Online Auction
Miniature, Vintage Clothing, Dolls, Toys, Online Only Auction
Saturday September 12th 10:00 A.M.
20 Bonnie Brae Road
Spring City, Pa. 19475
VICTORIAN CLOTHIN:, DOLL COLLECTION: French Poulbot Girl signed SFBJ Paris, Four Martha Chase Dolls, SFBJ Smiling Doll ( Jumeau) Parian Doll with Floral Bands in fancy Hair, Incredible Wax Doll with Wooden arms and legs, Simon and Halbig closed Mouth, Bisque S & H K*R Mechanical Roller skates VINTAGE DOLL CLOTHING: Corsets, Country Style, Coats, Hats, Vintage Shoes, some French, White Victorian Dresses and Undergarments, Bonnets, German Shoes, Homespun Dresses, Many Early county Dresses, Handknited Stockings, the best we have seen for years, this will make you smile!MINIATURES: Two Collections to include: Artist Furniture Saltarelli Dollhouse Painted Blanket chest, etc. TOYS AND TRAINS: American National Dual Cord Phaeton Reproduction, Pedal Car, Collection of Diecast Cars and Trucks SPORTS ITEMS Collectables, and more! See Terms on website , thank you?..this is online only!
23% Buyers Premium Online Bidding